Traffic problem has affected transport users. This is because of the time wasted on the road. Although the number of road and expressway is increasing, traffic problems in Kuala Lumpur area still exist. The shortest path is a problem that involves the route from one point (nodes) to another (Kumari & Geethanjali, 2010). It is to find a path with a minimum travelling time. It is important for every passenger especially workers who need to arrive at their workplace on time. For instance, in order to improve the effectiveness of travelling time, there is a need to provide some rational alternatives that can cut down the time of one’s journey. Furthermore, the shortest path is also used to minimize the cost (Gupta et al., 2016). Dijkstra algorithm has been used in general. It is actually a variant to find the shortest path between two nodes, but is a more common variant which fixes a single node as it is the source of node and finds the shortest path from the sources to all the nodes. Dijkstra algorithm builds the optimal path based on the node that it reaches. However, it cannot handle the negative edges (Rohila et al., 2007). In Malaysia, globalization has turned drivers into a complex system nowadays. Mobility has been an easier transportation whether on land, air or water to get through from one destination to another. Therefore, there are a lot of people who prefer to have their own transport such as cars, motorcycles and vans. This is because, it is much easier compared to taking a public transportation. Unfortunately, if driving their own transport, the drivers need to face traffic jam especially in the Kuala Lumpur area. For example, if one family consists of five members and each of them has his/her own car, then the crowdedness on the road will be obvious. The traffic jam in this area is considered as serious since the drivers have to wait on the road for about an hour at least. Furthermore, the costs between two destinations are rather expensive. Since the cost of living in Malaysia increases in every aspect, then it can be a burden for the drivers and they cannot just neglect it. This is because, if the drivers calculate the cost for only one day it can be considered fine but the problem is for those who work in the area of Kuala Lumpur. This is because they need to face this problem for a long period of time. The total cost for fuel and toll can be half of their salary which is not worthy. The traffic situation and costs sometimes change from time to time. These problems can be rectified through the shortest path by using the Dijkstra algorithm. The main objective of this study is to find the shortest path from Bandar Tun Razak to Berjaya Times Square by using Dijkstra algorithm and to cut down the cost between the two destinations. This research applies Dijkstra algorithm to measure the shortest path in the area of Bandar Tun Razak to Berjaya Times Square. It will concentrate among all roads that start from Bandar Tun Razak to Berjaya Times Square that will give the shortest distance and the lowest cost of journey. It will consider several roads that will be chosen as the best road to meet the objective. Data is collected from Google Map and also by driving a car from Bandar Tun Razak to Berjaya Times Square. In order to determine the shortest path for a road between the two destinations, Dijkstra algorithm will be applied. The shortest path will find the shortest distance between the two destinations and also the lowest cost between Bandar Tun Razak to Berjaya Times Square. It can also improve the efficiency of which road and make people want to use it more often. Mobile robots are robotic systems that exist with features such as mobile, autonomy and perception capabilities. Mobile refers to the functional characteristics of a robot that can move relative to its environment. This occurs when the position of the robot changes based on conditions such as changes in velocity, displacement, and direction. Measurement of robot movement will be done by measuring changes in momentum. The momentum on the robot is directly generated from the physical weight of the robot and the velocity of the movement it produces. This means that the difference in physical weight of a robot can affect the speed of its movement, and will also indirectly affect the momentum generated. To ensure a controlled state of the robot movement, calibration is required to find the best control value for the moving robot. There are two scenarios for a mobile robot. The first is an autonomous mobile robot and the second is a remote-controlled mobile robot. Autonomous robots can be operated using sensor and localization methods to avoid collisions. However, autonomous moving robots have one major drawback. This weakness occurs when a moving robot is unable to control its velocity while moving in a corner area. Therefore, a model calibration is required to give a slight idea of the speed for a moving robot to be operated when approaching a corner. The purpose of this study is to find the appropriate velocity values for a robotic car to slide in various environmental conditions. The results of this study can be used as a guide to the construction of a prototype car without a driver. Self – management is the most important thing among the students especially for the tertiary level such as college or university students. Self-management is a key and an effective way to encourage the student with a motivation and concentration on their studies (Darus,2016). Apart from that, a good time management would contribute to an excellent performance in the study when they can balance it well between academic and personal things. Attending class earlier and submit the assignment before the deadline are the best way to conduct a good study lifestyle. Moreover, efficient time management will produce high quality students when they attended the class before the class started and finished the task given in desired time. Many college teachers said that attendance of the class will increase the grades among the students (Crede, 2010). A reminder is the most important tools to be used nowadays. Currently, people tend to have a lot of things and data to be managed all the time. People nowadays especially students often forgot about their submission deadlines (Gregory, 2009). Humans have a limited capability to store and manage or even remember information by themselves. However, memory aids can help people to remember past events and information in their life. (Graus, 2016). Darus et al (2016) stated that reminder is such an assistive tool of current technologies. These tools can help to generate reminders associated with future activities including location, event and time as well (Darus, 2016). Students are inclined to use a reminder in their daily life to be more manageable. Reminders represent the calendar, sticky notes or visual reminder (Darus, 2016). Students can track their incomplete task and avoid last minute work and fully prepared for the upcoming works by using reminder tool. Hence, by using an academic reminder, this would increase the students’ performance as well. The objective of this paper is to develop an Android mobile application which serves as the Academic Reminder System. The application would be able to ease the students managing their daily activity and reminding them in academic purpose through mobile phone. Education is a backbone of a country as its help to build a good society and the nation. Attending the physical schools, colleges and universities and having physical interaction with teacher or instructor is our notion of what education process should be. However, information technology becomes a new normal in our life especially in the education sector. It has changed the way of teaching and learning conducted in the sector. Traditionally, the conventional classrooms are needed for education process. But now, teaching and learning can be done with the help of technology and it is called e-learning. According to Clark and Mayer (2016), e-learning can be defined as the instruction that is intended to support learning and is delivered through digital devices. Generally, e-learning courses are using words in the form of spoken, text or pictures such as animation or video and it is designed for individual self-study. The term e-learning actually has been introduced in education widely since the mid of 1990s (Mamattah, 2016). Since then, many prestigious universities accept and offer this kind of learning such as University of North Texas (start in 1995) and University of Stanford (start in 2005). Recently, the world was hit by Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and it definitely includes Malaysia too. As a precautionary measure to control the spread of the virus, the government of Malaysia has agreed to prohibit any face-to-face teaching processes that involve students to gather around in a large group. Because of this precaution step, all schools, colleges, universities and institutions are temporarily closed. This has caused all teachers and lecturers need to find an alternative ways to complete the syllabus and the planned assessments without required students to gather around physically. Therefore, e-learning become viable solution or the platform in facing this pandemic. As a result, education paradigm has changed which e-learning becomes a center of attention. Thus, this study will delve into the students’ perception about e-learning and their intention to use it. This study will use the theory of Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) that introduced by Fred Davis in year 1986. According to Lai (2017), TAM is the model that specifically designed to predict the users’ acceptance of technologies. In the basic TAM, there are two specific beliefs that have been tested. There are Perceived Usefulness (PU) and Perceived Ease of Use (PEU). PU and PEU have significant effect on attitude towards using technology (Maslim, 21-24 May 2007). Perceived Usefulness can be defined as the level of students’ belief that by using e-learning, it will enhance their learning and Perceived Ease of Use can be defined as the degree of students expects e-learning is easy to use without the much effort (Mamattah, 2016 & Lai, 2017). PU can influences students’ intention to embrace applications of e-learning (Maslim, 212-24 May 2007; Masrom, 2007). A study conducted on 102 undergraduate students of management information system found positive finding between PU with students’ engagement with internet-learning based system (ILS) or e-learning (Saade & Bahli, 2005). A study by Liu, Ling and Peng (2005) also discovered positive finding between PU and student intention to use streaming based e-learning. Accordingly, PU is greater among learner who have higher self-efficacy (Fathema, Shannon, & Ross, 2015). Meanwhile, strong influence of peers to adopt collaborative technology as an alternative in learning is one of the nature of PEU (Cheung & Vogel, 2013). The system quality (SQ) provides significant positive effect on PEU. The quality issues such as functions, contents, navigation speed and interaction capability has resulted significant effect on learner positive attitude. Also, there is positive effect of PEU on PU because student believes the e-learning is useful when it is easy to use (Saade & Bahli, 2005). However there are no significant differences of PU and PEU on gender differences which showed in data collection of three academic periods from a number of university centers (Melendez, Obra, & Moreno, 2013). A program and course are structured to enhance positive interaction between student, teacher and peers; however some problems do occur during online learning (Dabbagh, Fake, & Zhang, 2019). Student satisfaction affected by instructor’s interaction within online or face to face sessions (Conklina, Oyarzun, & Barreto, 2017). According to Lowe & Mestel (2016), online tutorial provide convenience platform to the student yet face to face session is better to practice. Students also need additional arrangement and materials in order to facilitate them to understand thus score subjects (Said & Syarif, 2016). A study conducted by Conklina et al. (2017) observed the environment and interaction between student and instructor were rated low during online learning. Lowe & Mestel (2016) also reported interaction between student and teacher are low for online tutorial learning. The interaction among student also becomes less productive due to technological barriers Conklina et al. (2017). As a result, students would rather choose blended learning environment although they prefer to have flexibility to learn and study that meets their needs. However, Horzum (2015) found positive result regarding interaction and social presence during online learning. This study also stated student is dissatisfied with current course structure as they think it’s too heavy and reduce their interactions and social presence. Hence to increase satisfaction and students’ intention to use e-learning, current course structure need to be reduced. Nowadays, teaching and learning mathematics has become more challenging, particularly in getting students’ engagement in the classroom (Rusnani et al., 2018). At the university level, the engagement of students in all mathematics subjects is very essential for them to understand all the topics that have been taught by educators. Traditional teaching, specifically in mathematics, has been known for showing formulas and concepts without explaining the origin form. Most of the students frequently view mathematics as a collection of arbitrary rules, formulas, and algorithms handed down from teacher to student. This happens due to the fact that the educators need to cover all the syllabus in a limited time and do not include the derivation of formulas and their underlying patterns in class. Sue Gordon and Jackie Nicholas (2005) studied three case studies on the role of memorising in learning and teaching mathematics. The analysis revealed three categories of conceptions of the role of memorising in learning science, it is memorising plays a minimal role, memorising serves as a stepping stone to learning and memorising is a key in learning strategy. Shadad Abdulnour et al.(2019) reported the importance of including recognition of patterns activities in learning problem-solving in engineering classrooms. A common practice among engineering students is attempting to memorize formulas and problem solutions without understanding their origin.Students usually unaware of how formulas are derived and they do not find the patterns that connect these kinds of formulas to the ko they are learning in class. The findings show that encouraging critical thinking and reasoning in the classroom is an important part of learning math based courses. Ahuja et al.(1998) reported mathematics teachers’ perspective of their students’ learning in traditional calculus and its teaching strategies. They revealed that teachers should teach how to derive formulae to involve them with thinking activities rather than just dumping the formula on them. They must encourage students to think more, not only memorize the formula. Ozdemir and Uzel (2011) concluded that students should be guided not by formula but reasoning structured under three main headings, that is ability to interpret, avoid memorization and focussing on the subject and its aspects. Moreover, it was further found that when students develop formulas by themselves, try different methods and associate their learnings with daily life, a huge contribution is made to understanding the subject. Fatih Karakus (2014) studied pre-service elementary mathematics teachers’ views about geometric construction. He found that pre-service teachers attempted to learn geometry concepts during their past experiences by memorizing formulas or rules and solving problems. This reveals that memorizing formula, rules and solving the problems represent the most preferred method of learning geometry. Without formula and rules, they will have difficulty in learning mathematics because they associate mathematics, especially geometry, with formula and rules. Joseph W. Pale (2016) carried out teacher and student based instructions on probability achievement outcomes and attitudes of secondary school students. Students viewed learning mathematics as mostly memorizing formulas and rules less than half of them who viewed mathematics as an interesting subject. Teachers must provide students with learning opportunities in which they experience the excitement that comes from making sense of mathematics. Instead of memorizing formula, teachers should help their students to make sense of the mathematics they are learning. In UiTM Perak Tapah Campus, diploma in Science (AS120) is a program offered by the Faculty of Applied Sciences . There are three mathematics courses offered to AS120 students in the whole semester. For the past semester, the failure rate of mathematics subjects was in the worrying stages especially for the foundation of applied mathematics (MAT238) subjects. Many reasons are identified as high failure factors such as, lack of exercise, not interested in calculation subjects, lack of understanding in basic knowledge of mathematics, many formulas to remember and so on. In order to tackle the high failure rate, the lecturers have initiated a mathematics workshop named as “Formula Extracted from Appendix” (FEFA) technique. The underlying reason for the high failure rate is the students need to remember more than twenty formulas. The program was made compulsory to all students including repeaters of this subject. Attempting to memorize formulas and problem solutions without understanding their origin is common among Applied Science students. Most of them are unaware or disregard of how the formulas are derived and they do not find the patterns that connect these formulas to the concepts they are learning in class. In FEFA technique, students are taught how to derive formula from the origin. Once mastered and understanding how to derive the formula and mathematical patterns will save students time by giving them tools to quickly solve the difficult problems. FEFA technique workshop was held on 8th November 2019. This workshop is conducted by an experienced lecturer who has been teaching for more than 5 years. This workshop will teach how to use the provided appendix wisely by extracting the other formulas creatively. There were two topics covered in this workshop as listed in Table 1. In order to check the effectiveness of the workshop, the students were required to answer two sets of tests which are known as pre and post-workshop tests. The pre-workshop test will be held at the beginning of the workshop which is before the technique is introduced and the post-workshop test is at the end of the workshop. This technique will increase the students' understanding of how to apply the correct formula rather than just memorizing the formulas. In Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Final Year Project (FYP) is a compulsory requirement of graduation in bachelor programmes in the Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Science (FSKM). Normally, every third-year student should register for their project under the course code CSP600 and CSP650. It is a two-semester long activity in which every student has to complete their projects under the supervision of one of the lecturers in FSKM. Each branch of UiTM in Malaysia has its own management system to manage and monitor information regarding the FYP thesis that have been done every semester. Nevertheless, the management of the information process is somehow very rigid when some branches are still using a paper-based system or manual system, especially for managing completed FYP projects which will cause many problems in the future such as missing information, and data manipulation. Generally, the process and procedure involving paper-based system is time consuming as the students need to go to the supervisors' office or thesis room to view and get access to the projects. The students found that it is burdensome for them to acquire the sources that they need, and it causes difficulty for the students to generate ideas or topics that they want to propose for their current FYP projects since they need to manually search the previous research or projects from the supervisors’ or thesis room. Besides, supervisors face the difficulty in storing and managing the FYP thesis because each supervisor have many supervisees to be handled. Supervisors also encountered difficulties in retrieving their supervision history. Most supervisors need the information regarding their supervision such as the students' list that they have supervised and the information of the FYP thesis. This information is vital for supervisors to update their current curriculum vitae (CV) and for promotional purposes. However, technological advancement has offered a better option for the information storage and management. Most associations now are applying a paperless documentation strategy to decrease the need to store the monstrous sum of physical papers and save their overall running expenses (Abidin & Hussin, 2018). As the number of the students increases every year and there are many projects submitted, the coordinators have difficulty monitoring and managing which topics or titles that have already been submitted. There are possibilities that the title of the projects may overlap with other students. This problem will affect students’ marks, should it occur, as overlapping title decreases the novelty of a project. Thus, an archive system needs to be implemented to solve the management of completed FYP projects problem, especially to forecast for the future research area in faculty which is related to the potential of industry linkages, graduate employability and workshop. It is because sometimes the administrator might overlook a particular research area when forecasting for the future area of research in the faculty. Administrators also face difficulty in managing and giving recommendations on which workshop should be conducted in the university, especially for the FYP students, in assisting them to successfully complete the FYP. A research conducted by the Faculty of Information Technology and Computing in Rabigh, King Abdulaziz University on 62 students indicates that 91.9% students read the previous students’ FYP thesis and 95.2% students feel that by creating a website for archiving students’ project in the faculty is a good idea (Malik, et al., 2018). Therefore, a better way to manage FYP thesis in UiTM Perlis is by applying a paperless documentation method implemented using a web-based system on Laravel framework. Residence or home is not only a single entity dwell by a person but it composes of physical and social component in a community and it owns multidimensional characteristics (Maksid & Hamsa, 2014). Residents in a residential area can be described as a community in certain setting which may concern with problem especially in the context of geographical extent and neighbouring services (Kathleen M. MacQueen, Eleanor McLellan, David S. Metzger, Susan Kegeles, Ronald P. Strauss, Roseanne Scotti, Lynn Blanchard, 2001; Mini & Sathyamurthi, 2017). Home service is crucial in residential area. Usually, home service is needed when the residents are facing home context issues such as home repair or maintenance, home supplement and security, personal and family needs, maid and special request for living needs and satisfaction. The process of hiring the candidate for the home service either a person or a company need certain amount of data that can be considered and matched according to the problem. Thus, a person in the neighbouring can get into the community to get solution(Koh & Chew, 2015). Regarding to the discussion above, digital platform seems applicable to offer smart and efficient interaction to unify digitally the multi background residents in the community to delineate the multicharacter problems (Kathleen M. MacQueen, Eleanor McLellan, David S. Metzger, Susan Kegeles, Ronald P. Strauss, Roseanne Scotti, Lynn Blanchard, 2001; Royakkers, Timmer, Kool, & van Est, 2018). Furthermore, people nowadays have intimate relationship with digital platform such as social media application, onboard or mobile application, web application, cloud service, big data analysis, embedded chip, robot and self-learning or intelligent application (van Est, R., Rerimassie, V., van Keulen, I., 2014). Recommender approach can match the resident’s profile and problem preferences by analysing the behaviour of each item and finally generate personalized recommendation for home service solution (Resnick, Varian, & Editors, 1997). Instead of conventional recommender, advanced recommender approach can be used to develop the application such as social network-based recommender systems, fuzzy recommender systems, context awareness-based recommender systems and group recommender systems (Lu et al., 2015). Currently, there are a lot of commercial online home service marketplace such as Amazon Home Service, Handy, MyTime, Redbeacon, Serviz, TakeLessons, Talklocal and Thumtack (Chaney & Commerce), 2015). However, via mobile recommender application, it will accommodate the residents to explore available of options from the community (Jugovac & Jannach, 2017; Lu, Wu, Mao, Wang, & Zhang, 2015). Due to this discussion, a survey has been conducted to discover the behaviour of people especially in the residential community and their willingness to use mobile application to search skilled person such as handy man for home service. The survey aims to discover the readiness of people who are living in setting to manage home service contact using mobile application. This online questionnaire was disseminated from 12th April 2019 to 4th May 2019 using social media platform such as Whatsapp, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. 339 respondents which 205 females and 134 males involved in this survey as shown in Figure 1. Majority of them are under 25 years and there are 79 respondents aged 36 years old and above. Female respondent is dominant in age between 26 to 35 years old As a person living in megacity, it can cause a lot of trouble for people. This is because the fast-growing industry and the population of vehicles in the town have had an impact on the environment, such as noise pollution. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), sound pollution is an undesirable sound that can be annoying, disruptive, and physically painful and that is usually caused by people or machines. Noise pollution is one of the environmental pollutions that can have a negative impact on human health and on daily life. Noise pollution has occurred as a human health disorder (De, Swain, Goswami, & Das, 2017). At the construction site, the sound of large machines is the main source of undesired sound. Big machines are the main equipment in the construction sector that can produce high noise levels (Ankita et al., 2016). The motivation behind this study is to study the level of noise pollution that can affect people’s health, particularly those of construction workers. This is because work on the construction site has made them directly exposed to unwanted noise. However, the sources of unpleasant sound come not only from large construction machines, but also from traffic, television, dog barking, large trucks and industrial aircraft equipment (Muhammad Anees, Qasim, & Bashir, 2017). As mentioned above, noise pollution is not only caused by the noise of large construction machines but is also caused by other factors. Road and aircraft, for example. These factors also have an influence on noise pollution. According to Pyko et al. (2017), road traffic is among the other factors that have the most impact on noise pollution. The reason is that the demand for cars is also increasing due to the growing population. In addition, aircraft are also one of the factors that lead to noise pollution. High levels of aircraft noise can have an impact on human health, including the risk of stroke, coronary heart disease, and cardiovascular disease (Anna et al., 2013). In addition, working in a place that directs a loud noise will have an immediate effect on the worker’s hearing. This happens when there is no awareness of noise pollution in the workplace. Noise pollution not only affects workers but has also influenced all people who are exposed to noise in their daily lives. Although studies have been proposed on the effects of noise pollution on human health, there are still no studies on the factors that have a greater impact on the level of noise in Malaysia. The fuzzy logic model has therefore been established to determine the strongest factors affecting noise pollution in Malaysia. The objective of this study is to identify the strongest influence factor of noise pollution in Malaysia using fuzzy logic. This study focuses on factors that influence noise pollution in Malaysia. This study used primary data using an expert from the Department of the Environment Malaysia. There are four factors that have contributed most to noise pollution which are road traffic noise, aircraft noise, commercial construction and industrial and manufacturing noise. Voice over internet protocol (VoIP) is a software that allows the user to send text and have a voice calls over the internet protocol (IP). Mobile VoIP applications (mVoIP) become popular among the user since this application provides voice and video communication that is free or very low-cost calls (Azfar, Choo, & Liu, 2014). VoIP application could be on any data network that uses IP, like internet, intranet and local area network (LAN). mVoIP applications have gained attention from mobile device users such as Android devices. The example of widely used mVoIP application is WhatsApp, Kakao talk, telegram and Facebook messenger. Besides, there are a few things user need to see on the criteria for a secure mobile application. Such as the authentication level of mobile applications, network performance, and encrypted communication. This will become an issue on the security of mVoIP when there are various ways to intercept VoIP communication (Azfar, Choo, & Liu, 2014). For example, interception. It can take place at the client devices when the conversation is being initiated or during the established communication session. So, it is essential to analyze the intercepted communication to determine whether the communication is encrypted or not. The aims for this research project are to study and investigate VoIP application consist of Kakao Talk, Telegram, Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp for both Android and web application. Next, to evaluate the four VoIP application identified based on authentication requirement, password encryption, voice or audio encryption communication, and text encryption communication: Kakao Talk, WhatsApp, telegram and Facebook messenger. The liver has vital functions for vertebrates and some animals. Liver diseases can occur in the human body without any warning. For this reason, early detection of diseases is the very important keystone. According to the statistics in the year 2015 show that after lung, colorectal, and stomach cancer, liver cancer was the fourth leading cause of cancer death. In worldwide, the most common primary type of liver cancer is hepatocellular carcinoma and cholangiocarcinoma respectively. The incidence of liver cancer varies according to gender and geographical region . Moreover, the rate of liver cancer is increasing worldwide, and most of the patients die after six months after the diagnosis. Approximately every field in medical informatics image processing, artificial intelligence and classification algorithms are used. Increased computer aided software helps doctors to classify liver tumors , . Image processing, classification and artificial intelligence have become hottest topics in academic studies. The manual feature extraction step is the most important step in pattern recognition. In recent years, algorithms have been developed for direct feature extraction from raw images . Data scientists in industry and academia use GPUs (Graphics Processor Unit) to learn in a machine-based way to achieve groundbreaking developments in a variety of applications including image classification, video analysis, speech recognition, and natural language learning. In particular, the use of multi-level “deep” neural networks to create systems capable of identifying property from large amounts of labeled training data is an area where substantial learning and research are conducted , . Deep learning architectures can be divided into 4 sub categories such as a Deep Belief Network (DBN) , Sparse Auto Encoder (SAE) , Restricted Boltzmann Machine (RBM) and Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) . The deep learning structure represents an advanced structure of the convolution neural network. By using convolution process, the features of the input data are automatically subtracted and sent to the next layers with these features. Convolution process is using for obtaining the prominent properties in an image. Dominant spots such as edges and folds arise. In a deep learning convolution neural network having a multi-layered structure, a separate process is carried out in each layer and data is released to the next layer. As a result, CNN algorithm is one of the most successful algorithms used in image recognition, image segmentation and image detection studies. However, CNN algorithms need high capacity computers because they work at pixel level on images. The aim of this paper is to reduce the computational cost and space occupied on hard disk without degrading the accuracy rate by using perceptual hash functions in the detection of liver disease. The proposed liver disease classification method is Perceptual Hash based Convolutional Extreme Learning Machine (PH-C-ELM) architecture. Training and testing data set consists of 145 samples obtaining from Elazig University Hospital. These samples were increased to 200 samples with flipping, rotating and shearing. It is known that non-perceptual hash functions are not used in image processing because of causing distortion in image structure. In this study, a perceptual hash function is used which does not change the image structure. In here, perceptual hash function was used like a preprocessing step of images. In image processing, deep learning algorithms were used for the first time with perceptual hash functions. There are 4 main objectives of this study.Thousands of CXR images are captured in hospitals, making the computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) very important but challenging. Therefore, automatic analysis of CXR images would effectively assist clinical diagnosis and pathology finding. However, chest X-ray image analysis is a challenging task which suffers from the intrinsically complex relations of different pathologies. In this paper, we propose a category-wise residual attention learning framework that considers both the relevant and irrelevant categories for CXR image classification. Commonly, CXR images are labeled with one or more pathologies, which makes the CXR image classification a multi-label problem. In the Chest X-ray14 dataset , each image is annotated with multiple lung-related or heart-related pathologies. In the previous works, all the pathologies are equally treated in classifier learning. That is, when predicting the labels of each image, all pathologies are given the same weight. Furthermore, correlation essentially exists among the labels, e.g., the presence of cardiomegaly additionally accompanies high risk of pulmonary edema. Therefore, exploring the dependency or correlation among labels could assist to strengthen the intrinsic relationship for some categories. However, considering an individual image, the uncorrelated labels may also introduce unnecessary noise and hinder the classifier from learning powerful features. Deep learning has made noticeable progress in field of medical image analysis, such as classification , lesion segmentation or detection image registration , . In this paper, we present a category-wise residual attention learning (CRAL) framework for multi-label chest X-ray image classification. The proposed CRAL aims to mitigate the interference of uncorrelated classes and preserve correlations among the relevant classes at the same time. CRAL performs a category-wise residual attention mechanism to assign different weights to different feature spatial regions. It automatically predicts the attentive weights to enhance the relevant features and restrain the irrelevant features for a specific pathology. Fig. 1 shows the architecture of CRAL framework. It consists of a feature embedding module and an attention learning module. The feature embedding module extracts high-level image features with a convolutional neural network. Attention module learns the normalized attention scores from the CNN features. By combining the channel-wise Hadamard product and element-wise sum operations, the high-level features and the attention scores are integrated into a residual attention block to classify the input image. We show that CARL yields favorable performance compared with the state of the art. Confocal microscopy is a major advance in comparison with normal light microscopy since it allows the user to see not only deep into cells and tissues, but also to create images in three dimensions. The major difference in principle between the optics of a conventional microscope and that of a basic confocal microscope is the presence in the latter of a confocal pinhole, which allows only light from near the point of focus to reach the detector. The resulting advantage of a confocal microscope over a conventional microscope is the production of a series of images (in X–Y) at different depths (Z) in the object, less affected by out-of-focus information. Such a series of images (a stack) is a three dimensional representation of the object being viewed, produced by optical (as opposed to physical) sectioning [1]. The corneal images employed in this work were acquired using a NIDEK Confoscan 4 microscope, which uses a confocal slit. Further details about these data sets are presented in Section 3.5. This microscope has the following main features. It has fully automated alignment and scan time is optimised to produce 350 images in around 15 s. It has nine internal fixation targets for increased patient fixation stability and device performance. An optional Z-ring attachment is available for this microscope which increases the stability of the examination and the reliability of the Z-scan reference for accurate full thickness optical pachymetry. This feature offers an ability to define the position of any corneal structure and opacity with high precision. The main anatomical structure of the human eye is shown in Fig. 1. The cornea is the convex and transparent part of the front of the eye; it provides most of the focusing power required to form the image on the retina. The cornea is a complex 3D structure. It has three main layers separated by two thin membranes, which are (from the anterior to posterior): epithelium (thickness about 50 μm), Bowman's membrane, Stroma (thickness about 400 μm), Descemet's membrane, and Endothelium (thickness about 30 μm). Injuries, dystrophies, and diseases can adversely affect the cornea and lead to visual impairment which can be as severe as complete blindness. Due to the development and increased availability of in vivo confocal microscopes, ophthalmologists can observe the living human eye in situ at the cellular level which overcomes some of the limitations of conventional light and electron microscopy Confocal microscopy is a major advance in comparison with normal light microscopy since it allows the user to see not only deep into cells and tissues, but also to create images in three dimensions. The major difference in principle between the optics of a conventional microscope and that of a basic confocal microscope is the presence in the latter of a confocal pinhole, which allows only light from near the point of focus to reach the detector. The resulting advantage of a confocal microscope over a conventional microscope is the production of a series of images (in X–Y) at different depths (Z) in the object, less affected by out-of-focus information. Such a series of images (a stack) is a three dimensional representation of the object being viewed, produced by optical (as opposed to physical) sectioning [1]. The corneal images employed in this work were acquired using a NIDEK Confoscan 4 microscope, which uses a confocal slit. Further details about these data sets are presented in Section 3.5. This microscope has the following main features. It has fully automated alignment and scan time is optimised to produce 350 images in around 15 s. It has nine internal fixation targets for increased patient fixation stability and device performance. An optional Z-ring attachment is available for this microscope which increases the stability of the examination and the reliability of the Z-scan reference for accurate full thickness optical pachymetry. This feature offers an ability to define the position of any corneal structure and opacity with high precision [2]. The main anatomical structure of the human eye is shown in Fig. 1. The cornea is the convex and transparent part of the front of the eye; it provides most of the focusing power required to form the image on the retina. The cornea is a complex 3D structure. It has three main layers separated by two thin membranes, which are (from the anterior to posterior): epithelium (thickness about 50 μm), Bowman's membrane, Stroma (thickness about 400 μm), Descemet's membrane, and Endothelium (thickness about 30 μm). Injuries, dystrophies, and diseases can adversely affect the cornea and lead to visual impairment which can be as severe as complete blindness. Due to the development and increased availability of in vivo confocal microscopes, ophthalmologists can observe the living human eye in situ at the cellular level which overcomes some of the limitations of conventional light and electron microscopy In populating an ontology, a source code should be analysed through a process of information extraction. Information extraction is a process of obtaining information in a source code and displaying it in a different view. After the information from the source code is retrieved, it should be stored in a standard form of information. It will then go through a process that uses an ontological approach. In general, ontology development is divided into two main phases; specification and conceptualisation. The goal of specification phase is to acquire informal knowledge on the domain while the goal of conceptualisation phase is to organise and structure the obtained knowledge as well as the use of UML class model. There are almost as many graphical representations presenting source code. The most common high-level representation is graph; for instance, dependency graph, data and control flow graph. Although the dependency graph has been widely used in representing a relationship, it is often more complex than the original source code artefacts. It makes them less suitable to directly support the comprehension or visualisation (Krinke, 2004; Yazdanshenas & Moonen, 2011). Thus, in this subsection discusses previous works that used the ontology representation in software comprehension, UML class model and the integration of both ontology and UML class model. A Unified Modelling Language (UML)-based diagram is another representation that is frequently used (Bhagat, Kapadni, Kapadnis, Patil, & Baheti, 2012; Ibrahim & Ahmad, 2010; Jali, Greer, & Hanna, 2014; Kothari, 2012; Shinde, 2012; Thakur & Gupta, 2014). UML has become a de facto standard language for expressing artefacts used and produced within a software development process. UML consists of various graphical notations, describing the syntax of the modelling language and meta models, describing the semantics of UML. UML diagrams enable developers to specify, visualise, construct and document the artefacts of a software system. UML class diagram is among the frequently used software representations to describe the structure of software systems that aid reverse engineering project. UML class diagrams allow for modelling, in a declarative way, the static structure of an application domain in terms of concepts and relations between them. In a class diagram, classes are represented by boxes with three parts; the first part contains the name of the class, which has to be unique in the whole diagram. The second part contains the attributes of the class, each specified by their name, type and visibility, whereas the operations of the class are denoted by name, argument list, return type and visibility. Ontology representation is used to define sets of concepts describing the domain knowledge and allowing specification of classes by rich and precise logical definitions. The basic idea of using ontology for software system is to provide an artefact consisting both code knowledge and domain knowledge with which software maintainers can understand the features of source code. Ontology includes the concepts, relationships and instances to describe the specific domain of concern. Concepts are referred to as a category that is also known as a class. A series of concepts represents the topics or characters in a domain ontology; relations show the connection between concepts and used to describe the association between concepts when considering a specific concept, which is also called an attribute; while instances describe a series of concepts and relationships with specific knowledge. Instances in ontology are the values of attribute in the class that describe necessary properties. Instances also inherit all attributes or relationships of their class. At present, ontology is used in many fields to represent knowledge and provide a formal way to define the concept. Ontology has been shown to support program understanding (Wilson, 2010). The proposed approach was used to extract an ontological point of view for software system by integration utilising the ontology and UML class-based modelling. Due to similar features shared by both UML class diagram and ontology, class diagram is used to aid the population of code ontology. The similarity of UML class model and ontology model are listed in Table 1 below: Personal injury claim is a process used to claim the compensation amount for those who has suffered from injury which not caused by themselves. A personal injury can be a physical or psychological injury or illness. A claim occurs when someone has been injured by others mistakes for example road accident. In Malaysia, still practice multiplier-multiplicand approach to calculate the claim (Mohamad, Hashim, & Khalid, 2012). Lately in Malaysia, an accident that is related to the different type of vehicles keep increasing. According to the Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research (MIROS) as cited by Ali, Saleh, Jamian, Mustapa & Yahya (2017), MIROS reported that there are 521,466 cases of road traffic accidents recorded in 2016 as compared to 489,606 cases in 2015. As the road accident increase, the rate of the claimant to claim their claim also increase. Thus, the claimant needs an application using a better approach that can make the calculation of compensation are more reliable. Massita et al. (2012) and Lim (1995) defined compensation as award of amount given to the wrong party who had pleaded responsible for the offenses committed and requires certain amount of payment to victims or beneficiaries parties. As to the compensation or damages, all the vehicle owners registered to third party insurance covers special damages and general damages. Special damages mostly cover vehicle and property damages. General damages refer to pain and suffering resulting from injuries to a person. Currently the approach that used in Malaysia which multiplier-multiplicand approach is shown their approach do not corresponding with the current changes and it became incompatible overtime (Mohamad et al., 2012). For example, the government have update the retirement age until 60 years old. Regarding to this approach, the compensation does not considered the personal issues such as status of occupations, ages, gender, educational level, capability before and after accident, working status before and after accident and part on injury (Ali et al., 2017). Thus, it become unfair since the compensation amount does not coincide with the claimant situation. Thus, this project aims to develop a mobile application, which can calculate the right total amount of compensation. This calculation adopts the Ogden Table as a model to suggest an improved method for the calculation of personal injury claims. Nowadays, the world is increasingly relying on computer networks. The use of network resources is increasing followed by many risks toward security problems. There are many vulnerabilities and threats that were discovered every day and are affecting users and companies at critical stages, from privacy issues to financial losses. Recently, many organization including government agencies have been attacked and scanned by unknown intruders which resulting in financial and reputation damages (Popereshnyak, Suprun, Suprun, & Wieckowski, 2018). Monitoring network activity is a must for network administrators and security analysts to understand these threats and to develop a secure network environment (Darapareddy & Gummadi, 2012). Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is one of the solutions that can be used to monitor network traffic. It is a software application that can identify any suspicious activities and issue alerts to network administrator when such activity is identified. To ensure the network can be secured, honeypot-based intrusion detection system was introduced to monitor unused Internet Protocol (IP) spaces to learn about attackers. The advantage of honeypots over other monitoring solutions is to collect only suspicious activities and obtain information about the attackers (Kondra, Janardhan Reddy Bharti, Santosh Kumar Mishra, Sambit Kumar Babu, 2016). Although an IDS does not have the capability to prevent malware or any type of attacks, the technology is still relevant to be used in the modern enterprise because of its functionality that is able to detect an active attack (Place, 2018). One of the most widely used tools is honeyd for creating honeypots. Honeyd is an open source of the computer program created by Niels Provos that allows a user to set up and run multiple virtual hosts on a computer network (Provos, 2019). It is one of the low-interaction honeypot which can be used to simulate 65,000 hosts using a single PC. The IP stack of different OS can be emulated through honeyd. It is designed to resemble the real system and equipped with the already known vulnerability so that the attacker will be distracted from the main system that he will attack and moves to the false honeypot (Sembiring, 2016). In a network, all normal traffic should be forwarded to and from valid servers only. Thus, a network administrator running honeyd can monitor logs to see if there is any traffic going to the virtual hosts set up by honeyd. Any traffic going to these virtual servers can be considered highly suspicious. The network administrator can take preventative actions, possibly by blocking the suspicious IP address or by further monitoring the network for suspicious traffic. The problem is that the logs generated by honeyd can grow very large when heavy traffic occurred in the system such as Distributed Denial of Services (DDoS) attack, which can consume a lot of disk space (Fahd & Saleh, 2012; Joshi & Kakkar, 2017). A large amount of log size contains difficulties when they are processed and analysed by network administrator or security analysts as they required a lot of time and resources (Singh & Joshi, 2011). Therefore, this paper has put forward an approach to address these issues by introducing the ‘cron job’ with perl-script approach to periodically transfers parsed log data into database. The approach is efficiently reduced usage of disk storage and system resources. The rest of this paper is organised as follows. Section Background reviews the background of the intrusion detection system (IDS), distributed denial of services attack (DDoS Attack) and Cron job. This is followed by Section Proposed Approach that introduces the Cran job with perl-script as an approach, which consist of four key steps. Section Experiment and Result discusses the experimental works and results of the proposed approach. Finally, Section Conclusion presents the conclusion and future works. Residence or home is not only a single entity dwell by a person but it composes of physical and social component in a community and it owns multidimensional characteristics (Maksid & Hamsa, 2014). Residents in a residential area can be described as a community in certain setting which may concern with problem especially in the context of geographical extent and neighbouring services (Kathleen M. MacQueen, Eleanor McLellan, David S. Metzger, Susan Kegeles, Ronald P. Strauss, Roseanne Scotti, Lynn Blanchard, 2001; Mini & Sathyamurthi, 2017). Home service is crucial in residential area. Usually, home service is needed when the residents are facing home context issues such as home repair or maintenance, home supplement and security, personal and family needs, maid and special request for living needs and satisfaction. The process of hiring the candidate for the home service either a person or a company need certain amount of data that can be considered and matched according to the problem. Thus, a person in the neighbouring can get into the community to get solution(Koh & Chew, 2015). Regarding to the discussion above, digital platform seems applicable to offer smart and efficient interaction to unify digitally the multi background residents in the community to delineate the multicharacter problems (Kathleen M. MacQueen, Eleanor McLellan, David S. Metzger, Susan Kegeles, Ronald P. Strauss, Roseanne Scotti, Lynn Blanchard, 2001; Royakkers, Timmer, Kool, & van Est, 2018). Furthermore, people nowadays have intimate relationship with digital platform such as social media application, onboard or mobile application, web application, cloud service, big data analysis, embedded chip, robot and self-learning or intelligent application (van Est, R., Rerimassie, V., van Keulen, I., 2014). Recommender approach can match the resident’s profile and problem preferences by analysing the behaviour of each item and finally generate personalized recommendation for home service solution (Resnick, Varian, & Editors, 1997). Instead of conventional recommender, advanced recommender approach can be used to develop the application such as social network-based recommender systems, fuzzy recommender systems, context awareness-based recommender systems and group recommender systems (Lu et al., 2015). Currently, there are a lot of commercial online home service marketplace such as Amazon Home Service, Handy, MyTime, Redbeacon, Serviz, TakeLessons, Talklocal and Thumtack (Chaney & Commerce), 2015). However, via mobile recommender application, it will accommodate the residents to explore available of options from the community (Jugovac & Jannach, 2017; Lu, Wu, Mao, Wang, & Zhang, 2015). Due to this discussion, a survey has been conducted to discover the behaviour of people especially in the residential community and their willingness to use mobile application to search skilled person such as handy man for home service. This research involves the design, development and evaluation of a shariah-complaint fashion e-commerce site for Muslim women in Malaysia. This site offers fashion products which are conform to shariah (Islamic system of life) requirements. In addition, Muslim women should also buy clothes that suit their body shapes and size. Suitable clothes will enhance their self-esteem and satisfaction (Kinley, 2010). It will also make Muslim women feel more comfortable as the clothes are complying with the Islamic Shariah Law. Shariah-compliant clothes for Muslim women as mentioned in Qur’an al-Kareem is covering all the body parts excluding the face and both hands (Quran 24:31). Muslim women are also not allowed to wear the translucent or tight clothing. By wearing the shariah-compliant clothes, Muslim women can cover their awrah as this act symbolizes Muslim women’s dignity. While necessarily modest, Islamic clothing does not necessarily sacrifice the basic elements of style, fashion, elegance and dignity (Mulali, 2009). Nowadays, many businesses and firms use e-commerce site to ensure an effective and reliable way of business processing (Rayport and Jaworski, 2001). E-commerce site is beneficial for a user’s as it helps to save time, allow easy access for purchasing through the application at any time, no matter where they were situated. One of the advantages of using the e-commerce is that companies can expand their market much easier as well as increasing their sales revenue. This platform can also help the company to gain feedback from customers much more easier and adapt to it which in turn will increase their customers’ loyalty and the image of the company and brand (Khan, 2016). To date, there is no single fashion e-commerce site that sells clothes that are fully shariah-compliant in Malaysia. If Muslim women continue to buy the clothes at any non-shariah compliant fashion e-commerce site, they will wear the non-shariah compliant clothes and they are against the obligation of covering their awrah accordance to Islamic Law. Thus, the researcher developed a shariah-compliant fashion e-commerce for Muslim women with the intention to help Muslim women in choosing shariah-compliant clothing based on their body shape and size. WLAN is a wireless dispersal technique for two or more device that often include an access point to the Internet and use a high-frequency of radio waves. In WLAN environment, while maintaining the network connection, the user can move freely around the coverage area such a home or small office. The significant of social impact are along with the playing an integral part of our life with the existence of wireless communications. Nevertheless, the industrial evolutions in wireless network have criticized the privileges made by devotees of wired networks by (Hangargi, 2016). The facts that, the standard for wireless communication is intangible. The guarantee of whenever and anyplace availability must be satisfied by wireless networks. Voice, video and other real time interactive service is the remaining challenges before the wireless local area network can effectively support by (Song, Deshpande, Kotz, Jain, & Jose, 2005). Denial of service (DoS) attacks is a malicious node that block legitimate communication by intentional interference in the network. Security issues and attacks management have become prime importance for communication in wireless networks. Due to the transmission environment of the wireless systems are highly exposed to attacks. Denial of Service (DoS) attacks are considered as one of the most destructive attacks by (Navid, 2017). Denial-of-Service (DoS) attack is one of the common attacks that defenseless in data network. Security system in the nowadays on guarding against DoS attacks should be taken seriously (Goyal, 2014). Virus, worm and malware are the old school of threat when it is compared to DoS attacks because DoS attacks have a potential to undermine the advantages that come with wireless data network (Hangargi, 2016). One of DoS attacks that occur in physical layer is jamming attacks, where DoS attack was acts to minimizes or destroys a network capacity and obstructs it to perform its expected functions. Physical layer is highly susceptible to jamming attacks as it is used for frequency selection and modulation (Jaitly, 2017). The reputation of WLANs meets a continual increase in security attacks against WLANs, and the 2005 survey from Computer Security Institute (CSI) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) shows that WLAN manipulations (i.e., security attacks) is the only "growing" threat of computer crimes . These DoS attacks cause the WLAN or some of its wireless nodes out of services. As DoS attacks against WLANs become more and more common, this thesis is to investigate physical layer DoS attack in WLAN and simulated the DoS attack using dynamic movement model with random and constant jammer. More specifically, physical layer attacks on the Ethernet networks are covered. The focus is on wireless networks, since WLAN is the most widely used nowadays. Physical layer attacks are selected because they are the hardest to detect but easier to generate. This research for further understanding of constant and random jammer where the result in the research will be compared from performance matrices of Bit Error Rate (BER), Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) and throughput Examination operations are the main crucial task in any education institutions. In the Quality Manual Report of UiTM Cawangan Pulau Pinang, ISO 9001:2008 (Quality, 2008) and Examination Procedures Manual 2016 (UiTM, 2016), the operations of examination are considered as serious matter either at the phase of preparation of examination question papers, handling of printing and packaging of question papers, marks management operation or invigilation managements. The problem of question paper leakages is the highest credibility of an education institution if there is no proper division to control the secrecy and integrity of the examination operations. Academic Assessment Division at the main campus was created to manage the operations of examination in all campuses and faculties. Each faculties and campuses formed an examination unit to make sure that the operations are running according to the rules and procedures as stated in the Examination Procedures Manual. In a paper by Xu, Guo, & Zhou (2013), they have stated that Lai (2012) has mentioned examination as an effective indicator to measure and assess the students’ quality and their ability to foster critical answers. The quality is refers to the preparation of question papers, the secrecy and security aspects in printing and packaging of question papers, the integrity of evaluation and marking methods and the standardization of examination operations. Failures to enforce and sustain the quality, procedures and policies of examination will give some negative impacts and perceptions on examination management. Examination process involves several entities such as academic affairs for enrolments, facilities for preparation of examination venues, bursary for payment status of students’ university fees and printing department for printing and packaging of question papers. Examination Management Systems (EMS) has been developed to integrate all management levels and consolidate all important processes using the same platform. Formerly, the staffs at Examination Unit had to face complicated process such as manual calculation of total enrolment for each paper, manual placement of examination venues and manual assignment of invigilators list. EMS helps to automate the previous manual tasks and these reduced the stressful in data processing. Examination operations are the main crucial task in any education institutions. In the Quality Manual Report of UiTM Cawangan Pulau Pinang, ISO 9001:2008 (Quality, 2008) and Examination Procedures Manual 2016 (UiTM, 2016), the operations of examination are considered as serious matter either at the phase of preparation of examination question papers, handling of printing and packaging of question papers, marks management operation or invigilation managements. The problem of question paper leakages is the highest credibility of an education institution if there is no proper division to control the secrecy and integrity of the examination operations. Academic Assessment Division at the main campus was created to manage the operations of examination in all campuses and faculties. Each faculties and campuses formed an examination unit to make sure that the operations are running according to the rules and procedures as stated in the Examination Procedures Manual. In a paper by Xu, Guo, & Zhou (2013), they have stated that Lai (2012) has mentioned examination as an effective indicator to measure and assess the students’ quality and their ability to foster critical answers. The quality is refers to the preparation of question papers, the secrecy and security aspects in printing and packaging of question papers, the integrity of evaluation and marking methods and the standardization of examination operations. Failures to enforce and sustain the quality, procedures and policies of examination will give some negative impacts and perceptions on examination management. Examination process involves several entities such as academic affairs for enrolments, facilities for preparation of examination venues, bursary for payment status of students’ university fees and printing department for printing and packaging of question papers. Examination Management Systems (EMS) has been developed to integrate all management levels and consolidate all important processes using the same platform. Formerly, the staffs at Examination Unit had to face complicated process such as manual calculation of total enrolment for each paper, manual placement of examination venues and manual assignment of invigilators list. EMS helps to automate the previous manual tasks and these reduced the stressful in data processing. System Background Examination Management Systems (EMS) historically developed in 2006 after the developer found the constraints and problems faced by the supporting staffs and examination members committee amongst lecturers during the preparation of examination placement venue and assigning of invigilators. Both processes took 3 consecutive weeks to be completed. In some cases, the lecturers have to sacrifice some of their classes such as class cancellation, unpunctuality and extended the class over midnight to precede with the examination affairs. These become so stressful to all staffs whenever the examination season arises. As mentioned by Zhang, Liu, & Zang (2014), efficient and standardize examination management systems is the important element to ensure that the examination runs smoothly. With this point, the examination members committee should have positive enthusiastic and highly motivated to arrange the best examination placement and assigning appropriate invigilators to meet the objective of Examination Unit. Otherwise, the Examination Unit will be blamed because of the failure to give better services or satisfaction amongst students or invigilators. EMS makes sure the process of major processes such as placement of examination venues and invigilation will be taken within 4 to 6 days. Previously it took almost 3 weeks to complete both processes. Formerly almost 10 staffs are needed to complete the tasks, but EMS only require not more than 5 peoples which comprises of an Executive Officer, 2 representatives of examination members committee and 2 technical persons. Vasupongayya, Noodam, & Kongyong (2013) has dictate the major modules of any Examination Management Systems are to arrange the examination rooms for each course and assignment of proctors or invigilators in each room. EMS at UiTM Cawangan Pulau Pinang not only covers the arrangement of examination rooms and invigilation, but it also organized the printing and packaging of the question papers, examination operations and generating seating numbers arrangement in each room. These 5 modules are the main functions of EMS which each module are integrated with every single entities such as students, admin staffs, invigilators or examination committee member levels. EMS requires data from multiple sources such as the enrolments records, examination schedules, examination venues, list of invigilators and list of constraints. The examination schedules are assigned by the Academic Assessment Division. The students’ enrolments are downloaded from Academic Affairs Division through Student Information Management Systems (SIMS). The other data such as the examination venues, list of invigilators and respective constraints are provided by the Executive Officer at faculties or campuses level. The following figure shows the overall procedures and flows of EMS. Assignment of invigilators or proctors will be the final task of EMS. EMS pumps all records which have been processed into text file formatting before generating all required reports using Microsoft Access Database Management Systems (DBMS). Executive Officer of Examination Unit will generate each report individually as PDF file and will send those reports to the photocopier machine or invigilation reports will be emailed to the invigilators. The following figure illustrates some samples of the reports generated by EMS Database. Introduction Program comprehension is “the process of taking source code and understanding it” (Deimel & Naveda, 1990) or the process of using the existing knowledge to acquire new knowledge (Aljunid, Zin, & Shukur, 2012). The study of program comprehension can be explained as the process of taking place in the software engineer's mind when they understand the program (Feigenspan & Siegmund, 2012). This section discusses the issues arise in program comprehension followed by the existing approaches and models on program comprehension. The activity in reviewing and understanding a source code is not the same as reviewing ordinary documents. Many problems in program comprehension arise due to the use of textual representation as the primary source of information. A program can be understood if users manage to comprehend a program, including its syntax and semantics. Although many methods and tools are proposed to represent the source code, experience have shown that the textual presentation is the superior (Krinke, 2004). Current software systems are difficult to comprehend because of the size and complexity of the program leads to difficulties in understanding and maintaining the system. Most of the problems of understanding source code are the tricky code, different programming style, poor naming conversion, program representation, insufficient comments, and many more. Another issue is on the human activities where, software maintainers need to be able to understand the developers' code. Program comprehension activity may takes up to 50% the total lifetime of the software maintenance phase (Normantas & Vasilecas, 2013; Roongruangsuwan & Daengdej, 2010). In addition, sometimes the source code documentation was never written, out-of-date or is lost. The implication of this is that the software maintainers have to give more effort in the maintenance phase. Despite many researchers had worked on finding the different strategies and techniques to improve program comprehension, there is still room to discuss at great length on how to overcome the problems in program comprehension. The next section discuss about program comprehension in the cognitive point of view. The Ontology-based Representation for Knowledge Management At present, ontology is use in many fields to represent knowledge and provides a formal way to define the concept of certain domain. In software engineering, ontology is defined as a conceptual model that represents domain knowledge of software application. It is in a form of a set of concepts within the domain, the properties of the concepts and interrelations between those concepts (Dubielewicz, Hnatkowska, Huzar, & Tuzinkiewicz, 2015), which is considered as among the techniques that are able to support the understanding of a program (Wilson, 2010). i. The Roles of Ontology as Knowledge-Based Representation In philosophy, ontology is the study of the nature of being, the basic categories of being and their relations. An ontology is a powerful way of representing knowledge for multiple purposes and provides a framework for conceptualization and knowledge modeling in a multitude of area (Eriksson, 2007). Ontologies are used to share a common understanding of the structure of information and examine domain knowledge. Ontology defines the basic terms and their relationships comprising the vocabulary of an application domain and the axioms for constraining the relationships among terms (Ganapathy & Sagayaraj, 2011). The basic idea of developing ontology for software system is to provide an artifact consisting of both; code knowledge and domain knowledge, with which software maintainer can understand the features of source code. Ontology includes the concepts, relations, attributes and instances that functioning to describe the specific domain of concern. Concepts refer to a category and also called a class. Series of concepts represent the topics or characters in domain ontology and the relations in ontology show the connection between concepts. The attribute uses to describe the association between concepts when considering a specific concept. Instances in ontology are the values of the attributes of the class that describes the necessary properties. The instance will inherit all the attributes or relationship of their class. ii. Application of Ontology in Program Comprehension Ontology becomes popular in several fields of information technologies like software engineering. Many works analyze the role of ontologies in software engineering processes and shows that ontologies can be a basis for domain analysis and simulation in software development. A work that supports the software development process based on ontologies are proposed by Dubielewicz et al. (Dubielewicz et al., 2015). The work applies the domain ontologies to conceptual model development. It is believe that ontologies are an important source of knowledge in the conceptualization phase and propose the ontology life cycle as the background for software development. Ontology fragment is one of the approaches that can be applied to improve program comprehension (Wilson, 2010). Petrenko et al. (Petrenko, Rajlich, & Vanciu, 2008) introduced the use of ontology fragment by combining with a tool named Grep. The work uses the ontology fragment to store partial domain knowledge about features. The objective of the work is to increase the effectiveness of the feature location. The work developed a tool called Protégé used to support the management of the ontology fragment as well as assists developers to formulate queries and guide them in investigation of source code. Another work that focuses on formulating queries based on ontology fragment is by Wilson (2010). The author enhanced Petrenko et al.'s (Petrenko et al., 2008) approach by introducing more systematic approach to represent partial knowledge about system. The approach provides a query as an input and allows developers to formulate a query based on the terms that are present in the ontology fragment. The result of the evaluation shows that only a small and partial knowledge about the system is sufficient for successfully locating a concept in the code. Abebe and Tonella (Abebe & Tonella, 2010) created ontology in their work to capture the concepts and the relations from the source code. The work applied natural language process (NLP) techniques to extract concepts from source code. Identifiers from program elements are extracted and candidate sentences that use those identifiers are formed. Some of the sentences that do not follow certain rules are eliminated, and the remaining sentences are used as an input for creating ontology. The aim of the study is to allow developers to formulate more precise queries and to reduce the search space. The preliminary evaluation shows that enhancing the queries using information from the ontology increases the precision of concept location. The main difference between these approaches with the previous works is the approach is capable of generating the ontology automatically. Although many researchers have suggested techniques and tools to implement knowledge management through this technique but researchers still have yet to discuss at great length on how to help the developers to program comprehension. Ontology-Based Visualization Techniques This subsection discusses on the techniques of ontology visualization that are grouped in the following categories, representing their visualization type: Indented list, Node–link and tree, Zoomable Visualization, Space-filling, Focus and context; and Information landscapes. The categories is based on the work of (Katifori, Halatsis, Lepouras, Vassilakis, & Giannopoulou, 2007). Details of the methods are discusses below. At the end of this subsection, we provide the summary of the ontology visualization methods as shows in Table 1 that compares the strengths and weakness of the methods. i. Indented List The Indented List method is used to represent elements in the form of a tree-like view (as shown in Figure 1), often used to describe a visualization system, for example to illustrate the file system explorer-tree view. The main advantage of the indented list visualization is its simplicity and familiarity of implementation. The method provides a clear view to the hierarchy of concepts in the ontology. It is able to represent the taxonomy of the ontology, which represent clearly the inheritance is-a relationship through the list paradigm. Furthermore, the arrangement of the subclass and superclass as the top-down layout of a tree browser with the subclasses appeared under the superclass and indented to the right allows for a systematic exploration of the whole ontology. User can navigate in the hierarchy of classes and expand or retract branches to view the element in the list. Its retraction and expansion of nodes are useful features specific for focusing on explicit parts of the hierarchy, especially for large hierarchies. Although the method may reflect a clearer hierarchy in a form of tree and can display the inheritance relation but it has a few limitation where the method is not suitable to display in the form of graphs as well as it cannot support the representative role of the relationship. Introduction Road accidents involving various types of vehicles increases almost every day. The Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research (MIROS) reported that there are 521,466 cases of road traffic accidents recorded in 2016 as compared to 489,606 cases in 2015. The increase of 6.5% showed the rise in personal injury claims by an injured party because of the other’s negligence. As the aggrieving party, they are allowed to claim a reasonable amount of damages as a result of the road accidents. Massita et al. (2012) and Lim (1995) defined compensation as an award of the amount given to the wrong party who had pleaded responsible for the offences committed and requires a certain amount of payment to victims or beneficiary’s parties. As to the compensation or damages, the entire vehicle owners registered to third-party insurance cover special damages and general damages. Currently, Malaysia courts use The Traditional Multiplier-multiplicand Approach to calculate the compensation amount in loss of earning. The compensation amount using the Multiplier-Multiplicand approach is as follows: Sum Award = Multiplicand * Multiplier where: Multiplicand = Loss of Earning = Pre Injury Earning – Post Injury Earning Multiplier = Pre-accident Earning – Post Accident Earning = if the claimant’s age 30 and below = 16 = if the claimant’s age 31 and 54 = (55- age at injury or death date)/2 Comments for this traditional approach: It is logically not reasonable to let the loss of future earning calculated by only multiplying the loss of earning with how many years left until the retirement age. The accuracy of the multiplier has been disputed since the latest age for retirement increases to 60 years old. While the government has implemented a new retirement age, there is no corresponding change is made to the Civil Law Act 1956. This showed the weakness of the traditional calculation method assessing the loss of earning in personal injury claims. Introduction Recently, technology keeps expanding rapidly in order to improve human's life. However, without our conscience, network security has become vital to everyone especially to the computer users. The existence of Internet has lead the security as a serious matter. Network security is the method of ensuring the security of data transmission in the network. For instance, cryptography, encryption-decryption, firewall, intrusion detection system and also, honeypots (Paliwal, 2017). A honeypot is an electronic bait that will trap the person who tends to penetrate the other's computer illegally. The honeypot will appear in the network but in fact, it is a trap to the entire intruders. The honeypot is defined as "information resources whose values the unauthorized use of that resource" (Rase & Deshmukh, 2015). Most honeypots are set up with a firewall. Most honeypots are installed in the network firewall to monitor and track the intruders' activity and what they want from the server. A honeypot is a unique tool to detect and learn about the tactic of the intruders. The honeypot is a computer system that will act as a fake server to attract the attacker and study the activity of the attacker to gain data in the fake server. The honeypot will simulate the behavior of the real server in the network but in reality, it is isolated and monitored closely. This will able to distract the attacker from attacking the real server. As an example, people worldwide are using technologies in daily life. This technology contributes many benefits to people mostly. However, all these technologies are exposed to the attack from malware. Malware has been the most common threat to technologies nowadays. Malware attacks their victims through many ways, physically and logically. The malware can be distributed through a website. Not only that, malware can also attack through the website online. This malware attacks a variety of victims for different reasons including to steal sensitive data, disrupt computer operation or acquire access to personal computer system (Mostfa Kamal, Abd Ali, Alani, & Abdulmajed, 2016). Hence, one of the network security method which is honeypot is installed and the traffic is then analyzed. There are many types of honeypot that can be used. Dionaea is one of the type of honeypot that can be used. Dionaea can be used to detect malware attack which is now a common problem faced by people all over the world. This honeypot is widely used by network monitoring agent worldwide to detect malware in the network. Related Works i. Malware Attack According to the research paper by Fereidooni & Sperduti (2016), the technique used in detecting malware is static analysis of application known as Anastasia. Referring to this paper, static analysis is advantageous especially on an Android device. This is due to the fact that the malware is not being executed but only being analysed. This paper had presented an Android malware detection by using convenient feature to stay away from the application containing malware. Besides, an extensive static analysis on huge amount of data set of 29.864 Android apps was performed. The performance of the analysis was shown in this research paper and it has been proven to be very operative and proficient against malware attack according to the result obtained. However, Alam & Horspool (2013) had proposed a malware analysis by using Malware Analysis Intermediate Language (MAIL). The process of this analysis at first, the data of binary program must be disassembled and interpreted to a MAIL program. MAIL program can also be used to mark the malware pattern and a control flow graph model (CFG) was built from the interpreted MAIL. A malicious program can be detected once the interpreted CFG matches the database of known malware samples. This method is really useful in detecting the malware. However, this method is only practical at certain situation as it is only able to detect a known malware as it cannot detect the unknown malware. In the paper by Botacin (2018), malware detection was done through transparent malware analysis. Nowadays, there are two types of transparent analysis which are hardware virtual machine (HVM) and system management mode (SMM). According to this author, HVM technique is only compatible to modern processor such as Intel VT and AMD SVM. This technique permits the code running in the processor. However, in SMM mode, it includes of an executable piece of code located in the BIOS system. This code will be triggered by an interrupt known as system management interrupt (SMI). There is one major drawback of using these two techniques which is both is complex to be developed. ii. Detection of Threat using Honeypot In a research paper by (Saud & Islam, 2015), the authors presented the benefit of using honeypot as a security measure to defend the network. According to this paper, one of the purpose of using honeypot includes that it can reverse the attackers’ benefit and every single error made by the attackers can alert the system analyst. The other reason is the amount of false-positives is very near to the ground. Instead of the false-positives reason, the honeypot can slow down the attack and offer a longer time for the authorities to run any other security measure against the attack. On the other research paper, they explained about the need of honeypot in network security. Level interaction of honeypot has also been explained deeply in this paper. This paper has also mentioned about Honeytoken. Honeytokens are digital entities that are used to capture digital data theft (Kambow & Passi, 2014). Honeytokens are briefly explained in this research paper. Moreover, there are also some legal issues with honeypot such as entrapment and privacy. This paper helps to understand the level of interaction of honeypot better. According to Fronimos et. al (2014), the authors argued that old-style network security is insufficient to overcome threat and analysed by a variety of low interaction honeypots such as Dionaea and Honeyd. The analysis from those honeypots displayed how threat can be detected when the honeypot is implemented in a focused network. Eric Hutchins in a paper published by Lockheed Martin Corporation briefly discussed how numerous honeypot can support in messing up any layer of the attack. This whole disruption will cause frustration to the attacker and degrade their confidence to attack the network. Software and Hardware Requirements In this project, there were only one laptop and one wireless modem used. In the laptop, the virtual box was installed and operating system were installed inside it, Kali Linux. Kali Linux was the platform for the configuration of honeypot, Dionaea honeypot and launching the malware attack. The software used was Kali Linux operating system used to install the Dionaea honeypot. the operating system was installed in the Oracle Virtual Box in the laptop. Msfvenom was the tools to inject the malware into a file and put it into the system before it was detected by the Dionaea honeypot. Next software used was Virus Total tools to analyse the malware in the malicious file. Introduction In the last few years, the evaluation of the education system with excellent schools ranks has become an increasingly popular benchmark of the education system (Musani & Jemain, 2015). This is because using school ranking as a school performance evaluating tool will provide a direct influence on the schools involved. While poor school rankings might demotivate the school administrators, but if it is seen in a positive way, the stated school might improve themselves to perform better in the examination for the following years. The good-ranked schools, too, will benefit from the ranking as it will not only bring pride to the teachers and administrators but also encourages parents to send their children to those school. Furthermore, the local authority might decide to allocate more resources to the low-performing schools so that they could be as good (Tierney, 2013). This ranking also can be used as reference for formulating strategies and taking corrective actions to enhance academic achievement. This study will help secondary schools to evaluate their performance as it has direct influence on schools involved. Besides that, it is important for school administration to increase the positive publics’ perception to the school. In addition, it also affects the expenses allocated for student recruitment and operations, as well as acting as a guide for the school strategic planning. Hence, it will identify the school’s needs of assistance in terms of infrastructure, financing, enhancement of teachers and also for the development of conducive teaching and learning environment. Away from conventional methods of doing multi criteria decision making (MDCM) evaluation, this study applies the fuzzy VIKOR method in order to rank the schools. The fuzzy VIKOR method provides accurate information for evaluating school performance using the quantitative and qualitative data. This study uses data to measure the school’s academic achievement in Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) 2016 for the purpose of ranking. Based on these data, the issue of how the data containing different information for each school can be analyzed in a fair and accurate manner where the results can reflect the actual situation of the school as it can be addressed well. Literature Review i. VIKOR Method VIKOR method is a multi-criteria optimization which can solve multi criteria decision making (MCDM) problem with conflicting and noncommensurable (different units) criteria. It assumes an acceptable compromise for conflict resolution as decision-makers want a solution that is closest to the ideal and the alternative is assessed according to the set of criteria. This method focuses on ranking and selecting from a set of alternatives and determining a compromise solution to the conflicting decision criteria and can help decision-makers to get the final solution and achieve a decisive decision (Opricovic & Tzeng, 2007). ii. Fuzzy VIKOR The VIKOR method can obtain the gap between the ideal alternative and each alternative, the rank order of alternatives, and the priority of improving the weaknesses of each alternative (Kuo & Liang, 2012). Therefore, some studies extend the VIKOR method to solve the problems of uncertain conditions, as this method deals with clear-cut and uncertain data simultaneously. As a result, Opricovic and Tzeng (2003) proposed using fuzzy logic for the VIKOR method by applying some defuzzification techniques, simply by using fuzzy values to define the attributes’ ratings and their importance in the first phase of their study. Opricovic and Tzeng (2007) also extended VIKOR in fuzzy environment to solve the problem of uncertainty in the decision-making state priority where it makes the ranking list, gives weight and provides a compromise solution. Musani and Jemain (2013) have applied fuzzy VIKOR to evaluate school performance based on linguistic information. This study was improved by Musani and Jemain (2015), who proposed fuzzy VIKOR method to solve school ranking problem. Meanwhile, Wu et al. (2012) suggested hybrid MCDM model by using analytics hierarchy process (AHP) and VIKOR method to rank 12 private universities in Taiwan. Kuo and Liang (2012) postulated to use fuzzy VIKOR to evaluate the performance of three major intercity bus companies while Chang (2014) used the method in studying the medical and healthcare service quality performance. In Rezaie et al. (2014), the authors suggested fuzzy AHP and VIKOR method to evaluate the performance of cement firms. Fuzzy AHP method was used to determine the weight of criteria taking the subjective judgment of decision maker and VIKOR method was then applied to rank the firms. Other than that, fuzzy VIKOR was used by Girubha and Vinodh (2012) in selecting the best automotive component that can be used for instrument panel by considering environmental impact factors while Tzeng et al. (2002) applied fuzzy VIKOR in ranking a number of restaurant locations. Devi (2011) used VIKOR to develop a method for solving multiple-criteria decision making problems and applied it to solve a robot selection problem for material handling task. Chen and Wang (2009) proposed fuzzy VIKOR method to deal with suppliers or vendors selection problems in the delivery process efficiency. Opricovic and Tzeng (2007) compares extended VIKOR method with three multi criteria decision making methods namely TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to an Ideal Solution), PROMETHEE (Preference Ranking Organization Method for Enrichment Evaluations) and ELECTRE (Elimination and (Et) Choice Translating Reality) method to deal with hydropower systems. Introduction Face recognition is one of popular techonology nowadays that is used in many areas for example face recognition system and image monitoring system (Hung et al., 2017). It is a biometric identification technology that has a great potential in the future, and great theoretical and practical values. According to Zhu, (2012), face detection tehcniques are beginning from previous knowledge and combination of features while for others based on the skin segmentation. In Malaysia, the current system has been developed, but the challenges are when one person thinks that the variations in the visual stimulus due to viewing direction or poses, facial expressions, ageing such as hair, glasses or cosmetics. According to Wilhelm, (2005), the challenging task in recognition patterns is to estimate gender based on facial images that have many application areas such as the person identification and verification, video surveillance, and human-computer interaction. The main problem of face recognition is difficult to identify the shapes of human faces because different people have different structure of faces. Besides, there are a lot of environmental and personal factors that affect facial appearances such as the presence of eyeglasses, pimples or different facial expressions and the persons’ hair which covers their faces. The main objectives of this study are to classify gender using Hellinger Distance Decision Trees for imbalance data. The Sub-objectives are: i) To perform Procrustes analysis of the Delaunay Triangulation shape. ii) To generate Delaunay Triangulation of face images between male and female students. Literature Review i. Procrustes Component Analysis (PCA) The generalized orthogonal Procrustes analysis is the most useful in shape correspondence, because of the orthogonal nature of the rotation matrix. Hurley and Cattell who are the first used the term Procrustes analysis in 1962 with a method that did not limit the transformation to an orthogonal matrix (Stegmann, 2002). Procrustes analysis is better to be used in face recognition because it can detect and know on the points and shape, for example face, either that face is male or female and also it make it able to identify if that face is smiling, being angry or feeling sad. Shapes and landmarks involved in Procrustes analysis since both good for detecting and differentiate faces. According to Igual (2014), Procrustes analysis is a form of statistical shape analysis used to identify the distribution of a set of shapes. ii. Delaunay Triangulation (DT) A Delaunay triangulation is a unique construction that no vertex from any triangle may lie within the circumcircle of any other triangles.The face image is abstracted in terms of the Delaunay triangulation. A delaunay triangulation technique based on barycenters replaces triangles with small successive triangle so that the stop criteria is fulfilled. To recognize the face, the histogram of final set of areas is used as discrimination. According to (Yi and Hong, 2001), theoretical graphical techniques are often used in clustering planar point sets. The density of the point is measured by Delaunay triangle’s edge for the cluster. When the cluster is close to each other, it will form a planar area with any pair of points and if it is between two different clusters, it will have a greater distance than that in the cluster. iii. Hellinger Distance Decision Trees (HDDT) Decision tree is a powerful method for classification, predicting and used as a guide for decision making that leads to the different outcomes depending on chance, due to their efficiency, simplicity and interpretability. The decision trees, added with sampling techniques, have proven to be an effective way to adress the imbalanced data problems. Despite its effectiveness, however sampling methods add complexity and parameter selection requirement. Dealing with imbalanced datasets is one of the weaknesses of decision trees. A dataset is called imbalanced if the majority class vastly out numbers the minority class in the training data. Class imbalance is the biggest challenge as it impedes the ability of classifier to learn the minority concept due to the nature of learning algorithms. This is a fact when learning under highly imbalanced training data, classifying all instances as negative will result in high classification accuracy. The benefits of HDDT is to improve the accuracy of predictions, the speed and single-pass through the data. An esemble of HDDTs is used to combat concept drift and increase the accuracy of single classifier (David et al., 2012). Methodology The image of 53 students of CS248 who’s taking MAT 530 was retrieved from the SIMS. It comprised of 10 male and 43 female students. The data was analyzed to differentiate the shape of images between male and female students. The flow of the study was as below: Introduction This research focuses on the measuring underweight of the kindergarten’s kids. Underweight is a weight that is below the normal, average, or requisite weight. During early stages and childhood, kids gain weight and grow more rapidly than at any other stage in life. However, some kids do not gain weight at normal rate, either because of being born prematurely, expected variations related to genes, or because of undernutrition, which may occur for a various cause. Undernutrition is defined as the outcome of insufficient food intake such as protein, calories, vitamin, minerals and so on (Martins et al., 2011). Sometimes undernutrition is defined as a failure to thrive or growth deficit problem. Measuring the growth of a kid is an important part of child’s health care. It can help to recognize underweight and overweight, short stature and faltering growth. It can also provide consolation about normality. The most common method used for measuring weight status of people is Body Mass Index. In addition, BMI is most commonly used for measuring obesity in adults (Must and Anderson, 2006) but to make a difference in this research, Fuzzy Logic Approach will be used to measure the weight status of the selected kids from three different kindergartens in Perlis. Problem Statement Nowadays, childhood obesity is one of the most severe conditions, posing many health risks among the young generation. However, being underweight during childhood is equally risky as being overweight. Underweight children lead to decrement in their academic performance, social problem as well as challenging attitudes. Furthermore, the risks affected by being underweight are often overlooked, and malnutrition leads to the increases of health problems among children. For example, bone diseases. Their mind also becomes inflexible while their concentration and ability to make decision are markedly weak. According to Lazzeri et al. (2008), underweight may also increases the risk of illness, harms the intellectual development and decreases the work productivity in future life. Thus, in this study, fuzzy logic approach method is proposed to measure underweight among the childhood. Fuzzy theory is adapted for analysing underweight as biologically by using MATLAB. Objectives of the Study This study aims i. To evaluate the chances of having underweight among the children by using Fuzzy Logic Approach. ii. To compare the effectiveness result of underweight between BMI method and Fuzzy Logic Approach Literature Review Fuzzy Logic Approach Method Dernoncourt (2013) conducted a study to identify what Fuzzy Logic is. He discovered that Fuzzy Logic is a method of computing based on "degrees of truth" rather than the normal "true or false" Boolean Logic on which the modern computer is based. The concept of fuzzy logic was first advanced by Dr. Lotfi Zadeh from the University of California on 1960s. He also stated that Fuzzy Logic has many theories. Example of Fuzzy Logic theories are Fuzzy set, the linguistic variable, reasoning in Fuzzy Logic and others. Spada (2009) also conducted a study to learn more about the Fuzzy Logic. He divided Fuzzy Logic to two parts which are Fuzzy Logic Broad sense and Fuzzy Logic in Narrow Sense. Thus, he explained that Fuzzy Logic Broad Sense is mainly as tools for fuzzy control, analysis of uncertainty in natural language and several other application fields. He also stated that soft computing is one of the technique in Fuzzy Logic Broad Sense and the example of this technique is computational methods tolerant for sub-optimality and impreciseness that giving simple, good and quick solution. For Fuzzy Logic in Narrow Sense, he defined that it is symbolic logic with a comparative notion of truth. Measuring Weight Status by Using Body Mass Index World Health Organization (2008) conducted a research for measuring a child growth whether the child is growing normal or not. Some objectives of this study were for people to learn how to recognize the signs of marasmus and kwashiorkor, determine child’s age today, weigh a child and record the weight, measure and record the length or height and BMI by referring to a table or using a calculator. In addition, Butte et al. (2006) had conducted a research that focused on feasibility of creating international growth standard with weight, height and Body Mass Index for measuring school-aged children and adolescent. In this study, the researchers included biological, theoretical and other issues relating to the development of an international growth reference for those children with representatives from WHO, World Food Program (WFP) and others organization. Onis (2009) proposed a study about growth curves for school-age children and adolescents which were very important to childhood period. These curves are necessary tool in pediatric practice. In addition, Patel et al. (2015) on the research of unhealthy weight among children and adults in India: urbanicity and the crossover in underweight and overweight, BMI was also used for categorizing weight status for each respondence. BMI was computed as the measured weight divided by the square of the measured height. Wang et al. (2017) studied on Preschool-Age Chinese Children's Weight Status: WHO Classification, Parent Ratings, Child/Family Characteristics to compare preschool-age Chinese child’s weight status according to the World Health Organization guidelines with parental ratings on their child’s body type, and child/family demographic representative. This study focusing most on the normal weight, underweight and overweight of the children by using BMI. In addition, the researchers used the Parents' Perception of Healthy Weight (PPHW) to find parents' ratings of their children's weight to examine the accuracy of children's current weight status. Similarly, to research conducted by Unnithan and Syamakumari (2007) that focused on measuring the occurrence of obesity, overweight and underweight between school children in the rural and urban areas of Thiruvananthapuram Educational District. In this study, BMI was used to calculate the body weight and IOTF cut-off values method was used to identify the overweight, obese and underweight of the 3886 selected children. Introduction Nowadays, there are numerous heart breaking and awful news that are related to crime. It has become a major issue in Malaysia. As the country continues to be modernized, the crime rate is supposed to be descended. However, the opposite happens in most countries, including Malaysia. According to Khan (2015), the measurers of crime can be categorized into two. First, is the official crime statistics, which is based on the total records of the offenders and also the offences that are processed by the police, courts and also prison agencies. Second, is the unofficial crime statistics which comes from the surveys outside the criminal justice system. Many Malaysians are becoming more concerned about this issue. The issue of crimes in Malaysia can be seen in a study by Sidhu (2005) as he claimed that even though there is an improvement in the Malaysian Quality of Life Index (MQLI) during the period of 1990 to 2002 by 9.8 points, public safety and environment show a downward trend thus showing a rise in the index crime statistics. This issue should catch the eye of every person in the country so that they can be more alert about crime issue that is happening around them. Malaysian Digest (2014) stated that in 2013 itself, juvenile crime shows an increment and based on a statistics from the Royal Malaysian Police in Bukit Aman, 7,816 juvenile cases were recorded and mostly involved school students. The crime rate in Malaysia has increased over the time. According to Shahrudin (2016), there is an increase of 4.6% recorded in the crime index between January and April in 2016 because of the increment in property crimes. The issue of crimes have been making the headlines for the past few years. On top of that, there are limited studies on finding the causes of committing crime. In order to decrease the problem, the government can join the police department in analysing the factors that contribute the most in committing crime in Malaysia. Hence, the actions that can be executed so that crime behaviour in Malaysia can be reduced can be pointed out. The behaviour of committing crimes in Malaysia can be due to many factors. The factors involved are peer pressure, poverty, lack of education, family condition or background and lastly alcohol and drug abuse. The factors listed will act as the alternatives of the study. In order to decide the ranking of factors that cause crimes to be committed, this research was proposed. Factors of Committing Crime i. Poverty Poverty is associated with insufficient income or shortage of first necessity goods. Crime rates appear to be notably high in deprive neighbourhoods where mostly the residents are in the state of poverty. Justice Markandey Katju who is a former Supreme Court judge in India stated to The Times of India (2016) that poverty is the main reason of committing crime and most of the people found in jails in India, in America and other countries are poor. According to Ghani (2017), there are quite a number of scholars of criminology which claimed that poverty often tied to be the main cause of committing crime in many societies. The societies that suffer from poverty are troubled with financial difficulties, high cost of living and ultimately hard to get a complete meal for a day. As a consequence, the tendency to commit crime by the societies may be higher. ii. Family Conditions Crime behaviour might be influenced by family. A survey has been conducted in India, where the interview was done in detention centres across Delhi, Odisha, Tamil Nadu and Kerala. A total of 605 children has participated in the survey. The survey showed that a majority of the children is came from families which showed exposure in various natures. The results obtained showed that frequent feud and squabble between parents or even children and parents contributed 50% of the results. Moreover, family disruptions such as single-parent families, divorced parents and living in streets contributed 41.5% (The Hindu, 2016). iii. Peer pressure As reported by Esiri (2016), growing children look up to their peer group as their idol which makes it an upsetting and alarming social problem. As children grow into teenagers, the problems become bigger if parental bonding is weak. A conclusion made from the study is that peer pressure and its effect do occur in all adolescents. It also acts as a prime source of juvenile delinquency and adulthood crime, which obviously a concern to the society. Esiri also stated that teenagers normally have the desire to attach to their peers when there are problems at home. To relate, a teenager is most likely to be drawn to a group which is involved in immoral activities such as theft, cultism and etc. iv. Lack of Education Education plays an important role in life. Crime can be attributed to the lack of education on the part of the perpetrator or their families. As reported by The Times of India (2016), in 2015, a total of 7870 juveniles were apprehended. Out of this number, there are only 3261 juveniles who had educational background untill higher secondary. 3088 of them studied untill primary level and 902 were illiterate. This record was according to the National Records Crime Bureau (NRCB) data. Furthermore, according to Lochner (2004), among young uneducated men, violent and property crimes are the main problem. In his study, Lochner implied that it is because of their low skill levels, which imply incarceration costs for committing crime. On top of that, a study done by Anspal et al. (2011) recorded that the probabilities of crime execution are higher among people who have lower levels of education, younger people and also males. The impact of education is noticeable for younger people and it will slowly fade once they are around their sixties. v. Alcohol and Drug Abuse According to Brown and Velasquez (2017) on drug-related crime in Mexico, a statistics reported by the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI), a stable and declining homicide rates were shown from mid 1990s until 2007. However, the homicide rate per 100,000 people increased rapidly by nearly 200% between 2007 and 2010. When examined specifically, most of the increment in the homicide rate found in the statistics is due to the surge in drug-related violence crime in Mexico. Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) was first proposed by Hwang and Yoon back in 1981 and is one of the Multi-Attribute Decision Making (MADM) techniques. When a user prefers a simpler weighting approach, TOPSIS is the right technique (Kabir & Hasin, 2012). There are two artificial alternatives which are Positive-Ideal Solution (PIS) and Negative-Ideal Solution (NIS). PIS will maximize the benefit criteria and minimize the cost criteria making it the best for all attributes. In contrast, NIS will maximize the cost criteria and minimize the benefit criteria. NIS is the one which has the worst attributes value (Erdebilli & Saputro, 2013). A few years back, some fuzzy TOPSIS methods were developed in different applied field. Azizi et al. (2015) conducted a study to rank automotive suppliers using this method. The main criteria identified from the study were responsibility, flexibility, competency and speed. 18 sub-criteria were considered based on four factories which were factory A, B, C and D. Result shows that the best supplier is from factory A and the worst is factory D. It can be concluded that based on the Fuzzy TOPSIS result, there are many strategies that can be implemented by the suppliers so that the bottlenecks can be found if it exists and responds to the supply chain if there are any rapid changes. In addition, Abdullah and Zamni (2010) compared between fuzzy TOPSIS and correlation analysis to rank the factors associated with road accidents. Based on their studies, fuzzy TOPSIS is the best alternative and the most suitable technique for solving a group decision-making problem under fuzzy environment. Mor and Ramachandran (2017) conducted a study to select the best strategy to optimize solid wastes disposal. The method used was Fuzzy TOPSIS. There are five strategies that were listed which are landfills, incineration, energy transform, reuse and recycle. After analysing the result, the best strategy that can be used is recycle as its closeness coefficient value is 0.5561 which is the greatest out of all strategies hence making it the highest ranking. This proves that Fuzzy TOPSIS is able in aiding the selection of the best option to achieve the best result. Methodology The data on crime factors are collected by interviewing and providing questionnaires to the personnel in Seri Manjung District Police Headquarters (IPD), Perak. There are three personnel who were chosen to be the decision makers. All the three of them were asked to rate the criteria with respect to the alternatives. The rating varies from ‘very low’, ‘low’, ‘medium’, ‘high’ and ‘very high’. Introduction Carried weight is the amount of goods that are carried on a ship, plane, or truck. The amount of carried weight is very important in logistic transportation system to make sure all the goods arrive to the destination safely at the right time. In Peninsular Malaysia, KTMB is the main rail operator. KTMB provides many types of services such as that Electric Train Service (ETS), Intercity, Commuter, and Cargo. KTMB also provide cargo services which are safe, efficient and trustworthy. KTMB also has services that are connected to the port and inland port in Peninsular Malaysia. There are three types of train services of KTMB Freight Service which are Train Contena Service, Train Cargo Conventional Service and Train Landbridge Service KTMB has suffered three major derailments in 2017. On August 21, a cargo train wrecked at Jalan Kucing and caused delays for a few days. On September 23, a snapped electrical cable between Rawang and Kuang stations had to close their track for two days. On November 23, once again cargo train had an accident when 12 cargo trains traveling southward slipped between National Bank Station and Kuala Lumpur Station due to heavy weight and oversized loads carried by the cargo train (Alias, 2017). Consequently, KTM commuter and ETS services were disrupted for several routes around the Klang Valley. One of the major causes of this tragedy was because of the overload of the wagons of the cargo train. The prediction of the amount of carried weight is important because it can help KTMB improves operation efficiently. KTMB can manage its cargo items well so that it can overcome the accident that will cause remove delays of other services such as remove that Keretapi Tanah Melayu commuter and ETS services. KTMB has to organise effective management and schedules well to overcome the accident problem and improve the terminal operation to fulfil customer needs at the right time and in the right condition. An effective planning can also help KTMB against remove from any loses. If there is no action towards this problem, there will be dissatisfaction from the customers that can affect KTMB’s reputations. The objective of this study is to predict the amount of carried weight on KTMB Freight Service for five years from 2017 to 2021 by using the best algorithm in Artificial Neural Network (ANN). The data regarding on freight traffic by types of cargo are taken from Department of Statistics Malaysia Official Portal which is from year 2001 to 2016. In this study, the softwares that have been chosen are Alyuda NeuroIntellegence and Microsoft Excel 2010. This study only focuses on Conjugate Gradient Descent (CGD), Quasi-Newton (QN) and Lavenberg-Marquardt (LM) and it chooses the best algorithm based on smallest error measures which are RMSE and MAPE. This research significantly gives benefits to KTMB as it can help to improve their services efficiently and to know about their amount of carried weight for five years. Therefore, they can plan their management effectively such as the weight of goods and train schedule. The goods also will arrive safely and will not disrupt other KTMB services. KTMB can also decrease its cost and increase its profits through effective planning. . Related Works i. Carried Weight Rahman et al. (2014) studied about ANN to predict carried weight. There are three classes of ANN which are incremental back propagation algorithm, genetic algorithm and Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm. This study was applied in an automobile industry, Iran Khodro Company (IKCO). An organization can appropriately provide the machinery resources, labour, transport system and for appropriate organization if it is wise about the amount of the demand. The demand rates can be surveyed by utilizing different strategies, the most significant is load-count analysis, weight volume analysis, and material balance analysis (Smith, 2012). ANN was used to test the weekly data of carried weight given by IKCO transportation system based on the observation of the number of trucks, van lorry and fuel consumption. Petraska et al. (2017) analyzed the problem of optimization of transportation processes of heavyweight and overload. The authors formulated the universal multi-criteria assessment system of route and guarantee rational choice of heavyweight loads routes of rail transportation. This study revealed a set issue related to heavyweight and oversized loads transportation. Rail mode transport is not flexible routing compared to road transport due to a new segment of the track or the improvement of the current which is very expensive and complex than to enhance the same length of the car road section. The problem of heavyweight and oversized loads by rail often increases, cargo size is not the problem but the main issue is loads weight. Evaluation about suitability of rail transport mode for transportation about heavyweight and oversized loads will be practically often associated with the limit value of the load size. The different areas of their density is very different which was recognised by analysing rail network (Jarasuniene, 2009). ii. Artificial Neural Network Tosun and Calik (2016) studied failure load prediction of single lap adhesive joints using ANN. The goal of this study is to predict the failure load in single lap adhesive joints using ANN. The experimental data acquired from the literature covers the single lap adhesive joints with different geometric models under the tensile loading. ANN model was developed to estimate the relationship between failure loads by utilizing geometric measurements of bond range as input data. A three-layer feed forward artificial neural network system that used LM algorithm model was utilized as a part of request to prepare the train network. It was observed that ANN model can estimate the failure load of single lap adhesive joints with minimum mistake. The outcomes demonstrated that the ANN is an efficient option strategy in prediction and supported by Amani and Moeini (2012) who proposed an ANN is the best model compared to Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS). This research used ANN and ANFIS to predict the shear strength of reinforced concrete beam. This study compared the models with American Concrete Institute and Iranian Concrete Institute empirical codes. The main objective of this study is to design and develop ANN and ANFIS models for predicting RC beam shear strength. As a result, the prediction of ANN is better than ANFIS model. Based on the previous research, many methods and techniques that have been used for forecasting and it can be concluded that ANN technique is the best model to predict the amount of carried weight. Research Methodology The method that will be used in this study is ANN technique. In this study, the software that has been chosen is Alyuda NeuroIntellegence. In this software, there are seven algorithm which are Quick Propagation, Conjugate Gradient Descent, Quasi-Newton, Limited Memory Quasi-Newton, Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm, Online Back Propagation algorithm and Batch Back Propagation algorithm. This study only focuses on, Quasi-Newton (QN), Conjugate Gradient Descent (CGD) and Levenberg-Marquardt (LM) algorithms and chooses the best algorithm based on the smallest error measures. There are six steps to develop ANN using this software. Step 1: Data Analysis Data is analyzed using Alyuda NeuroIntelligence software. This stage will analyze the input data to define the column parameters and identify irregular data in “Analysis Report”. Step 2: Data Preprocessing At data preprocessing stage, the data will be normalized by adding 0.1 in every variable to make sure the data is accurate and fulfill the neural network requirement. The data will scale in range between [-1, 1] or [0, 1] by the input neuron. The modified data in this stage will enter to the neural network. Step 3: Designing Network After data preprocessing, the best model of the neural network will be designed at this stage. The number of layers and hidden neurons will be chosen in this stage. The network architecture will be generated to develop the model and to determine the best model based on a few criteria such as Akaike’s Criterion (AIC), fitness criterion, least error and R-Squared value. Step 4: Training Network At this stage, the number of training algorithm, parameter and the number of iteration chosen. The training process will provide a visual representation. Step 5: Testing Network The input data will be tested and generated the output data. From the output data, the error measure can be calculated which are RMSE and MAPE. The results shows the value of the correlation coefficient between the original data and modelled data. Error measure is a criteria is used to differentiate between a poor forecast model and a good forecast model. The usual measurement being error measure that has the smallest value. There are two error measures that are considered and the most popular among researchers which are RMSE and MAPE. The first error measure is Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE). This is also the most favourite error measure among researcher even though it is unit free (Lazim, 2011). RMSE also gives equal weights to all errors. Introduction There are two sectors involved in preparing tertiary or higher education level for this country which are public and private sectors. Both sectors have produced large number of universities in order to fulfill the demand of education in Malaysia. Based on Khairani and A. Razak (2013) in their article, public sector, which is controlled by the government of Malaysia, has offered about 22 universities (IPTA), 30 polytechnics and 73 public community colleges over Sabah, Sarawak and peninsular. On the other hand, the numbers of private universities (IPTS) are about 53. While the rest consist of six foreign university branch campuses and 403 active private colleges. Normally, most students will further their studies in colleges or universities after sitting for Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM), matriculation college or Sijil Tinggi Pelajaran Malaysia (STPM) for undergraduate programs. Generally, there are numerous choices that students might have in order to further their studies whether in public or private institution. Although both industries offer the same package either for diploma or bachelor degrees, there must be a gradual differentiation in terms of quality and reputation among these institutions. The main objective of this study is to determine the major factor, which are affiliation, course offered, cost of education and reputation that influences or will influence Malaysian choice of public or private university. The sub-objectives are to determine the most preferred university between IPTA and IPTS among the Malaysians and to rank the importance of four chosen factors in influencing Malaysian choice of IPTA and IPTS The data were collected through interview process. The researcher interviewed a person who is considered an expert in the field of the topic research. The expert was given a set of questionnaire. The questionnaire involve the ranking of alternatives for the criterion based on the linguistic scale that has been chosen for this research. Hence, the expert should tick on the scale given based on their significance. Since the questionnaire has been run using linguistic variable, therefore ,it must be converted into fuzzy number so that numerical decision making process could be done. The method used in this study is Fuzzy Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS). The purpose of this study may help them to recognise the main factor to consider in order to choose an instituition to further their studies. Hence it may aid the decision making process of upcoming university students in choosing their study place. In addition, it can also be a reference for public and private universities themselves in order to determine their university image based on the experts’ perspective. Hence, they can upgrade their quality to compete with others. Related Works i. Factors Influencing Malaysian Choice of University Misran et al. (2012) had considered six factors that influence students in choosing university programmes which are the influence of surroundings, follow friends’ selection, suitability with personality and interest, information from media, career history, cost of education and financial support. Based on the result obtained, they ranked the top three major factors are suitability with personal and interest, cost of education and information about the instituition from the media. While in Ramayah et al. (2003), students gave the highest ranking to issues such as financial, field of study, general academic reputation, location, social atmosphere, aculty teaching reputation, academic standard, and career prospect. Affiliation or facilities is one of the fixed characteristics of a university (Ming, 2010). Some examples of educational affiliation are wi-fi, classrooms, laboratories’ equipments and libraries. The efficiency of the services can also be categorised as a good facility. With the existence of good facilities, it will smoothen the learning process as well as making it convenient for the students physically and mentally. The students do not have to spend a lot of money in order to enjoy services that do not exist in the university. Hence, they can focus on their learning process only. Normally, students who are from medium or low class income of families will consider this as one of the factors to choose their studiy place. So, in order to support the desire of the students to enter a university, there are so many financial aids offered to them such as student loans, scholarships, grants, and work-study programs (Kenayathulla & Tengyue, 2016). The image of the university is also important in order to determine whether the university is a good enough or not. There are so many reason to increase the reputation of university. One of them is the career history of the alumni of the university. Besides, the reputation may also be influenced and distorted by the marketing strategies of the university. Hashim and Mahmood (2011) stated that one of the government agencies that provides the accreditation of a university is Malaysian Qualification Agency (MQA). In order to get the accreditation, a standard quality should be achieved. ii. Application of Fuzzy TOPSIS Fuzzy Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Situation (TOPSIS) is one of the methods for solving MCDM (Multi Criteria Decision Making) problem. MCDM problem is frequently encountered in practice although it is a complex, multi-objective task due to uncertain data (Mavi et al., 2016). One example of scenario of MCDM problem is a group of people who intends to determine which brand of smartphone to buy based on certain criteria. For instance the criteria are price, screen size and battery life. The alternative is the brands of the smartphone. Hence, the decision makers will give their opinion on which criteria is more significant. Different decision makers will certainly have different opinions. There are several existing methods that can be applied to solve this problem which are Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), Fuzzy Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS), ELECTRE, rough sets theory and multi-objective programming (Choudhary & Shankar, 2012). These are called Multi-Criteria Decision Methods (MCDM). Research Methodology Step1 : Determination of linguistic terms, membership functions and the weightage of evaluation criteria. The linguistic variables for all criteria must be identified. This is because each linguistic variable will indicate a set of membership functions. Hence, determining the weightage of the evaluation criteria and the ratings of the alternatives is considered by linguistic terms. Table 1 shows the linguistic variable and corresponding triangular fuzzy numbers extracted by Chen (2000). Introduction Masters (2016) states that a teacher needs to monitor the progress or growth of a student’s learning process for successful learning to occur. In student progress monitoring, an educator defines a student's current performance level on skills to be learned in that year, identifies achievement goals to be reached by year end, and establishes the rate of progress by the student in meeting those goals. Using the gathered information, a teacher will be able to define effective teaching approaches to target a student’s level of readiness and learning needs and at the same time set appropriate stretch goals for further learning. More importantly, monitoring goal progress is an effective self-regulation strategy. Interventions that take place will increase the frequency of progress monitoring and this will most likely promote behavior change in students (January et al., 2018; Van Norman, Christ, & Newell, 2017). A school expects that all students will make excellent progress in their learning regardless of their take off point. Schools use data to monitor every student’s progress over time. More importantly, when teachers use student progress monitoring, students learn more, teacher decision making improves, and students become more aware of their own performance (Cauley & McMillan, 2010; Suskie, 2018). From time to time, progress reports are relayed to the education leaders. This information helps to define if the standards have declined or improved in schools and school system. The information will address the performance of students according to groups, places of study, and teaching strategies. In addition, data can also be used to evaluate the impact of school-wide and system-wide programs (Fuchs & Fuchs, 1992; Masters, 2016; Safer & Fleischman, 2005). Mathematical proficiency is a requirement of many well-paying jobs. In particular, high school students’ mathematics achievement defines future success at tertiary education as well as future growth in career earnings. In general, a student who starts ahead in mathematics will stay ahead while a student who starts behind will stay behind. It would of good benefit if researchers can identify specific areas of mathematics that will consistently predict later mathematics proficiency. In that way, education leaders or policy-makers can alleviate efforts toward improving teaching and learning in these specific areas (Siegler et al., 2012). This article shares how Expected Target Result (ETR) approach helps education leaders in system monitoring of future mathematics proficiency in Malaysian schools. Purpose of Assessing Learning Outcomes Accreditors, employers and policy-makers are interested in the assessment of learning outcomes. Suitable assessment instruments or tools can help teachers to determine the level at which students understand concepts or skills taught in class. They can also be used to define how well students are able to apply concepts, knowledge and skills. Results obtained from these assessments can be helpful to teachers at enhancing or varying teaching and learning approaches. Sometimes, outcomes assessments are only carried out at the end of a course or a program. Therefore, the current students may not receive feedbacks on their performance other than their grades and the teachers may not be able to carry out interventions to improve the students’ learning. However, the results can be used to make changes which affect subsequent students (Lee Abdullah et al.; Suskie, 2018). A school aims to ensure achievement for every student. A teacher needs tools to assist him at identifying students who are at risk academically. Based on the knowledge of a student’s level of achievement, a teacher will be able to identify appropriate intervention strategies to help improve the student’s needs. Therefore, performance data can be used to measure the effectiveness of the teaching approaches (Safer & Fleischman, 2005). Different Assessment Methods Assessments (formative and/or summative) are tools used in progress monitoring (Looney, 2011). Some examples of these tools are curriculum-based measurement (CBM), Computer-adaptive Assessment (CAT), and Mastery measurement (MM). CBM scoring process is based on classical test theory. CAT uses algorithms and item response theory to estimate student’s ability in a previous item before exposing him to higher or lower level items based on this information. Both methods disburse final scores after the administration of the assessment items (Van Norman, Nelson, & Parker, 2017). MM evaluates student performance by running tests with increasing item difficulties to students over a determined period of time. However, it lacks reference to larger generalized skills, thus MM assessments may not suit to be used on high‐stakes tests. Unlike these three methods, classroom assessment allows teachers to develop more customized, complex assessments of student proficiency. The drawback of this method is that is too much time is need to administer and develop such tests (Hanover Research, 2013). A teacher can monitor student progress in many ways. He can also measure a student's academic progress regularly on a weekly, biweekly, or monthly basis using probes. Probes have been shown to be reliable and valid predictors of subsequent performance on various outcome measures. They do not sample one particular skill to be learnt in a week or a month. They are able to sample the entire range of skills for a student to learn by year end (Safer & Fleischman, 2005). In Malaysia, the “Headcount” program is applied to each student throughout his secondary academic year. It is a process that identifies a student’s academic performance in all subjects. The program enables teachers to follow up, monitor and measure the available capability of each student. By using a specific examination result as Take-off Value (TOV), the teacher evaluates a student’s capability by identifying his Expected Target Result (ETR) and Operational Target Increment. In this program, the school management works together with the teachers and the academic units involved in the program to enhance teaching-learning approaches in order to achieve a pre-defined objective (Abdullah et al.; Ali Abdelwahab, 2010; Mohamed, Rosly, & Tarmizi, 2018; Suhaimi et al., 2013). The ETR approach is also applicable to be used as a progress monitoring system by education leaders, as will be discussed in the following section. The ETR Approach This section presents the ETR method as used by the Kluang District Education Office (KDEO). Data involving three types of schools: Sekolah Kebangsaan (SK), Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Tamil (SJK(T)) and Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Cina (SJK(C)) were used to estimate the ETR of students in the Unit Penilaian Sekolah Rendah (UPSR), which is the national examination of primary schools in Malaysia. Variables included average school grades (GPS) of all Year Five students from these schools in the year 2017. In particular, GPS was taken to be the TOV which will be used to set the ETR. The next section of this article will only share findings related to Mathematics. All experimental calculations were done in Excel. There are several types of ETR and each type has its own formula. Examples of ETR are ETR for average grades of subject, ETR for grade A ( ), ETR for average school grades ( ) and others. KDEO calculated for every subject in all the schools based on. This calculated value will be the predicted target results based on the average grades of a school. Introduction In the hustle and bustle of daily life, the bookstore is a place where people could go and find relaxation time for themselves. Information, and entertainment can be found in a bookstore. There are usually many sections in a bookstore, such, fiction, non-fiction, education (including sections for SPM, PT3 and UPSR), language, art, technology, business and sections for stationaries, comics, and many more. An interesting question is how a bookstore should keep its shelves full and make profit at the same time. In this situation, mathematical modelling can be a big help to maximize the profit earned by a bookstore. Profit is the single biggest determinant of whether a store succeeds commercially or fails. According to the CEO of Idea Logical Company, (Shatzkin, 2013), a bookstore must guess which books to order at a specific time. Therefore, this study will focus on maintaining sales despite not knowing what suit readers the most. In this modernized era, people are more attracted to technology. Books can be purchased online with a single click. Furthermore, technological devices are getting more sophisticated day by day, hence books can be accessed everywhere and anytime. Consequently, opening a bookstore is a risky business. Thus, an important factor to consider is the strategy that booksellers should use to keep up with the technology to maintain or increase sales. People are still buying books from the bookstore because some find the smell of a new book being opened from its packaging exhilarating. The existence of a bookstore is important for future generation to experience reading physical books. A bookstore is helpful for people to expand knowledge. This study aims to help a bookstore optimize its production and avoid books from being untouchable on the shelves. Linear Programming Linear Programming (LP) is a special case of a mathematical programming problem. From an expert’s point of view, an LP problem is a mathematical program that can identify minimum or maximum point of a function and also satisfies a set of constraints. The problem constraints are linear and linear programming work as the objective’s function. A crisp linear programming model or classical model of LP may have the following formulation, whereby is a alternative set, is a coefficients of an objective function, Ai is a matrix of coefficients of constraints and bi is a right-hand sides (Guney, Teke and Tas, 2016). Fuzzy Linear Programming Zimmermann first introduced the fuzzy set theory into linear programming problems in 1976, and linear programming problems with a fuzzy goal and fuzzy constraints was considered (Sakawa, Yano and Nishizaki, 2013). Fuzzy linear programming (FLP) is often insufficient in practical situations which follow classical linear programming but fuzzy feasible solution is said to be a fuzzy optimal solution (Ebrahimnejad, 2011). As a matter of fact, certain coefficients that appear in classical LP problems may not be well-defined. This is because their values depend on other parameters or because they cannot be accurately evaluated and only qualitative estimates of these coefficients are available. Fuzzy linear programming is an addition of classical linear programming and deals with vague coefficients by using fuzzy variables. The fuzzy linear programming problem can be written in. Introduction WLAN is a wireless dispersal technique for two or more device that often include an access point to the Internet and use a high-frequency of radio waves. In WLAN environment, while maintaining the network connection, the user can move freely around the coverage area such a home or small office. The significant of social impact are along with the playing an integral part of our life with the existence of wireless communications. Nevertheless, the industrial evolutions in wireless network have criticized the privileges made by devotees of wired networks by (Hangargi, 2016). The facts that, the standard for wireless communication is intangible. The guarantee of whenever and anyplace availability must be satisfied by wireless networks. Voice, video and other real time interactive service is the remaining challenges before the wireless local area network can effectively support by (Song, Deshpande, Kotz, Jain, & Jose, 2005). Denial of service (DoS) attacks is a malicious node that block legitimate communication by intentional interference in the network. Security issues and attacks management have become prime importance for communication in wireless networks. Due to the transmission environment of the wireless systems are highly exposed to attacks. Denial of Service (DoS) attacks are considered as one of the most destructive attacks by (Navid, 2017). Denial-of-Service (DoS) attack is one of the common attacks that defenseless in data network. Security system in the nowadays on guarding against DoS attacks should be taken seriously (Goyal, 2014). Virus, worm and malware are the old school of threat when it is compared to DoS attacks because DoS attacks have a potential to undermine the advantages that come with wireless data network (Hangargi, 2016). One of DoS attacks that occur in physical layer is jamming attacks, where DoS attack was acts to minimizes or destroys a network capacity and obstructs it to perform its expected functions. Physical layer is highly susceptible to jamming attacks as it is used for frequency selection and modulation (Jaitly, 2017). The reputation of WLANs meets a continual increase in security attacks against WLANs, and the 2005 survey from Computer Security Institute (CSI) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) shows that WLAN manipulations (i.e., security attacks) is the only "growing" threat of computer crimes . These DoS attacks cause the WLAN or some of its wireless nodes out of services. As DoS attacks against WLANs become more and more common, this thesis is to investigate physical layer DoS attack in WLAN and simulated the DoS attack using dynamic movement model with random and constant jammer. More specifically, physical layer attacks on the Ethernet networks are covered. The focus is on wireless networks, since WLAN is the most widely used nowadays. Physical layer attacks are selected because they are the hardest to detect but easier to generate. This research for further understanding of constant and random jammer where the result in the research will be compared from performance matrices of Bit Error Rate (BER), Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) and throughput Related Work (Kumar et al., 2017) proposed a study to analyze the performance of DoS attack in an office environment. Global Wireless LAN Delay, Global DB Query Traffic Sent, Global DB Query Traffic Received, Node IP Traffic Dropped, Point-to-Point Queuing Delay, Point-to-Point, throughput and Point-to-Point Utilization are measured to detect the presence of a jammers which utilizes frequency sweeping. A comparison of performance under the normal conditions and DoS scenario were analyzed. As a result, the defense mechanism is not achieved the maximum reliability on what DoS claims and improvement the Quality of Service (QoS) of WLANs has the effects of DoS attack. In addition, (Yubo & Xi, 2009) conducted an investigation by analyzing the third version of WAI in WAPI standard using finite-state verification tool named Mur Modeling in WLAN environment. The result or weaknesses of WAI is insecure against DoS attack both in certificate authentication and key agreement. Researcher also conducted an experiment to mitigate and detect DoS attack by using Software Defined Networking concept (SDN) that combine OpenFlow architecture for SDN with Monitoring API to study this case. The outcome of this research is a defence applications should be there configured to completely secure the customer network and time security related to communication between control and data plane should be secure. (Kim et al., 2006) propose a DoS detection method via reflecting resource constraints of sensors in Hierarchical Sensor Networks. And the result of this study, the researcher state that the method is calculated with only multiplication operation instead of algorithm. (Pawani & Raj, 2007) study about mitigation of jamming attack in mobile ad hoc networks. The research was held because of conventional security mechanism cannot eliminated the radio disturbance. This study is in Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol which involve jamming attack. The researcher proposed several techniques such as there have Point Controller Functions (PCF) that are used to coordinate entire network activities at the MAC layer and RTS/CTS (Clear-To-Send) mechanisms which is a handshaking procedure that decreases the collisions on the wireless network used for mitigating and preventing jamming attack. Table 1 below show the comparison of research conducted in WLAN environment mostly by comparing what are their technique or methodology and weaknesses Introduction Databases study is one of the important pillars in the academic discipline of Information Technology for the undergraduate degree program (ACM, 2008). To be able to design and implement database system using database management languages, it is very imperative for students to first learn and understand about data modelling (Czenky, 2015). Data modelling comprises in database principles main topics consist of data modelling concepts, relational model characteristics, entity relationship diagram (ERD) and normalization of database design (Coronel, Morris & Rob, 2013). Students’ thorough grasp of data modelling concepts is an essential first step to enable them to later wholly and correctly visualize real-world relational database design with the use of ERD and further evaluating the design with normalization process before the design could be implemented. Nevertheless, many studies have shown that data modelling topic is complicated and difficult for students (Czensky, 2015; Chilton, McHaney & Chae, 2006; Smith, 2004). It is complicated because many students lack the ability to use abstraction techniques in data modelling (Czensky, 2015; Smith, 2004). Consequently, this weakness leads to the difficulty to apply data modelling concepts for identifying the correct entities, relationships and attributes in solving real-world database problem (Chilton, McHaney & Chae, 2006; Drake 2005). Despite the importance and limitations of typical teacher-centred learning settings in the classroom, the educators are taking advantage of computer technology to make innovations for students to use outside of the classroom. Computer-based learning is one of the suitable methods for novice modellers like students to learn about data modelling (Smith, 2004). Hence, the challenges in learning data modelling could be resolved with the use of multimedia courseware. Multimedia courseware brings many benefits to students because it can provide student-centred learning, allow active participation and facilitate experiential learning (Wathore, 2012) which cannot be entirely delivered in the classroom. Additionally, courseware with these three mentioned multimedia capabilities not only provide an alternative approach to learning but also are suitable for revising previously learned concepts (Wathore, 2012) from the classroom. Interestingly, multimedia courseware can be used by students in applying the concepts learned to solve real-world problems (Sankar & Raju, 2014). Many multimedia educational programs have been found to be useful, practical and successful to improve learning in various academic disciplines (Almara’beh, Amer & Sulieman, 2015; Malik & Agarwal, 2012). On the contrary, many studies have shown different results about the effectiveness of using multimedia in improving students’ academic achievement when compared with traditional classroom method (Aloraini, 2012). Most importantly, specific studies believe that the current emphasis on multimedia courseware and applications should be viewed as to supplement learning in providing an alternative learning experience, promoting positive learning outcomes and improving student achievement (Babiker, 2015; Thangapragasam & Ramanathan, 2012) rather than as a replacement or enhancement to classroom method. In light of the above, multimedia courseware was developed in student-centred learning mode to facilitate self-exploration, encourage active learning and learning by doing. This paper aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the developed multimedia courseware as a supplemental learning tool in enhancing students learning of data modelling concepts by examining students’ achievement before and after studying the multimedia courseware. Multimedia Courseware Contents Design The developed multimedia courseware follows the content design as illustrated in Figure 1. The courseware is divided into three main sections which are pre-test, tutorial and post-test sections and ended with pre-test and post-test total marks results for comparison. Introduction There Industrial training or internship is an important part of a study plan for all university courses in Malaysia. To gain working experience, students should involve internship program which it is part of the university curriculum (Phang, Yusof, Saat, & Yusof, 2014). Internship is important to all students to help them build confidence level and lead to find a job in future (Patki, Patki, & August, 2015). Current system of internship application is using manual process, where students fill in their details in a Google form. Details include basic student's information, and company details. Coordinator will generate an official letter, where students will need to manually print to attach with their resume, internship scope and objectives and a feedback form to their preferred company. Coordinators then will receive the feedback form by fax or email, where the student's application status is accepted or rejected by the company. Most students also will receive feedbacks via their email, but some do rely on coordinators since some companies send their feedback form using fax or physical letters only. This method of internship application produces a lot of issues, which can lead to time consuming process and pushes tougher responsibilities towards both coordinators and students. Problems include miscommunication between coordinators and students, where coordinators usually create a group WhatsApp for the class representatives as a medium to disseminate information. However, not all students are aware of the information. Besides that, using the Google form prevents use of excessive paper form usage, and helped ease the coordinator's task to keep all student’s information in one place, but still cannot prevent human errors. Therefore, the development of web-based system of IAS is to provide automation from current manual, time consuming process to a web-based system which can help speed up the internship application. Laravel The used of Laravel is to design and improve the system that was developed and reduce time and cost. Laravel have its own special features which enables developers to develop a web-based system without losing any data or functionality (Armel, 2014). Laravel can create a simple process or system that have good design and most advance and elegant for PHP framework (Akash, Rohit, & Shivganga, 2017). Several other benefits include increase in popularity among PHP frameworks, able to create powerful layouts, and being able to produce secure applications. Laravel is a fully-fledged MVC framework. MVC rapidly became the industry’s standard practice used in every modern development environment. Introduction Lecturer’s evaluation must be done to ensure the quality and performance of a lecturer reached the standard specified by the higher education institutions. The evaluation result will encourage the lecturers to improve teaching skills, subject knowledge, attitude and attendance, in order to improve student’s achievement (Muzenda, 2013). Many researchers tend to agree that evaluation of teaching must encompass a variety of measures (Santiago & Benavides, 2009). Students believed that online evaluation allowed them to provide more effective and more constructive feedback (Anderson & Cain, 2005). Thus, lecturer evaluation should be supported by system that speeds up the retrieval of reliable and accurate data and result so that student and lecturer and involve department staff can rely on it and confidence when they use it. Lecturer Evaluation System (e-CEvas) e-CEvas was implemented at Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) at the end of 2008. The system aims to give students the opportunity to provide feedback on the teaching and learning process that they went through during the semester. The previous version of e-CEvas had weaknesses that still need to be improve. It had many problems such as slow performance, limited interactivity, loss of states and the data transmission had redundant code that was unnecessary in each page. The search process also time consuming when the user must fill a field in page and click a button to retrieve result. Also, results from the retrieve action will take a longer time to release as the page has to load data from the server. Therefore, the results from the evaluation had took a long time to released, which was too late to make changes and took appropriate actions based on the evaluation of students. With the aims to overcome those problems, a new version of e-CEvas was develop by integrating Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) technology to get rapid result, the requirement of less retrieval time, less vulnerability to any educator influence, cost-effectiveness, immediate reliable and accurate availability of data for analysis and reporting. The system was developed using ASP.NET C#, Visual Studio Ultimate 2012 as the editor and SQL Server as the database. V-model framework approach was used in developing this research study. The following phase was used namely: requirement analysis, system design, architectural design, module design, unit testing, integration testing, system testing and acceptance testing. AJAX Technology Web developers nowadays are looking forward in the development of web applications. They wanted to develop Web applications with more interactivity and performance improvement and, as well as user interfaces with responsive function. To meet the specified requirement, a new kind of technology used AJAX was introduced in 1990s. AJAX was a name used to a collection of technologies (Paulson, 2005) designed to enhance web application responsiveness. This collection of technologies was the combination of Dynamic HTML, CSS, HTML, as standard base presentation, asynchronous or synchronous retrieval of data using XML HttpRequest, Dynamic interaction and displays using the data exchange, Document object model (DOM) model, and execute using XML, and client-side scripting (in either Java or JavaScript/ECMAScript) to bind everything together. AJAX allows applications to provide rich client-side interfaces and allows the browser to communicate with the web without forcing the entire page refreshes. AJAX gives better usability whenever the data changes. AJAX allows only the required part was refreshed instead of refreshing the whole page. An intermediary (AJAX engine) was introduced by AJAX application which removes the start-stop-start-stop nature of web interaction between the user and the server (Murugesan, 2007). AJAX engine, which was usually written in JavaScript and hidden, will be loaded by the browser at the beginning of each session. This engine was responsible for both communicating with the server on the user's behalf and rendering the interface the user sees. Asynchronous data retrieval from the user to the application was allowed by AJAX engine. So, the user was never staring at a blank browser window and an hourglass icon, waiting around for the server to response to any request. According to (Marchetto, 2008), AJAX Technology allows developers to realize web application which include advance, sophisticated user interactions, which are not possible with the traditional web applications. In the traditional web application, users are presented by the browser an HTML page that includes CSS and another component. An HTTP request was sent to the server (Figure 1) when user do an action of clicking a link or submitting a form. One or more HTTP responses returns by the server contains new HTML page, together with CSS, graphics, etc. Introduction Inventory referred to a business process which mainly focused on stock and goods according to their business requirements (Nyemba & Mbohwa, 2017). In other words, the inventory can be simplified to unused resources, continuous development, extra resources and completed goods (Gitau, 2016). Those kinds of inventories needed to be in proper management as well as to maintain the steadiness of the organization with the current markets nowadays. According to Gitau et al. (2016), the activities related to the inventory must be stored in one place to ensure that the services and deliverable products met the user expectations. Meanwhile, inventory itself helped in reducing out of stock and the cost of inventory items purchased at the right times also will be cut off. The objective of this paper is to develop an inventory system for agriculture sources and adopting the .NET MVC Framework as the backbone of the system. An inventory system development process has always been a challenge because the adopted technology requires to be addressed properly. An incorrect selection of a technology could lead to the information system to be un-maintainable, inefficient and inaccurate; thus, resulting to a problem of the needs to develop a brand-new system repeatedly – which is costly. Hence, .NET MVC Framework is introduced in this project to support the system development process which could reduce the risks of facing said problems – specifically in maintaining the function integrity. This first section of this paper introduces the motivation and objective of this paper. Followed by the second section which is the literature review focused on the discussion of the MVC Framework; its description, benefits, types and the selection of the framework. The third section discusses the system development process, detailing on how the MVC Framework is adopted, and finally, the result and discussion section which discusses the functionality evaluation method used to assess the effectiveness of the adopted MVC Framework. Literature Review i. Model View Controller (MVC) Framework In the 1970s, Trygve Reenskaug is the first person who intended the MVC design pattern at the Xerox Parc (Pop & Altar, 2014). He considered the MVC as the connector between the human user's mental model and the digital model in the computer. Basically, the framework itself consist of three components which are Model, View, and Controller. First, the Model described the business logic of a web application that related to the raw facts, validation, control and the knowledge base (Pop & Altar, 2014). According to the Jess Chadwick and Todd Snyder (2012), the visual presentation of MVC framework has been handled by the View. They also stipulated that the Controller received the request from the view part and accessed the information from the model and passed back the result to the view. Introduction The great extent of a country is measured by the industrial development. To be the best manufacturing firm, a firm should have a good production planning that can make the planning of production and manufacturing modules in a company or industry to be on track which utilizes the resource allocation of activities of employees, materials and production capacity in order to serve different customers. The features taken into account by the model are depending on the complexity of lot-sizing problems. The production planning is very important not only in terms of operating cost but also in customer service quality because it has a strong impact for manufacturing firms. Lot-sizing problem is one of the most important issues in the production planning area. According to Karimi et al. (2003), decision in lot-sizing are important for a manufacturing firm to win the competition between other manufacturing firms and the decision affect directly the production system performance and productivity. However, most of the researchers did not taking into account the time-varying production conditions that may change timely in some industrial applications, but only the problem in a steady environment is considered (Zhang et al., 2015). The lot-sizing are divided into two types in terms of the number of the level in product structure which are multi-level lot-sizing problem and single-level lot-sizing problem. In Single-Level Lot-Sizing (SLLS) problem, the end product by raw materials is changed after processed by a single-level operation. However, in Multi-Level Lot-Sizing (MLLS) problem, the final product by raw materials is changed after several operations with predefined product structures. Multi-Level Lot-Sizing (MLLS) problem is accessible as an extension of the big bucket single-level capacitated lot-sizing problem where the big bucket problems allow producing many times at the same time period without taking into account sequencing issues (Toledo et al., 2011). Between these two levels, Multi-Level Lot-Sizing (MLLS) is more difficult to control because the manufacturer needs to control many operations at the same time to get the end products. Single-Level Lot-Sizing (SLLS) which consist of a single production process, or where all production can be considered as a single operation, such as some medical or chemical industries where the applicability of Single-Level Lot-Sizing (SLLS) arises commonly in operation. In this paper, the production cost of Single-Level Lot-Sizing (SLLS) problems will be optimized by finding the optimal setup cost using firefly algorithm since in classical Capacitated Lot-Sizing Problems (CLSP), the assumption where demand is deterministic and the backlog cost is greater than every other cost such as unit stock holding cost, unit production cost and setup cost. With these assumptions, the solution with no backlog quantities is optimized (Li et al., 2015). Lot-Sizing Problem Lot-sizing problem has received major amount of attention of the researchers all over the world, particularly after introduction of Wagner Whitin algorithm for uncapacitated lot-sizing problem in last five years (Verma et al., 2010). An important subprfoblem of material resource planning is lot-sizing where over a planning horizon of multiple periods, a decision maker has to decide the production costs over the planning period (Ziebuhr et al., 2015). Lot-sizing decisions give rise to the problem of identifying when and how much of a production should be set to produce such that the total cost, including setup cost and inventory cost, is minimized (Zhang et al., 2015). Lot-sizing also deals with the production planning and control of a single product involving combined manufacturing and remanufacturing operations (Zouadi et al., 2015). Both new and manufactured products can satisfy the demand for items. The rising number of environmentally conscious countries and consumers, legislations in many countries imposed stringent measures to protect the environment. This allows technology advancement in processes such as recycling, refurbishing, remanufacturing, and repairing which gave rise to new business terms: reverse logistics and green supply chain (Zouadi et al., 2015). Zhang et al. (2015) have been applied the Time-Varying Single-Level Lot-Sizing (TV-SLLS) problem and analyzed the properties of the model and describe it as dynamic programming and did the optimization. The researchers introduced a time-dependent setup cost and made the TV-SLLS. In the primary single-level lot-sizing model, the variables only include inventory cost and setup cost. So it is easy to build a dynamic recursive model. To solve the SLLS problem within polynomial time, Wittrick-Williams (WW) algorithm, which is a kind of Dynamic Programming (DP) method, is considered. In order to solve the TV-SLLS problem, the researchers proposed improved WW algorithm. By computational experiments, the researchers evaluate the solution approach and optimality. For the optimal program in period, setup cost has a linear positive correlation with time interval between the last arranged production periods. Firefly Algorithm Firefly Algorithm (FA) is a bio-inspired algorithm simulating the flashing behaviour of fireflies (Qi et al., 2017). FA developed and proposed by She Yang, the behaviour of flashing of fireflies is simulated. FA consists of two elements, namely brightness and attractiveness. The attractiveness of a firefly is determined by its brightness (Li et al., 2017). The important factor in attracting insects and hunting them where from the stronger fireflies by showing more ability to illuminate (Mohammadiyan et al., 2017). All the fireflies are unisex where the attractive of fireflies is related to the brightness. The less bright firefly always flies toward the brighter one for any two fireflies (Qi et al., 2017). This insect through a chemical reaction in their bodies area able to produce, appealing light and emit dazzling which causes the escape of invading insects, the attraction of the species of the same type for reproduction and the attraction of the prey (Mohammadiyan et al., 2017). The search pattern of FA is motivated by the behavior of flashing mating fireflies where FA is competitive to other similar swarm intelligence algorithms when some latest researches are demonstrated. Introduction Each student in UiTM Perlis Branch that wishes to bring his/her own vehicle is required to register the vehicle with Unit Keselamatan of UiTM Perlis Branch. Once the registration process is completed, the student will be issued with a sticker and this sticker must be displayed at the vehicle. Unlike staffs of UiTM Perlis Branch where their stickers are red in color, students’ stickers are purple. However, the issued plastic stickers do not have any latest security feature. Each sticker only has its serial number; printed on it and vehicle registration number which is written on its surface manually by the officers of Unit Keselamatan using marker pens. Besides the issue of faded handwritten vehicle registration number on the stickers over the time, stickers are always got stolen and forged by other unauthorized vehicles’ owners. Unfortunately, the security officers cannot detect the stolen and forged stickers during rounds. This problem only comes to surface when the owner of the stolen or forged sticker lodges a report. As an alternative, this project is proposing to replace the current plastic-no-safety-feature sticker with a sticker that is equipped with Near Field Communication (NFC) tag. This NFC tag is capable of storing details about the owner of the vehicle, such as his/her name, course enrolled and contact number. Once the stickers are equipped with NFC tags, officers of Unit Keselamatan can easily use their own NFC-equipped smartphone to read data on the NFC tag during their rounds. These NFC-equipped smartphones are also required to be installed with the developed mobile application from this project. The developed mobile application is known as UiTMNFC. UiTMNFC offers more than just reading NFC tag. It also offers functions such as to write to the tag, to erase data from the tag as well as report where the officers can record some points as reference to assist them in writing reports, once they are back to the office after rounds. There are two objectives to be achieved by this project: (1) to develop a mobile application using NFC technology to assist the officers of Unit Keselamatan in UiTM Perlis Branch in detecting stolen and forged vehicle stickers and (2) to evaluate the usability of the developed mobile application. Construction Two software are used in developing the mobile application; (1) Android Studio and (2) Adobe Photoshop CS6. Android Studio provides tools to build, test and debug the application, whereas Adobe Photoshop is used in create banners and logos as well as in pictures editing. All images created or edited in Adobe Photoshop are saved in .PNG format. Then, the image or pictures are imported to Android Studio. Development of UiTMNFC started with sketches of the interfaces on papers. Figure 1 and 2 below are the early sketches for the UiTMNFC main homepage and its “Report” page respectively. Figure 1: Sketches of main homepage Figure 2: Sketches of “Report” page Figure 3 and 4 below show the final interface design of UiTMNFC. Figure 3 shows the homepage of the UiTMNFC. In the homepage, user is able to choose the operation he/she wishes to use. It can either be Read, Write, Erase or Report. Figure 4 shows the interface of a page called “Report”. This page allows the officers to jot down all the required details of the offences so that later the officers may use the recorded details to write their reports after rounds. Figure 3: The homepage Figure 4: The “Report” page Findings and Discussion Once the mobile application is ready with all the features it supposed to have, usability testing was done. Ten officers from the Unit Keselamatan of UiTM Perlis Branch have been selected to answer all the questions listed in the questionnaires. The questionnaires are divided into five sections; (1) compatibility, (2) content, (3) navigation, (4) interface design and (5) generals feedbacks. Each section consists of a few numbers of questions and each question is answered with score ranging from 1 to 5. Analysis performed shows that: (1) the application is only compatible with smartphones with built-in NFC capability and the layout of the developed application fits well with the smartphone screen, (2) the overall contents of the UiTMNFC are useful and suitable with the tasks of the officers of Unit Keselamatan and all features provided are working as expected, however some of respondents suggested that function “Report” should include small database to make data operation more efficient and faster, (3) all the buttons and menus are working and it is easy to navigate from one screen to the other, (4) the interface of the developed application is simple, attractive and appropriate and (5) the application is user-friendly enough to be used in performing the officers’ daily tasks. Malnutrition is associated with about half of all child deaths worldwide (Mj, Cheah, & Lee, 2014). One of the explanations for this, addressed by Schönfeldt et al. (2010) is an inefficient education about eating healthily and lack of ability to gain the necessary education due to economic constraints. Socioeconomic background is the main factor for parents, whether they could afford to buy food with sufficient nutrient or not (GL et al., 2012). In Malaysia, the prevalence of underweight and stunting persist among young children from poor rural areas (Khor & Sharif, 2003). According to Temim et al. (2010), the problem could be addressed by initiating low cost changes in the health system which would make the entire sector more responsive to the targeted people’s requirements. Linear programming has been utilized in various different applications for the purpose of explaining diet related problems. Okubo et al., 2015 has used Linear Programming to determine the pattern of food intake in fulfilling the recommendation of nutrient by Dietary Reference Intake (DRIs) and numerous researches have been done with different purposes such as by Briend et al., 2008 and Van der Merwe et al., (2014). This study uses Linear Programming approach to determine the minimum food budget that satisfies the nutritional requirements for Malaysian children aged between 2 to 3 years old. Secondary data is used for the input dietary data. Since this study focuses on diet optimization, the data on nutritional contents are obtained from SELF Nutrition Data of Standard Tables Food Composition at and data on caloric needs for age group of 2 to 3 years was taken from Malaysian Dietary Guidelines for Children and Adolescents Summary. The food items considered in this study were collected based on high recommendations by other researchers which also satisfy the suggestion from the Ministry of Health (2013). The prices of the respective food item were taken from Giant Hypermarket Kangar on March 26, 2017 and the prices were normal prices without promotion or discount. The daily minimum amount of each required nutrient refers to the dietary Reference Intake for an average Malaysian child of 2 to 3 years old. Method of Data Analysis The best and effective method in solving linear programming is the Simplex Method. George Dantzig developed a general step to apply the Simplex Method manually by incorporating both optimality and feasibility test to find the optimal solution to a linear programming (Giordano et al., 2014) as shown in Figure 1. Introduction Long time ago, game has been introduced in education but limited with a range of option such as keep their score and published over selected medium especially in traditional practice. With the advancement of technology, game in education (aka gamification) widely introduced. Introducing vocabulary through games creates opportunities for engaging learners in developing and retaining vocabulary (Peregoy& Boyle, 1993). This study investigates the effect of mobile games on learning targeted vocabulary for pre-Diploma students. According to Hendricks (2009), by using a triangular approach to data collection by pre-test or post-test, observations, Likert scale, and interviews he concluded that games might have been a factor in successful student acquisition and retention of vocabulary. This study has been conducted in UiTM Pulau Pinang which is a public institution specifically for bumiputera students. The participants of this study are Pre-Diploma students who are majoring in pre-science field. They are within the range of 18 to 19 years old and they have had 11 years of exposure to English ever since kindergarten. The purpose of this study is to examine whether mobile games and activities can improve motivation to learn and foster a deeper processing of vocabulary for pre-diploma students learners of English. Students will focus on meaning, facilitate memory of vocabulary words, and being enjoyable in the process through games (Shaw, 2009). Problem Statement The major concern among Pre-Diploma students is their lack of English vocabulary despite years of learning the subject. Therefore, this has affected their confidence level whenever they are required to use English especially in spoken and written communication. Besides that, Pre-Diploma students are having problems to focus using traditional vocabulary learning method such as chalk and talk by the lecturers. This is even more complicated when it comes to the learning of idioms as effort is required at every moment and must be maintained over a long period of time due to its high level of difficulty. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to create an interactive mobile game that can engage students in learning vocabulary via a more fun and interactive way so that they can remember whatever that they have learned in class and will not feel bored. Moreover, this study also examines whether the interactive mobile games created can improve motivation to learn and foster a deeper processing of vocabulary especially in terms of idioms for young learners of English. Introduction Almost all business organizations hold inventory. Inventory exists in the form of stock of raw materials, work-in-process (WIP), finished goods and also maintenance and repair supplies. These forms of inventory are classified as manufacturing inventory, and in services, inventory generally refers to the tangible goods to be sold and the supplies needed to provide the service (Jacobs & Chase, 2010). Firms keep their inventory on hand to ensure smooth production process and give better services to customer. However, inventory creates a significant cost to a firm. Larger inventory leads to higher invested capital. Thus, it is crucial for operations managers to keep a reasonable amount of inventory to minimize costs. Since customer demand is not known with certainty and may vary, it is important for a firm to save additional stocks called safety or buffer stocks to avoid shortages (Taylor, 2004). This practice will certainly prevent lost of sales due to shortages of raw materials. On the other hand, a firm often makes large purchases above their requirements to take advantage of quantity discounts. Purchasing in larger quantities does not only reduce the cost of goods, but also cut down delivery costs (Heizer & Render, 2011). However, improper planning on the amount of safety stocks may lead to excess of inventory. Excess inventory is a waste and is considered as a loss to the firm. Inventory management is an important function to every firm. Having the right inventory at the right time will help the company manage uncertainties. Thus, there must be a system or policy to control the inventory and determine how much stock to keep, when to replenish the stock and how large should the order size be. In order to develop the best ordering policy, firms have to consider the variation in customer demand and lead time. This can be done using computer simulation whereby this approach is able to capture system dynamic using probability distribution and could minimize the risk of changes in inventory policy by performing what-if simulation (Chang & Makatsoris, 2001). There are many simulation studies conducted to identify optimal inventory policies (Al-Harkan & Hariga, 2007; Setamanit, 2010; Abuizam, 2011; Setamanit, 2011). Using simulation, the effect of different configuration of inventory control systems can be investigated (Al-Harkan & Hariga, 2007; Setamanit, 2010; Setamanit, 2011). In this study, simulation modelling via Excel spreadsheet that imitates the current inventory management system at an electronic manufacturing firm was developed. The Monte Carlo Simulation approach was applied as demand and lead time were uncertain. The simulation experiments involved varying the reorder points to identify the effect on costs. The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2 describes the background of the case study, the simulation model and verification and validation part. Section 3 presents the simulation results of the current system. Section 4 shows the simulation experiments using different reorder points that result in the lowest average total inventory cost per week. Lastly, Section 5 gives the conclusions and recommendations of the study. Case Study Background This research was carried out to study the current inventory system at an electronic product manufacturing firm which operates 52 weeks a year. The firm maintains five types of inventory: raw materials, work-in-progress (WIP), consumables, spare parts and finished goods. The raw material inventory is considered the most important as the items are required for production. However, since there are thousands of raw materials in inventory, it is difficult for the firm to closely monitor all the items. A list of raw materials which were of the management’s concern was identified in an interview with the purchasing manager. However, this study focuses on the inventory policy of only one item from the list, which is a sensor cable. The sensor cable is one of the most expensive inventory items, but it is a highly required raw material. The availability of the sensor cable is crucial, but the high cost is a big concern to the firm. Accordingly, the management wishes to find a suitable inventory policy to optimize the amount of inventory in order to reduce cost. Currently, the firm’s inventory system is updated based on the order for raw materials. At the beginning of each week, a planner reviews the weekly demand and forecast the quantity of raw materials needed for a particular week and the next few weeks. Then, the forecast for raw materials are uploaded into the company’s inventory management system. The inventory level is reviewed and monitored using the system. When inventory on hand drops to a particular level or reorder point, the ordering system notifies the buyers to place order for the suppliers. Buyers make purchase of raw materials up to the maximum quantity allowed. This is called order-up-to-level. i. Data Collection There are nine types of data collected in this study. These are the item’s unit cost, shortage cost, ordering cost, reorder point, order-up-to-level, customer weekly demand, initial inventory level, order release date and order receipt date. The sensor cable costs RM967.79 each and is ordered from Singapore. According to the purchasing manager, the ordering cost is RM977.34 per order. Whenever there are shortages, the firm buys the units short from another supplier. However, the cost is 13% higher than the cost from the regular supplier. Holding cost information was not available, but this study uses an annual rate estimate of 25%. This figure was applied based on an earlier study by (Johnson & Wood, 1986). This is also supported by (Richardson, 1995) who estimated that holding cost is about 25% to 55% of unit cost per year. Thus, for simplification purposes, the annual holding cost rate was assumed to be 25% of the unit cost. Since the data of this study were measured on a weekly basis, the holding cost was also computed accordingly, and set at RM4.65 per unit per week. The current reorder point and the order-up-to-level quantity for the current inventory system were 104 units and 504 units, respectively. An order placed at the beginning of a week takes about 3 to 6 weeks to arrive. Both demand and lead time were uncertain. ARENA Input Analyzer was used to identify their distributions. The weekly demand was found to be normally distributed with mean 114 units and standard deviation 21.5. The lead time, on the other hand, follow the triangular distribution with parameter set; minimum 3, mode 3.99 and maximum 6. ii. Simulation Model This study uses the simulation approach to model the current inventory system for the manufacturing firm. The main objective of this study is to propose a suitable inventory policy that is capable of reducing the total inventory cost for the sensor cable. The focus is on finding the best reorder point. The flow of the simulation process is as illustrated in Figure 1. At the beginning of the week, if order has arrived, the current inventory level will increase by quantity ordered. If no order, random number will generate weekly demand based on normal probability distribution. Shortages will be recorded if demand is greater than beginning inventory. Next, order will be place if there are no outstanding orders. Orders will be received according to lead time generated using triangular distribution. On the other hand, if beginning inventory is sufficiently meeting the demand, the simulation system will compute ending inventory. If ending inventory less than reorder point, order will be placed. To search for the best reorder point, different values of reorder point were experimented, and the results were compared with the management’s current reorder point policy of 104 units. Each simulation experiment on a reorder point was run for 1,000 weeks. The performance of each reorder point was measured from the average total inventory cost per week, which was calculated at the end of simulation run. Introduction Climate change is one of the major issues concerned by the global community. According to Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) (2013), scientific evidence for warming of the climate system was unambiguous. The Earth’s climate has changed throughout the history which leads to serious natural problems such as global temperature rises; warmer atmosphere and oceans, melting of snow, rising sea level, and increased concentration of greenhouse gases (GHG). Malaysia for instance has also experienced a warming trend for a few decades. With the strong evidence of a rapid climate change, there has been an interest in studying the concentration of greenhouse gases such as CO_2,CH_4 and N_2 O. In Malaysia, agriculture is one of the human activities, contributing 5% to the release of GHG emission (Masud et al., 2017). In this paper, carbon footprint (CF) has been introduced to calculate the carbon emission, released in paddy production, in which paddy is one of the major agriculture sectors in Malaysia after palm oil and rubber. According to Wiedmann and Minx (2008), “the carbon footprint is a measure of exclusive total amount of carbon dioxide emissions that is directly and indirectly caused by an activity or is accumulated over the life stages of a product”. Carbon footprint is important to calculate the amount of carbon emission released. Consequently, it is important to ensure the correct measurement of carbon footprints to gain a particular importance and precariousness when it comes to carbon offsetting. The carbon footprint of a product is the quantity of GHG, expressed in carbon dioxide equivalent (CO_2eq) units. The aim of this paper is to calculate the amount of carbon emission, released from paddy production activities such paddy cultivation, fertilizer application, field burning and fuel consumption. Finally, the carbon footprint was used to calculate and take into account all GHGs, associated with paddy production. The information will be displayed by using a web application. For paddy planting activities, 18,676 hectares are located in Perlis alone (Hussin and Mat, 2013). Thus, the potential for massive amounts of carbon emission release is higher and at stake. In order to reduce the number of carbon emission release due to paddy production activity, an effective tool to calculate the carbon emission needs to be implemented. The possible solution to overcome this problem is to develop a web application to calculate the carbon footprint for paddy production. This approach can be improved with the help of the technological appliances such as web application as it is a computer program that utilizes web browsers and web technology to perform tasks over the Internet. This project will develop a web application to motivate people in reducing the activity that potentially leads to the release of carbon by calculating the carbon footprint by using formulae. This project incorporated green sustainable web design which is an extension of persuasive technology itself, primarily to keep people conscious towards the environment as illustrated in Figure 1. The main function of a one-stop e-government portal is to provide or enhance public services or managing government services in a single access point (Novakouski & Lewis, 2012). However, it needs an effective architecture for integration and interoperability between one-stop e-government portal and e-government services. In Malaysian Public Sector ICT Strategic Plan 2016-2020, having integrated digital services is one of the important strategic initiatives to strengthen the one-stop digital services (“The Malaysian Public Sector ICT Strategic Plan 2016 – 2020,” 2016). However, a one-stop e-government portal is ineffective to provide single access point to users due to the following issues: • Addressing integration and interoperability issues (As’ad, Khazaei, Akhgar, & Alqatawna, 2016; Markande, 2011; Goldkuhl, 2008; Wimmer, 2002) • Redundancy of services (Cellary & Strykowski, 2009; Tambouris, 2001) • Determining architectural approach that can be adopted by e-government project (Fishenden & Thompson, 2013; Ahuja & Ahuja, 2008) • Building trust among department and agencies that provide and share services to each other (UN, 2012) This study proposes an architectural approach to improve integration and interoperability among a one-stop e-government portal, an e-government application, and e-government services using a service component architecture. The approach is evaluated using a prototype implementation, expert review, and portal comparison. It was successfully implemented in a prototype implementation of one-stop e-government portal. As the proof of concept, this study evaluates the proposed approach by creating the prototype of a one-stop e-government portal and comparing it with MyGovernment portal, the official Malaysian one-stop e-government portal. The comparison aims to investigate the level of integration between a one-stop e-government portal and an existing e-government system in order to provide more benefits to users and e-government providers. This paper is organized in six sections. Section II presents the related work, followed by Section III elaborates the proposed approach that is the hierarchical architecture for integration and interoperability of a one-stop e-government portal. Section IV reports the prototype evaluation as the proof of concept. Section V provides the discussion and finally the conclusion in Section VI. Related Works Malaysia has developed standards, reference model and framework but architecture based initiative was not found which can lead to lack of e-government development although architecture is important initiative especially for one-stop e-government portal development (Fath-Allah, Cheikhi, Al-Qutaish, & Idri, 2014). Therefore, this study proposes a holistic solution to improve e-government integration and interoperability for one-stop e-government portal through e-government architecture approach which fulfil architectural requirements and principles. E-government architecture identifies the standard, infrastructure components, applications, technologies, business model, and guidelines to facilitates the collaboration between organizations (Ebrahim & Irani, 2005). Thus, the architecture should have integration and interoperability for e-government system collaboration, enterprise workflow for work collaboration and application composition for e-government application development. These three elements provide comprehensive approach to build architectural approach for integration and interoperability of one-stop e-government portal. The main aim is to facilitate integration and interoperability among e-government systems that involve public service collaboration. To fulfil this aim, the solution should overcome interoperability and integration issue and workflow coordination between e-government services. Distributed architecture using Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is widely used as integration method between e-government system based on Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) (Dutta, Devi, & Arora, 2017; Chaabane, Hadouaj, & Ghédira, 2015; Widodo, Istiyanto, Wardoyo, & Santoso, 2013; Votis, Alexakos, Vassiliadis, & Likothanassis, 2008). Paul (2015) uses Service Component Architecture (SCA) to create composite application for integration with other services using multiple languages, multiple container technologies, and multiple access methods. SCA is one of the integration approaches that can be used by e-government architecture as an alternative for other approaches such as Government Service Bus (GSB) (Widodo et al., 2013; Yan & Guo, 2010) and Government Modelling Language (GML) (Tambouris, Archetypon, & Wimmer, 2004). Widodo et al. (2013) use GSB based on Java Business Integration (JBI) as a middleware which is different from SCA approach. SCA approach hides middleware approach using a composite application. It provides data access from multiple location and multiple format using SCA components reference and provides an application as a service for any other systems. Thus, SCA simplifies composite application assemblies from integration and interoperability with heterogeneous Application Programming Interface (APIs) and data formats both as service providers and service consumers. Layered-architecture mostly based on technology stack that has been used in each layer (Lankhorst & Derks, 2007; Salhofer & Ferbas, 2007; Ebrahim & Irani, 2005). For example, Salhofer and Ferbas (2007) propose a three-layer architecture that consists of interface layer, business functional layer, and transaction layer. Layered architecture provides technology flexibility that allows technology changes at any layer. Additionally, layered architecture provides flexibility to choose different technology in each layer. For example, at the process layer developers can choose between Java class or BPEL as the implementation language. Widodo (2010) proposes layered e-government architecture based on organizational structure organized by e-government providers according to public service administration structure that consists of “national” at the top level, “provinces” at the second level and “district” or “city” at the lowest level. This structure can be adapted in a country to suit specific administration structure. For example, Malaysia’s public administration structure comprises Prime Minister’s Office at the top level and ministries and states at the second level. Each ministry has its own departments. It eases coordination of interoperability from higher province level to it sub-ordinates at a district or a city level. In an e-government system, workflow is an important feature that should be addressed to ensure a smooth service operation including internal and external processes to support work collaboration among agencies. However, only a few works adapt workflow for e-government processes using different methods such WfMS (Beer, Kunis, & Runger, 2006), Agent-based Workflow (Verginadis, Gouvas, & Mentzas, 2005), and BPEL4WS (De Angelis, 2009; Contenti, Mecella, Termini, & Baldoni, 2005). SCA supports business process implementation in its component implementation using BPEL, Java or Ruby (Laws, Combellack, Feng, Mahbod, & Nash, 2011). However, there is no work that utilizes this feature to implement business process of an e-government workflow. Therefore, it would be more significant to utilize SCA implementation to ease workflow and interoperability with external services. Based on thorough review of each approach, the study adopts and customises a few approaches that are useful to be adopted for integration and interoperability of one-stop e-government portal. In addition, Widodo’s (2010) organizational structure approach can be adapted to Malaysia’s public administration structure. While, SCA approach is useful for integration and interoperability in heterogeneous service interface between a one-stop e-government portal and its service providers together with an e-government workflow using an enterprise operational process (Gong & Janssen, 2013) which has never been experimented in an e-government architecture. Introduction School notification plays an important role in disseminating information to parents any time there is an update regarding school activities, events or alert to the students and parents. Traditionally, the notifications are delivered either by paper-based notice or verbally notice through the students. When schools inform the parents through letters of notification as the medium for delivering information, indirectly it would cost a relatively high print of letters. On the other hand, if the notification is delivered verbally, some of the information is missing (Abdul Razak et al.,2016). Currently, some schools announce their notifications in the school website. Unfortunately, some of the parents are unable to access the school website since they have no Internet facilities. If the school continues with the current methods, the important notification cannot be sent to the parents effectively. These methods have some limitations that caused inaccurate information delivered to the targeted person and time-consuming as well (Abdul Razak et al.,2016). It may lead to dissatisfaction among parents due to late notification and this may cause disturbance to their daily activities. The need of a notification system is very crucial (Praswoto et al., 2017) especially for primary school students since they are still young and the ability to convey information is at the low level. Therefore, some of the important information failed to be delivered to their parents (Kamaruddin et al., 2014). The notification system does not cost much, and parents can access the school's notification system at any time to find out the latest activities in school (Aftab et. al, 2013). In this digital age, mobile phone is widely used by the parents and everyone expects the information must be delivered quickly and conveniently. Therefore, school administrative can take advantage from the use of mobile phone where parents can engage to school’s activities or events. In order to ensure that information is delivered successfully to the parents, the use of Short Message Service (SMS) technology can be one of the opportunities. By using SMS technology, parents will get information faster (Olaleye et al., 2013; Akorede, 2017) and accurate since it provides better quality information and reliable compared to the traditional ways. This SMS technology can overcome the problem of availability of Internet access among parents. This technology also encourages the society to support green technology with the paperless solution (Persada et al., 2014). The advantages of using SMS compared to other social media such as WhatsApp, Telegram, Twitter and other applications are SMS has a high ‘open rate’ and it is not dependent to Internet connection on the parent side especially in rural areas or unaffordable parents. Other than that, SMS notifications can be automated, and the history of old messages are stored in the inbox until the recipient deletes it. Furthermore, the SMS will be sent to the targeted recipient. This research is aimed to develop a web-based school notification system for primary school and integrate it with SMS technology. The system is called ePSNS (electronic Primary School Notification System). How ePSNS works? The web-based system will disseminate school notifications to the targeted recipients through SMS. The system will be administered by the school staff and it can be viewed by the parents. Parents can subscribe for SMS notification and the type of notification they need. The following subsections explain the important elements in ePSNS. i. SMS broadcasting Executing a broadcast SMS is easier if all recipients’ details has been stored in school database. With the SMS provider such as Mobitek System Sdn. Bhd., the integration of SMS technology and the school notification system is easy. Grouping recipients in the school notification system can make it easy and efficient to send the messages via SMS technology. In order to enable the school notification system to send messages from web browsers to mobile phones via SMS technology, SMS gateways must be integrated with the system. ii. SMS Gateway SMS gateway is a service that allows SMS to be transmitted from other media to mobile phones such as from web browsers to mobiles. It deals with mobile service providers as well as to send messages to the recipients or subscribers. Hence, it sends SMS with sender identity, as sender ID, and authentication complete with security. This system was developed to improve the security level of SMS gateway. iii. Application Programming Interphase (API) An application programming interphase specifies how the components of software interact with each other. It describes the combination of all component software from web-based to mobile phones. Figure 1 illustrates the services of the Application Programming Interphase (API). Figure 1: How Services of API works (Source from: Contactology website, 2013) iv. Short Message Services Center The short Message Services Center known as SMSC is responsible to ensure the message from the sender will be sent to the recipient. In additional, the SMSC is a middle bridge communicating sender and recipient. The exchanges of SMS always require SMSC to store and forward the messages and interact closely with mobile phones or the network (So, 2009). Besides that, SMSC is highly reliable, with redundant backups for its primary functionality in case of failure. SMSC is able to serve a large number of subscribers, and thus can support a high throughput of messages. v. Types of notification The notifications that involve in this research are school activities, meeting that involves parents, cancellation extra class or co-curriculum and school off due to emergency issues. The Research Model Figure 2 shows the research model that stated the components of the proposed system. The Primary School Notification System is connected to MySQL database to retrieve parent’s phone number. Then, it will be connected to SMS Gateway service that enables the system to send SMS to the targeted parents. Introduction In the industrial sector, a precise attendance record system of employees is important for companies. For instance, managing time-attendance for multiple departments, sections, designations and grades is a paramount yet critical challenge. Furthermore, it becomes a cumbersome task to capture the time-attendance rules of an industrial sector and automate them. Managing people is a difficult task for most of the industrial sectors, especially the management of attendance records. Meanwhile, maintaining the attendance record is an important factor, especially for the overtime claims, payroll and leave. Currently, most of the industrial company uses a punch-card system to record attendance of the employees. The punch-card system will only be able to record the attendance of the employees on the card and need to record them manually as the system is unable to record the attendance automatically. Thus, it is difficult for the human resource (HR) practitioner who is responsible of managing the attendance records to have an organized as they have to manually record the attendance. On top of that, supervisors who were responsible in supervising their employees are also not constantly notified and reported with the current updates on their employees’ attendance record by the HR department. Therefore, the process of attendance record required an improvement and good monitoring system. There are many different types of categories and various existing technologies that have been implemented to help industrial sectors to manage their attendance record and reports. According to (Shakil & Nandi, 2013) defined that the attendance system can be derived into four categories, which includes manual system, biometric system, card-based system or known as Radio based Frequency Identification (RFID), and e-commerce system. Meanwhile, the most common technology used to record the attendance of the employee is by using RFID (Ansari, Navada, Agarwal, Patil, & Sonkamble, 2011; Arulogun, Olatunbosun, Fakolujo, & Olaniyi, 2013; Patil, 2017) and biometric tools (Kar, Debbarma, Saha, & Pal, 2012; Patel, Kumar, Garg, & Kumar, 2018). Biometric tools identify and recognize users by comparing biometric characters such as fingerprint, face and iris image. Meanwhile, RFID combines radio frequency and microchip technologies to create a smart system that can be used to identify, monitor, secure and do object inventory. The earlier studies shown that Management Information System (MIS) could be used to manage the attendance record of employees, expected to accelerate the processes and services to customers (Shoewu, Olaniyi, & Lawson, 2011). Meanwhile, the used of the web-based system become a popular trend due to the services can be accessed remotely by using web browser and can be accessible from anywhere in the world. Web-based application has been used in many sectors (Ko, Chen, Chen, Zhuang, & Tan, 2001) (Barquest et al., 2018) and gives many benefits to the users such as ease of access and ease of use as the Internet is accessible worldwide. Besides, SMS technology becomes prevalence because most people often used mobile phone that gives convenience to the users who are familiar with SMS technology. Hence, a mobile phone is an essential medium to communicate, interact or device to gain knowledge (Asmara & Aziz, 2011). The combination between web-based application and SMS technology has been implemented into the wide-range different sectors, such as education (Maghribi, Osman, & Zainal, 2017; Vera & Comendador, 2016; Verma & Gupta, 2013), health organization (Gurol-Urganci, de Jongh, Vodopivec-Jamsek, Atun, & Car, 2013; Wang & Andoh-Baidoo, 2017), government (Onashoga, Ogunjobi, Ibharalu, & Lawal, 2016; RoshanTharangga et al., 2013) and private sectors (Fleischer, Nelson, Sowah, & Bremang, 2012; Osman et al., 2017). Nowadays, SMS technology can be implemented with the web-based system in the more convenient way. SMS text message is also possible to be send from computer to recipients by using GSM modem and SMS gateway as a transmitting device. The changed from the traditional attendance management system to the digital system is predictable in industrial sector. Currently, the attendance records services are given based on the punch-card system, which includes a lot of time and resources, need to be considered by the HR practitioners. Therefore, the fingerprint biometric-based and attendance web-based management system with SMS notification was proposed and supported the HR practitioners in managing employees’ attendance record, which support the satisfactory service to its customer and support the industrial’s operational processes. Methodology i. Developing the System Architecture for ANotify System Figure 1 illustrates the system architecture for the fingerprint biometric-based and web-based management system with SMS notification. Basically, the system consists of fingerprint biometric scanner, a web server to store databases, SMS gateways, and mobile phone. Figure 1: Fingerprint Biometric-Based and Attendance Web-Based Management System with SMS Notification Architecture ANotify system is a web-based attendance management system which records the attendance data of employees using fingerprint biometric scanner and generates various reports for further actions. It enables human-resource (HR) practitioners as administrator to login from any device to check the employee’s attendance record form anywhere at any time. Besides, HR practitioners can alert the supervisors automatically using SMS on any lateness or absenteeism in almost real time. Fingerprint biometric scanner is used for capturing the fingerprint by recording and comparing biometric characteristics of employees. This devices store and record the attendance of the employees. Then, the data of attendance records will be used in the attendance web-based management system that resides in the web server. HR practitioners as administrator need to login in order to access the web-based and able to send SMS alert to the respective supervisors using SMS gateway. The supervisors will receive the message on their mobile phone. ii. Model Used for the Developing of ANotify System The System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) was used to develop the ANotify system. SDLC is a project management model that defines the stages involved in bringing a project from inception to completion. It is a systematic approach which explicitly breaks down into six stages include system planning, system analysis, system design, system implementation, system integration and testing, and system operation and maintenance. a. System Planning. In this phase, all information, data and problems about the project were gathered by read articles, journal, and thesis from previous research. A problem was recognized to address the requirements and opportunities that can be accomplished and reached in a project. The preliminary investigation was conducted by focusing on the attendance records of employees in the industrial sector to determine the problem statement, objectives, constraints, and security of the system are also considered. Besides, the current technology was observed in order to understand how technology can be implemented during the project development. The feasibility report for the entire project was obtained after completed this phase. b. System Analysis. From the information gathered, all requirements and opportunities were recognized. The aims to find the core problems and constraints occurred on the current attendance management system by analysed the current attendance management system workflow, attendance management procedures and attendance management data processing. Then, formulate goals of analysis construction, and system development that focuses on web-based attendance management system, fingerprint biometric-based and SMS technology. Besides, the activities included were the identification of the hardware and software requirements in the development system, scope of project, schedule of activities such as gantt chart and the total budget. The result of this phase is a logical system design. c. System Design. The logical design from the previous phase was converted into physical system design. In this phase, the researcher designed a detailed requirement needed to solve the original problem in system development. There are several tools and techniques used for describing the system design of the proposed system. Included were the system components, system architecture, contextual diagram, data flow diagram, entity relationship diagram, databases, user interfaces design and system flowchart. d. System Implementation. Layouts of interfaces for the web-based development were created using HTML and PHP coding through Adobe Dreamweaver CS6 and notepad++. PHP language is used to execute the system and MySQL is used for the database, while Apache runs as a web server software using Xampp package. Then, SMS Gateway script by iSMS was embedded in the web-based to make the system able to send the message to the customer’s mobile phone. Meanwhile, for capturing the fingerprint, a fingerprint biometric scanner was used. After capturing the fingerprint, system matches this captured data with the data stored in the memory chip. If it is matched, the attendance is automatically recorded for the workers. Then, the attendance data was transformed into Microsoft excel (.csv) format and used in the attendance web-based management system as input purposes and store in the database. In the development SMS system notification, the researcher was used SMS gateways and mobile phone, which are connected to the web-based system. The SMS gateways served as the gateway to connect with the mobile phone users and the system for sending the alert message automatically to the supervisors about the status of the employees under his/her supervision. The mobile phone was used for receiving the text messages and alert messages about the employees' status from the system. e. System Testing. Before actually implementing the new system into operations, a debugging and testing of the program for fixing bugs or errors of the design were done. Free from error is a necessary testing to find errors that may occur as in the language error, logic errors and error analysis program. After codifying the whole programs of the system, a test plan was developed and run on a given set of test data. The system was evaluated to determine the system performance and to ensure all requirements accomplished. User acceptance testing was done by testing the system on users to ensure that users can perform the tasks respectively. The system was tested and conducted at one of the industrial companies at Kulim, Kedah. The target respondents of this study were HR practitioners and supervisors who supervised a few workers under his/her supervision. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the system, user acceptance testing was conducted. A quantitative research approach has been used for data collection by providing a survey questionnaire to the respondents. A total of thirty (30) survey questionnaires were distributed and received for the analysis. The questionnaire consists of eighteen (18) questions and categorized into three (3) parts. The first part was comprised of user interface satisfaction (UIS). The second part of the questionnaire investigates the perceived ease of use (PEU), whereas the third part, evaluate the integration of SMS notification (ISN). The data were analysed using arithmetic mean technique based on the ranking score value. Then, overall mean was calculated and classified into three categories, which is negative, neutral and positive based on the range of mean value in between zeros to five as shown in Table 1. Introduction The signs of cognitive and physical ageing start noticeable from the age of 40 (Lachman, Teshale & Agrigoroaei, 2014) and rapidly increasing after the age of 65 (Murman, 2015). The age group between 40 to 65 years old is labelled as the middle-aged adults (Levinson, 1986) while people in the age group of 65 to 74 is known as the early elderly (Orimo et. al., 2006). Most importantly, the role of spirituality becomes a vital element among ageing people (Koenig, George & Titus, 2004). Still, to achieve successful ageing life, positive spirituality indeed has a tight relationship with physical and mental abilities (Crowther et. al., 2002). Muslims emphasis on the concept of “spiritual cleanliness” encompasses the relationship with God (Allah SWT), spiritual behaviours and beliefs through religious practices (Gall et. al., 2005). Muslims need to memorize the Al-Quran to preserve the Al-Quran and to seek many rewards that Allah SWT promises to give (Sedek et. al, 2013). Memorization of Al-Quran that is also known as hafazan is very important especially to recite in prayers and daily life. Nevertheless, the time taken to memorize Al-Quran depends on the cognitive skills of the learners. Traditionally, Muslims memorize by referring to Al-Quran which a book called mushaf. As technology evolves, the technology can help to improve the way to memorize Al-Quran (Mohamad Marzuqi, 2008). When compared with the traditional method, Quran memorization can be done easier and faster with the use of smart phones and mobile applications which can help in enhancing memory (Nor Musliza & Mokmin, 2014). Nonetheless, beginning in the middle age, the physical activity starts to weaken which includes decline in finger-tapping speed (University of California - Los Angeles, 2008). Due to cognitive and physical decline with increasing in age, it becomes imperative to design and develop mobile app for the ageing people (Levdikova, 2017). Currently, there are many Al-Quran mobile apps being developed in the market (Nuril Ham Al Hafizah et. al., 2017) but many of them do not satisfy the need for ageing people to memorize Al-Quran. Accordingly, a mobile app that integrated mobile design guidelines for ageing people called E-Hafazan was developed. System testing was conducted on the usability of mobile interfaces and user acceptance of the E-Hafazan mobile app for Quran memorization. Mobile Design Guidelines for Quran Memorization App E-Hafazan mobile app for Quran memorization adapted four different mobile design guidelines which created specifically to support the ageing people. Firstly and predominantly, the design guidelines followed the research by Silva, Holden and Jordan (2015) that designed a list of heuristics in evaluating smartphone apps targeted for older adults. Secondly, the design adapted a research on heuristics guidelines to help the elderly using smartphone/tablet by Carmein and Garzo (2011). Thirdly, the research from Barros, Leitão and Ribeiro (2013) about mobile user interface for the elderly from the perspectives of navigation, interaction and visual design. Lastly, the design also referred to the age-centered mobile design guidelines by Zaphiris, Ghiawadwala and Mughal (2005). Table 1 shows the adapted mobile design guidelines for E-Hafazan mobile app that was adapted from the four researches. This research involves the design, development and evaluation of a shariah-complaint fashion e-commerce site for Muslim women in Malaysia. This site offers fashion products which are conform to shariah (Islamic system of life) requirements. In addition, Muslim women should also buy clothes that suit their body shapes and size. Suitable clothes will enhance their self-esteem and satisfaction (Kinley, 2010). It will also make Muslim women feel more comfortable as the clothes are complying with the Islamic Shariah Law. Shariah-compliant clothes for Muslim women as mentioned in Qur’an al-Kareem is covering all the body parts excluding the face and both hands (Quran 24:31). Muslim women are also not allowed to wear the translucent or tight clothing. By wearing the shariah-compliant clothes, Muslim women can cover their awrah as this act symbolizes Muslim women’s dignity. While necessarily modest, Islamic clothing does not necessarily sacrifice the basic elements of style, fashion, elegance and dignity (Mulali, 2009). Nowadays, many businesses and firms use e-commerce site to ensure an effective and reliable way of business processing (Rayport and Jaworski, 2001). E-commerce site is beneficial for a user’s as it helps to save time, allow easy access for purchasing through the application at any time, no matter where they were situated. One of the advantages of using the e-commerce is that companies can expand their market much easier as well as increasing their sales revenue. This platform can also help the company to gain feedback from customers much more easier and adapt to it which in turn will increase their customers’ loyalty and the image of the company and brand (Khan, 2016). To date, there is no single fashion e-commerce site that sells clothes that are fully shariah-compliant in Malaysia. If Muslim women continue to buy the clothes at any non-shariah compliant fashion e-commerce site, they will wear the non-shariah compliant clothes and they are against the obligation of covering their awrah accordance to Islamic Law. Thus, the researcher developed a shariah-compliant fashion e-commerce for Muslim women with the intention to help Muslim women in choosing shariah-compliant clothing based on their body shape and size. DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT This research involves the design and development of a shariah-complaint fashion e-commerce platform for Muslim women in Malaysia. It offers a variety of fashion items which are conform to shariah (Islamic system of life) requirements. The products offered in this site are stylish, fashionable yet elegant. The e-commerce site also comes with a built-in body-shape type calculator which can give recommendation of products based on consumers’ body-shape type for example apple, pear and hour-glass. Beside that this e-commerce site also has the ability to give recommendation of size. This shariah-compliant fashion e-commerce prototype is a web-based application. It was developed using PHP as the server-side scripting language and MySQL as the relational database management system for this prototype. PHP is one of the most popular web programming languages and currently running on more than 20 million Web servers (Doyle, 2010). This e-commerce site aims to help Muslim women to find and purchase shariah-compliant clothes easily and furthermore allows more Muslim women to cover their awrah. Besides, the fashion e-commerce also has the capability in giving suggestion to the users based on their body shapes and size. The main page of this prototype is shown in Figure 3. Introduction Residence or home is not only a single entity dwell by a person but it composes of physical and social component in a community and it owns multidimensional characteristics (Maksid & Hamsa, 2014). Residents in a residential area can be described as a community in certain setting which may concern with problem especially in the context of geographical extent and neighbouring services (Kathleen M. MacQueen, Eleanor McLellan, David S. Metzger, Susan Kegeles, Ronald P. Strauss, Roseanne Scotti, Lynn Blanchard, 2001; Mini & Sathyamurthi, 2017). Home service is crucial in residential area. Usually, home service is needed when the residents are facing home context issues such as home repair or maintenance, home supplement and security, personal and family needs, maid and special request for living needs and satisfaction. The process of hiring the candidate for the home service either a person or a company need certain amount of data that can be considered and matched according to the problem. Thus, a person in the neighbouring can get into the community to get solution(Koh & Chew, 2015). Regarding to the discussion above, digital platform seems applicable to offer smart and efficient interaction to unify digitally the multi background residents in the community to delineate the multicharacter problems (Kathleen M. MacQueen, Eleanor McLellan, David S. Metzger, Susan Kegeles, Ronald P. Strauss, Roseanne Scotti, Lynn Blanchard, 2001; Royakkers, Timmer, Kool, & van Est, 2018). Furthermore, people nowadays have intimate relationship with digital platform such as social media application, onboard or mobile application, web application, cloud service, big data analysis, embedded chip, robot and self-learning or intelligent application (van Est, R., Rerimassie, V., van Keulen, I., 2014). Recommender approach can match the resident’s profile and problem preferences by analysing the behaviour of each item and finally generate personalized recommendation for home service solution (Resnick, Varian, & Editors, 1997). Instead of conventional recommender, advanced recommender approach can be used to develop the application such as social network-based recommender systems, fuzzy recommender systems, context awareness-based recommender systems and group recommender systems (Lu et al., 2015). Currently, there are a lot of commercial online home service marketplace such as Amazon Home Service, Handy, MyTime, Redbeacon, Serviz, TakeLessons, Talklocal and Thumtack (Chaney & Commerce), 2015). However, via mobile recommender application, it will accommodate the residents to explore available of options from the community (Jugovac & Jannach, 2017; Lu, Wu, Mao, Wang, & Zhang, 2015). Due to this discussion, a survey has been conducted to discover the behaviour of people especially in the residential community and their willingness to use mobile application to search skilled person such as handy man for home service. Methodology The survey aims to discover the readiness of people who are living in setting to manage home service contact using mobile application. This online questionnaire was disseminated from 12th April 2019 to 4th May 2019 using social media platform such as Whatsapp, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. 339 respondents which 205 females and 134 males involved in this survey as shown in Figure 1. Majority of them are under 25 years and there are 79 respondents aged 36 years old and above. Female respondent is dominant in age between 26 to 35 years old. Examination procedure is the most crucial tasks at the Department of Academic Affairs. Besides records and administration functions, the examination becomes the key function which involves the preparation of question paper, printing and packaging of question paper, handling of examination operations and students’ marks management (Quality, 2010) and (UiTM, 2016). Handling of examination operations itself involves several submodules such as the preparation of examination timetable of the courses, examination placement process and invigilation (Othman. J, et. all, 2017). This paper mainly will be focusing on the preparation of assigning the subjects or courses with final examination at the appropriate location in proportion to the capacity of the room. Currently, the Examination Unit of Universiti Teknologi MARA Pulau Pinang Branch (Permatang Pauh Campus) used the Microsoft Excel and manually allocating the halls or examination locations for each course. Nevertheless, unpredicted issues or problems have arisen such as students accidentally overloaded at the examination halls that lead to question papers are insufficient to be distributed to the students during the incidence. The time required to produce the class timetable is depending on the total number of students and diversity of the courses offering to the faculties or departments (Bloomfield and McSharry, 1997). UiTM campus has thousands of students who need an automated scheduling system to improve the effectiveness and the quality of examination venue arrangement for students. The process of arranging the examination venue is quite complex and time consuming because it involves huge volumes of data as well as varieties of hard and soft constraints. In the situation of Universiti Teknologi MARA Pulau Pinang Branch (Permatang Pauh Campus), the examination unit staffs have requested that the courses to be placed in one room or examination halls to be determined during the examination placement process. This request correlated to avoid errors during packaging of question papers. Another request is the number of courses allocated in examination halls should not exceed five courses per examination slot. This demand is related to the easiness of handling the examination operations by the invigilators. Therefore, to improve the process of examination venues placement or venues arrangement, an algorithm has been developed, tested and proposed to automate the process. Techniques or algorithms of examination venues placement has been studied, evaluated and customized into according to the situation of Universiti Teknologi MARA Pulau Pinang Branch (Permatang Pauh Campus). The paper is organized as follows. The next section explores on the related work on management of examinations at present. The followed section discusses on the proposed work that could contribute to the effectiveness of the examination management. Finally, we conclude the paper and proposed the future work. RELATED WORK Timetabling is a special type of scheduling (Wren A., 1996). Wren defined timetabling as a process of allocation, which subject to set of constraints, of a given resources to be placed in a specified time, in such a way to satisfy as nearly as possible to the desirable objectives. Both examination data and constraints are correlated to each other to produce the most optimize results of examination schedules which satisfy the desired main requirements. The examination and class timetable have entirely different constraints and considerations (Bloomfield and McSharry, 1997). Timetabling involves big volume of data and constraints such as number of students, courses, programs, timeslots and rooms capacity that able to accommodate certain number of students. Timetabling constraints are many and varied such as resource assignment, time assignment, time constraints between meetings, spread and coherence of meetings, room capacities and continuity. Preparation of examination timetabling in UK Universities are also facing similar problems in developing the examination schedule. They agreed that the biggest problem for universities is finding the space to allocate the exams. (Burke et al, 2001). According to the journal proceeding of University Examination Timetabling, the constraints are translated by using mathematical formulation as integer programming. In comparison, other journal use evolutionary algorithm and heuristic approach to solve these constraints. Works that are related to the preparation of assigning venues for university examination has been identified. The timetabling system called August is developed by the Automated Scheduling and Planning Group at University of Nottingham, UK (Burke et al, 2001). The project started in July 1994 and released in July 1997 for UK Universities. It took 3 years to complete the project. This system incorporates an evolutionary algorithm developed at Nottingham, and a highly flexible method of specifying resources and constraints information, making it applicable to a wide range of academic timetabling problems. Researcher described the resources such as rooms that have relevant and appropriate attributes then possess it with certain attribute values as shown in the Table 1 below. Introduction Composing a set of exam paper is a monotonous task for instructors due to time and energy consuming, institutional exam templates, questions duplicity, syllabus requirements and questions identification (Cen et al., 2010; Hegde, Rao, & Shivali, 2018). To enhance the process, framework of automated application was proposed by researchers in order to steer efficiency to produce high quality automated examination paper. Autonomous Examination Paper (AEP) can be defined as a day-to-day application that stores collection of qualified questions in a database and use randomization techniques to generate a set of question either in printed document or for online examination by involving different level of participants (Amria, Ewais, & Hodrob, 2018; Bankar, Bhor, & Bhalerao, 2018; Bhirangi & Bhoir, 2016; Naik, Sule, Jadhav, & Pandey, 2014). Online examination application is user adaptive, friendly response time to candidates, multi-media material for questions, stored questions, use randomization, provide instant feedback and produce exam reports (Temitayo, Adebisi, & Alice, 2013). According to Cen et al., (2010), three approaches can be applied to developed automated question paper application. Firstly, all the stored questions will be displayed and then selected by experienced instructors. This approach may time consuming but the burden in producing question can be avoided due to stored questions in a database. Secondly, the stored questions will be selected using randomization techniques that embedded in the application. In this implementation, only selected and limited question will be produced automatically. It eliminates the functionality of human in generating the question paper. Finally, the randomized question can be customized accordingly to the user and seems be able to produce more version of question paper. However, the authors claimed that using randomization techniques may cause deadlock in computer and finally question paper failed to be produced. AEP as a tool in educational institution must be developed to support Bloom’s taxonomy cognitive levels such as course syllabus, difficulty level, coverage of cognitive level, marks, subject and question type (Amria et al., 2018). These are the constraints that AEP must be properly handled. According to Liu & Wang (2013), exam paper in AEP can be developed using random variable algorithm, backtracking algorithm and artificial algorithm. However, the authors concluded that artificial algorithm is the best solution to generate exam paper due to the drawback of time processing for large repository in random variable algorithm and backtracking algorithm. Researchers have already implemented artificial algorithm in AEP such as fuzzy logic, ant colony and genetic algorithm (Chavan & Mohandas, 2016; Hasimah, Teo, Bakar, Rezduan, & Rashid, 2014; Liu & Wang, 2013). Instead of the methods mentioned above, Fisher-Yates algorithm also has been used for AEP (Hegde et al., 2018). It seems that randomization is compulsory feature in AEP to make sure high quality of question paper production in educational institution. Ad-Hoc Question Paper (AQPA) Based on the above literature study, we have constructed an application for AEP known as Ad-Hoc Question Paper Application (AQPA). It produces a set of printed exam paper based on courses in UiTM Cawangan Perlis, Perlis, Malaysia. Instead of using word processor application to compose exam paper, AQPA offers a new approach for lecturers to create exam paper in web application using Fisher-Yates algorithm. To brief about AQPA, a Context Diagram in Figure 1 is used to explain the process in AQPA. From the diagram, Administrator and Lecturer are the level of participants in AQPA. The Administrator is a person that has responsibility to manage users in AQPA. AQPA allows lecturers to register themselves as Lecturer. Once registration is completed, the user needs to login using their own credential. The login page can be accessed from the main page as shown in Figure 2. Once login is done, Lecturer can add new exam paper, manage questions and lastly generate the exam paper as printed document. Personal injury claim is a process used to claim the compensation amount for those who has suffered from injury which not caused by themselves. A personal injury can be a physical or psychological injury or illness. A claim occurs when someone has been injured by others mistakes for example road accident. In Malaysia, still practice multiplier-multiplicand approach to calculate the claim (Mohamad, Hashim, & Khalid, 2012). Lately in Malaysia, an accident that is related to the different type of vehicles keep increasing. According to the Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research (MIROS) as cited by Ali, Saleh, Jamian, Mustapa & Yahya (2017), MIROS reported that there are 521,466 cases of road traffic accidents recorded in 2016 as compared to 489,606 cases in 2015. As the road accident increase, the rate of the claimant to claim their claim also increase. Thus, the claimant needs an application using a better approach that can make the calculation of compensation are more reliable. Massita et al. (2012) and Lim (1995) defined compensation as award of amount given to the wrong party who had pleaded responsible for the offenses committed and requires certain amount of payment to victims or beneficiaries parties. As to the compensation or damages, all the vehicle owners registered to third party insurance covers special damages and general damages. Special damages mostly cover vehicle and property damages. General damages refer to pain and suffering resulting from injuries to a person. Currently the approach that used in Malaysia which multiplier-multiplicand approach is shown their approach do not corresponding with the current changes and it became incompatible overtime (Mohamad et al., 2012). For example, the government have update the retirement age until 60 years old. Regarding to this approach, the compensation does not considered the personal issues such as status of occupations, ages, gender, educational level, capability before and after accident, working status before and after accident and part on injury (Ali et al., 2017). Thus, it become unfair since the compensation amount does not coincide with the claimant situation. Thus, this project aims to develop a mobile application, which can calculate the right total amount of compensation. This calculation adopts the Ogden Table as a model to suggest an improved method for the calculation of personal injury claims. LITERATURE REVIEW Odgen Table Approach Ogden tables is a set of statistical tables with information to use by the court in the United Kingdom. The purpose is to make sure that the compensation is easier to calculate future losses in personal injury and fatal accident cases (Levene, 2017). This method considered all aspect such as age, sex, whether disabled before the accident, whether not disabled, level of educational attainment, whether in work at the time of the accident, whether in work at the date of the schedule, retirement age had she or he not been injured, retirement age now, pre-accident earning capacity and post-accident earning capacity (Levene, 2017). This consideration is very applicable since all the consideration is fair to all claimants. Thus, the compensation never overestimates or underestimate. This method is strengthened its usefulness by the Mohamad et al (2012) and stated that this Ogden table can be a model to develop an effective method for the calculation the compensation. Below shows the calculation, how to make a claim using this method. The formula is divided into two parts which for men and for women. The formula to calculate the claim is as follow: a. Men Damages for loss of earning I: am x bm x c1 = d1 Damages for loss of earning II: am x em x f1 = g1 Award for loss of earnings: d1 – g1 = hm b. Women Damages for loss of earning I: af x bf x c2 = d2 Damages for loss of earning II: af x ef x f2 = g2 Award for loss of earnings: d2 – g2 = hf am and af stand for am stand for multiplier value of loss of earning to pension age 65 males with basis of a 2½% rate of return in from Ogden Table (we assume as Table 1 or Table 2 in Ogden Table). bm and bf is the multiplier value of loss of earning to pension age 65 males in Ogden Table by considering able to work before accident with their educational level and working status (we let as Table 3 or table 5 in Ogden Table). Then c1 and c2 are pre-injury earning amount that the claimant gets from the court. hm and hf is a total claim that has been calculated. METHODOLOGY Methodology that used in these applications is waterfall model as in figure 1. Waterfall model is a traditional model of developing software, and there are several stages to develop the software in this model, such as requirement analysis, design, development, testing and documentation (Chandra, 2015) Program comprehension is necessary in performing maintenance tasks and mainly takes place before changing any process. Software maintainers must be familiar and comprehend the parts of source code in the program to be maintained (Alhindawi, Alsakran, Rodan, & Faris, 2014). However, most software maintainers face a problem in comprehending a software system while implementing maintenance tasks (Alhindawi et al., 2014). Source code is an essential artefact for software maintainers to become familiar with a software system (Carvalho, 2013; Corley, Kammer, & Kraft, 2012; Cornelissen, Zaidman, Society, & van Deursen, 2011; Sharafi, 2011; Tiarks, Röhm, & Roehm, 2013; Yazdanshenas & Moonen, 2012). Nowadays, the expansion in size and difficulty of software system led to difficulties in maintaining the system. Software maintainers have to maintain a huge size of source code that needs to be comprehend (Haiduc, Aponte, & Marcus, 2010; Ishio, Etsuda, & Inoue, 2012) and identify a corresponding piece of code that needs to be maintained (Carvalho, 2013; Roehm, Tiarks, Koschke, & Maalej, 2012; Ying & Robillard, 2011). Among their tasks is to understand the source code before implementing maintenance tasks (Carvalho, 2013; Roehm et al., 2012; Ying & Robillard, 2011). Over the past few years, researchers have proposed various forms of graphical representation in representing text-based software system. This visualisation approach has been seen to facilitate the understanding of program domain. Program visualisation technique is considered very important for the users since it provides mental models of an information. According to Khan & Khan (2011), graphical representation is the best way to convey complicated ideas clearly, precisely and efficiently (Khan & Khan, 2011). It makes huge and complex information intelligible. The basic purpose of program visualisation technique is to create interactive visual representations of the information that exploit human’s perceptual and cognitive capabilities of problem solving. Visualisation is used to present huge amount of information coherently and compactly from different viewpoints besides providing several levels of detail. The goal of visualisation is to help users in understanding and interpreting huge and complex sets of information (Khan & Khan, 2011). Therefore, this study explores the importance of program visualisation technique in improving source code comprehension. It proposes the use of ontological concepts as knowledge representation integrated with UML Class Model to provide more valuable information to users. The paper is organised as follows. The next section reviews previous studies by comparing the techniques in this area. The following section discusses the proposed work. The conclusion of this study is presented in the final section. INTEGRATION OF ONTOLOGY AND UML CLASS-BASED MODELLING In populating an ontology, a source code should be analysed through a process of information extraction. Information extraction is a process of obtaining information in a source code and displaying it in a different view. After the information from the source code is retrieved, it should be stored in a standard form of information. It will then go through a process that uses an ontological approach. In general, ontology development is divided into two main phases; specification and conceptualisation. The goal of specification phase is to acquire informal knowledge on the domain while the goal of conceptualisation phase is to organise and structure the obtained knowledge as well as the use of UML class model. There are almost as many graphical representations presenting source code. The most common high-level representation is graph; for instance, dependency graph, data and control flow graph. Although the dependency graph has been widely used in representing a relationship, it is often more complex than the original source code artefacts. It makes them less suitable to directly support the comprehension or visualisation (Krinke, 2004; Yazdanshenas & Moonen, 2011). Thus, in this subsection discusses previous works that used the ontology representation in software comprehension, UML class model and the integration of both ontology and UML class model. A Unified Modelling Language (UML)-based diagram is another representation that is frequently used (Bhagat, Kapadni, Kapadnis, Patil, & Baheti, 2012; Ibrahim & Ahmad, 2010; Jali, Greer, & Hanna, 2014; Kothari, 2012; Shinde, 2012; Thakur & Gupta, 2014). UML has become a de facto standard language for expressing artefacts used and produced within a software development process. UML consists of various graphical notations, describing the syntax of the modelling language and meta models, describing the semantics of UML. UML diagrams enable developers to specify, visualise, construct and document the artefacts of a software system. UML class diagram is among the frequently used software representations to describe the structure of software systems that aid reverse engineering project. UML class diagrams allow for modelling, in a declarative way, the static structure of an application domain in terms of concepts and relations between them. In a class diagram, classes are represented by boxes with three parts; the first part contains the name of the class, which has to be unique in the whole diagram. The second part contains the attributes of the class, each specified by their name, type and visibility, whereas the operations of the class are denoted by name, argument list, return type and visibility. Ontology representation is used to define sets of concepts describing the domain knowledge and allowing specification of classes by rich and precise logical definitions. The basic idea of using ontology for software system is to provide an artefact consisting both code knowledge and domain knowledge with which software maintainers can understand the features of source code. Ontology includes the concepts, relationships and instances to describe the specific domain of concern. Concepts are referred to as a category that is also known as a class. A series of concepts represents the topics or characters in a domain ontology; relations show the connection between concepts and used to describe the association between concepts when considering a specific concept, which is also called an attribute; while instances describe a series of concepts and relationships with specific knowledge. Instances in ontology are the values of attribute in the class that describe necessary properties. Instances also inherit all attributes or relationships of their class. At present, ontology is used in many fields to represent knowledge and provide a formal way to define the concept. Ontology has been shown to support program understanding (Wilson, 2010). The proposed approach was used to extract an ontological point of view for software system by integration utilising the ontology and UML class-based modelling. Due to similar features shared by both UML class diagram and ontology, class diagram is used to aid the population of code ontology. The similarity of UML class model and ontology model are listed in Table 3 Photography business and services have become more popular in these days. The methods for the photography company to deliver their customers’ photo are hardcopy and softcopy. Customers often request to get the softcopy of the photos as soon as they can get them so that they can post the pictures on their social media such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. A photography company usually delivers the softcopy of the photos to the customers through WhatsApp, Telegram, or cloud storage such as Google Drive and Dropbox. Cloud computing attracts more attention from business companies (Aishwarya & Malliga,2014). Photography Service System will be the best choice of delivering the softcopy of the customers’ photos since the quality of the photos or files uploaded to the system will not be reduced and can deliver the photos quickly. The service system enables users to outsource their data to a server and access data remotely over the Internet (Anu, 2017). The system allows users to store and maintain data on a remote server that is managed by Cloud Service Provider (CSP) like Yahoo and Google (Dinis & Serrao, 2014). Users can process their data on their computers, and use the data on other devices such as mobile phones (Ghafarian, 2017). By using the system to deliver the photos to the customers, the customers can easily receive the photos since they can use their computers or mobile phones to receive the photos. This research project is purposely done to test the system to determine the security flaws and vulnerabilities in this system. Security is one of the efficiency standards where it is the main indicator and guideline of the performance level. Security is essential to the system because it protects the system from threats. Security in the system is a highly sensitive and important factor because it deals with confidential data in the system (Goyal & Goyal, 2017). Every system should provide a strong security protection and privacy to protect the data of its customers who are using the system. The system should avoid security threats. For example, Denial of Service (DoS) attack, SQL injection, Cross Site Scripting (XSS), and sniffing password. These attacks are attempted to prevent a system from performing its normal functions. METHODOLOGY Sotware Description The software used for this research project was VMWare Workstation, LOIC – Low ORBIT Ion Cannon, Wireshark, and Vega. 1) VMWare Workstation VMWare Workstation is a virtual machine software that is used for x86 and x86-64 computers to run multiple operating systems over a single physical host computer. Each virtual machine can run a single instance of any operating system (Microsoft Linux, etc) simultaneously (Nagpure & Kurkure, 2017). 2) LOIC – Low Orbit Ion Cannon LOIC is an open-source network stress testing and denial-of-service attack application, written in C. It was initially developed by Praetox Technologies but was later released into the public domain and now is hosted on several open source platform (Dinis, B., & Serrao, C.,2014). 3) Wireshark Wireshark is an open-source packet analyzer. It is used for network troubleshooting, analysis, software and communication protocol development, and education. It is originally named Ethereal, the project was renamed Wireshark in May 2006 due to trademark issues (Gupta, Jain, Saini, & Gupta, 2016). 4) Vega Scanning tool Vega is a free and open-source web security scanner and web security testing platform to test the security of web applications. Vega can help find and validate SQL Injection, Cross Site Scripting (XSS), inadvertently disclosed sensitive information, and other vulnerabilities. Hardware Description Laptop used for the research project and many specification of laptop that was used is summarized which are the model of laptop is Asus. The processor is Intel Core i5-4200U, the RAM of a laptop used is 8.00 GB, and system type of the laptop used is 64-bit operating system, x-64-based processor. The advancement of technology and innovation has changed the landscape of industrial operations, business management and also the education setting in our world today. In education, latest technological innovations have brought about a paradigm shift particularly in the field of higher education institutions. The extensive use of mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets in our daily task has indirectly changed the conventional classroom instructional practices to a new mode of teaching and learning process. In order to be in line with these current technological revolutions, Massive Open Online Courses or better known as MOOCs learning has been introduced in these recent years. This new learning approach has affecting the instructors’ teaching style and has reformed the manner of learners in acquiring their knowledge. According to Yu (2015), MOOCs are massive online education that can be accessed easily and widely on the Internet by unlimited number of students. It applies as an open education system where the learners can study any high quality courses for free of charge but some do impose a minimal fee. Since MOOCs uses online mode, learners are flexible to learn their interested courses without the time and place restrictions. This novel education setting that offers the learners to learn outside the “boundaries of learning institutions” according to Nordin et al. (2015), has attracted learners from diverse backgrounds, ranging from people working in the industries, to people who work from home such as housewives and from various ages as well as from different generations. Al-Atabi and Deboer (2014) stated that early MOOCs have only focuses on teaching technical skills for engineering and computer science courses, since researchers and instructors are still in doubt of teaching critical thinking, problem solving, communication and entrepreneurship using these new method. However, at present, MOOCs have become a new educational trending namely because of a few reasons as stated by Fesol and Salam (2016), Mansor et al. (2015) as well as Al-Atabi and Deboer (2014). MOOCs are able to cater the growing numbers of world population seeking for higher education that is no longer able to accommodate by the existing physical universities and higher education institutions. The next reason for the emergence of MOOCs is the development of broadband technology that allows Internet and information to be accessed easily and reliably has transformed the traditional approaches of teaching and learning process. MOOCs covers all the technical and non-technical courses, mostly free of charge or with a minimal cost, it is open virtually for anyone to be enrolled, thus it provide a platform for potential learners to experience a quality education at their own pace and time. Ever since 2015, Wahid et al. (2015) mentioned about MOOCs acceptance and implementation in various universities around the world with its infrastructure has been provided and outsourced to private companies. Nevertheless, in Malaysia, MOOCs does not duplicate the established global models done in their higher institutions, but their implementation are in line with several important Malaysian National Plans as claimed by Mansor et al. (2015) in their study. MASSIVE OPEN ONLINE COURSES (MOOCs) MOOCs structures still maintain the same as the traditional classroom courses provided by the higher education institutions. Learners listen to lectures, learning materials are provided for reading and assessments are given to measure their understanding, learning progress and to see their performance. However, as compared to the conventional classroom settings, MOOCs teaching and learning processes are done entirely using online mode. MOOCs are delivered via, an online learning platform based in Sydney, Australia, created by dedicated expertise with inspiringly fresh ideas to engage students with meaningful learning experiences. As stated by Al-Atabi and Deboer (2014), this platform offers learners with numerous social media features such as online forums, progress bar, karma points and badges, online team recruitments, online team project tracking or course milestone and many more. Characteristics of MOOCs MOOCs contain some common features. It is named as massive due to the number of participants that can join the online courses are unlimited. Other than that, it provides an open education platform for any learners to access, learn and comment on the courses they have enrolled. Most of the courses offered are free of charge; however, according to Gamage et al. (2015), some MOOCs are charging a minimal cost for issuing credentials and certification. They also added that learning materials are usually in the form of short videos, assessments such as online quizzes and peer base or self-assignments as well as discussion with instructor and peers via online forums are some of the pedagogical approaches applied in MOOCs. Additionally, MOOCs also hold several special characteristics. One of the characteristic mentioned in Abedi and Beikverdi (2012) study is its content. The learning materials are pre-recorded video of lectures along with interactive lecture notes and e-books. The next distinctive feature will be about the assessment datelines. MOOCs still set datelines for their assessment given; however, they have multiple datelines. Although, the learning material of MOOCs are available at all times and learners are given the flexibility to learn at their own pace and time, yet, those who wish to obtain marks are required to submit their assignments and follow the stipulated deadline. Upon scoring beyond certain threshold, certificates of accomplishments are delivered through email to the corresponding student. This is the third special characteristic of MOOCs. Lastly, the final feature of MOOCs is its grading system. Usually, for multiple choice questions, the grading is done automatically by the system. Nevertheless in assessments that are abstract and require human grading, instructors use peer-grading or self-grading system to evaluate MOOCs participants. Advantages and Disadvantages of MOOCs Massive Open Online Courses brings advantages as well as disadvantages to instructors and its learners. Among the advantages of MOOCs outlined by a few earlier researches and recent studies are stimulating digital literacy, promoting global connection and open education, supporting constructive online interaction and knowledge sharing as well as inspiring universal learning and lifelong education. Conversely, MOOCs also possesses several drawbacks such as incompatibility to students who can not learn independently, quality assurance issues, missing of humanistic and students’ personalization, time-consuming production of learning resources and integrity issue in certification. Each point will be discussed further in the next sub-topics. Advantages of MOOCs This new technology innovation through MOOCs to attract the new generation of learners brings many benefits and advantages. From the perspective of learners, firstly, MOOCs inspire digital literacy to its participants. According to Viswanathan (2012), learning informally through e-learning modules, online videos, webinars, podcasts, whilst participating discussion with instructors and peers via online forums or social networks will indirectly encourage a student-centred learning approach. This fits the goals of higher education reform to promote a network of individualized and independent learning as mentioned in a study by Yu (2015). In addition, learners all across the world get connected through the MOOCs and are not constrained by a specific instructor or course syllabus and even by a particular higher institution as mentioned by Abedi and Beikverdi (2012). They are flexible to choose their own learning time within the MOOC release cycle without any fixed curriculum timetable and they are able to view repetitively the learning materials or animated video lectures according to their own pace. All these online learning are so convenient and attracted the young generation of knowledge seekers as it can be done using their mobile devices. Furthermore, Yu (2015) said that MOOCs support positive online interaction and knowledge sharing among the peers and instructors. Online discussion helps the learners to exchange their ideas, share their knowledge and solve their own or other people’s problem. This feature provided by MOOCs platform not only widens the viewpoint of the learners, but also encourage the students to sharpen their thinking and communication skills towards a learning-based instructional method. Finally, Yu (2015) also added that MOOCs inspire universal learning and lifelong education by opening opportunities for potential learners from diverse backgrounds such as graduates seeking for additional knowledge, working people, housewives and disabled people to acquire knowledge in a flexible way at their own pace and from their own place. On the contrary, from the perspective of educators, MOOCs have several benefits. Yu (2015) stated in his study that MOOCs are a paradigm shift for an innovative educational transformation to increase the standard of teaching profession. Educators and higher education institutions will become more competitive and will make best effort to provide higher quality education to its prospective students. Academician will start producing high-quality learning materials, revise and reflect their instructional methods as well as improve their innovation in educational tool in order to create high-quality courses for their higher institutions. This will diminish the gap between educators and learners in adapting to the current technological changes as well as generation differences. On top of that, although the processes of constructing high-quality teaching resources are time-consuming, but once it is produced, educators are free from heavy repetitive explanations of their lectures, thus they can dedicate their time more on responding to students enquiries and improving their teaching methods effectively. Moreover, MOOCs teaching content can be interestingly delivered via a short animated or live action video of less than 10 minutes as well as providing additional links to other related videos for a particular topic. These new instructional tools are able to free up the constraint of teaching hours in the traditional classroom settings. Therefore, educators will have more flexible time to focus on online discussion with their students that can further enhance learners’ thinking skills, self-regulated learning and creativity. Disadvantages of MOOCs On top of all the benefits and advantages mentioned earlier, MOOCs also possess some disadvantages or difficulties to its learners as well as the instructors. These matters are discussed in studies done by Yu (2015) as well as Nordin et al. (2015). MOOCs are ideal for self-directed learning; hence, it is necessary for the students especially the beginners to have a high level of independence in learning. Yet, if the students do not have a high degree of self-efficacy, then they will be not be able to complete the tasks given in MOOCs, and will be left with a mixed up feeling of disoriented and confused. Next, according to Yu (2015), MOOCs faced with quality assurance issues. The nature of MOOCs that involves with a large-scale of learners with various learning style preferences, the lack of diversity in teaching techniques, the inadequate teaching materials, the ineffective assessment and tracking result method are some of the important factors that contribute to these issues. Subsequently, MOOCs are also lacking of active learning. In a study by Yu (2015), only a small percentage of 5% to 15% of students’ enrolment have completed a course. This is due to the characteristic of MOOCs which encourage free and open learning. The following disadvantage of MOOCs as mentioned by Yu (2015) is the missing of humanistic and students’ personalization. Students will be lacking of teamwork and communication skills as a result of face to face activities absenteeism. Other than that, massive teaching approach in MOOCs has resulted in the loss of students' personalization which side-tracked from the law of education. Yu (2015) also added, another drawback of MOOCs is the time-consuming production of learning resources. This is because the instructors need to invest a lot of their time to design and produce the lecture videos, participate in online discussions and preparing the assessments. The final downside as mentioned again by Yu (2015) is the integrity issue in certification acknowledgment. Since there are no face to face interaction between the instructors and learners, it is hard to confirmed the learners who registered is the one taking all the assessment, getting all the credits and eligible for the certificate of recognition. Discussion In summary, we make a comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of MOOCs more clearly through the table below. Introduction Nowadays, the world is increasingly relying on computer networks. The use of network resources is increasing followed by many risks toward security problems. There are many vulnerabilities and threats that were discovered every day and are affecting users and companies at critical stages, from privacy issues to financial losses. Recently, many organization including government agencies have been attacked and scanned by unknown intruders which resulting in financial and reputation damages (Popereshnyak, Suprun, Suprun, & Wieckowski, 2018). Monitoring network activity is a must for network administrators and security analysts to understand these threats and to develop a secure network environment (Darapareddy & Gummadi, 2012). Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is one of the solutions that can be used to monitor network traffic. It is a software application that can identify any suspicious activities and issue alerts to network administrator when such activity is identified. To ensure the network can be secured, honeypot-based intrusion detection system was introduced to monitor unused Internet Protocol (IP) spaces to learn about attackers. The advantage of honeypots over other monitoring solutions is to collect only suspicious activities and obtain information about the attackers (Kondra, Janardhan Reddy Bharti, Santosh Kumar Mishra, Sambit Kumar Babu, 2016). Although an IDS does not have the capability to prevent malware or any type of attacks, the technology is still relevant to be used in the modern enterprise because of its functionality that is able to detect an active attack (Place, 2018). One of the most widely used tools is honeyd for creating honeypots. Honeyd is an open source of the computer program created by Niels Provos that allows a user to set up and run multiple virtual hosts on a computer network (Provos, 2019). It is one of the low-interaction honeypot which can be used to simulate 65,000 hosts using a single PC. The IP stack of different OS can be emulated through honeyd. It is designed to resemble the real system and equipped with the already known vulnerability so that the attacker will be distracted from the main system that he will attack and moves to the false honeypot (Sembiring, 2016). In a network, all normal traffic should be forwarded to and from valid servers only. Thus, a network administrator running honeyd can monitor logs to see if there is any traffic going to the virtual hosts set up by honeyd. Any traffic going to these virtual servers can be considered highly suspicious. The network administrator can take preventative actions, possibly by blocking the suspicious IP address or by further monitoring the network for suspicious traffic. The problem is that the logs generated by honeyd can grow very large when heavy traffic occurred in the system such as Distributed Denial of Services (DDoS) attack, which can consume a lot of disk space (Fahd & Saleh, 2012; Joshi & Kakkar, 2017). A large amount of log size contains difficulties when they are processed and analysed by network administrator or security analysts as they required a lot of time and resources (Singh & Joshi, 2011). Therefore, this paper has put forward an approach to address these issues by introducing the ‘cron job’ with perl-script approach to periodically transfers parsed log data into database. The approach is efficiently reduced usage of disk storage and system resources. The rest of this paper is organised as follows. Section Background reviews the background of the intrusion detection system (IDS), distributed denial of services attack (DDoS Attack) and Cron job. This is followed by Section Proposed Approach that introduces the Cran job with perl-script as an approach, which consist of four key steps. Section Experiment and Result discusses the experimental works and results of the proposed approach. Finally, Section Conclusion presents the conclusion and future works. Background i. Intrusion Detection System (IDS) Honeypot can be divided in two categories which is low interaction and high interaction. Both have its own strengths and weaknesses. Low interaction honeypots simulate services in such a way that they cannot be exploited to gain complete access. In these types of honeypots, there is no operating system for the attackers to interact with. The deployment and maintenance process of low interaction honeypots is simple than high interaction honeypots. Low interaction honeypots can minimize risk but their functionality is limited. Honeyd and specter is an example of low interaction honeypot (Fahd & Saleh, 2012). High interaction honeypots are considered the most advanced type of honeypots in general. It has its own operating system which allows the user to have no restrictions to perform whatever tasks and actions that are desired. Highest level of risk is associated with them as they are using an actual operating system. Designing the high interaction honeypots is a time consuming and the process can be difficult. However, it can collect a large amount of data as the attackers have most of the resources available to them, while all their actions and activities are logged on the honeypot (Eldad, 2018). ii. Distributed Denial of Services Attack (DDoS Attack) The rapid development and popularization of internet had resulted in the increase of online attacks. When the attacker uses a single machine to interrupt the services, it is identified as Denial of Services (DoS) attack. The extended attack from DoS is DDoS which initiates the attack from multiple controlled devices. According to (Bhosale, Nenova, & Iliev, 2017), DDoS attack has arisen to be the most powerful and harmful attack. A malicious software called 'Bots' is injected into multiple computers to gain control to perform specific and automated function. Bots constructed in large number are also called as ‘Botnet’ have caused major crimes such as, Click-fraud, widespread delivery of Spam emails, spyware installation, worm and virus dissemination. Such attacks were able to gain access into the networks bandwidth and also resources of victims, thus increased the success rate of denial of access to legitimate users. The basic form of a DDoS attack is an online attack in which an attacker sends a large amount of traffic to a website or network. The purpose of DDoS attack is to overwhelm the server and network services until it crashes and fails to respond on incoming requests from legitimate users (Jessica, 2018). Introduction Assigning teaching workload is one of the biggest concern as it is very important to improve the teaching quality (Xiaobo et al., 2014). Assigning can be defined as a process of the distribution of tasks or work to each staff. In education management, one of the major task is assigning teaching workload which carried out in all teaching institution in every semester. The course assignment is an important task for the administrative team that need to make sure all the course demands are met. Generating teaching load for a department is a very challenging and time consuming task due to diverse demands, faculty preference, availability of the staff members, number of codes and number of groups. All the courses must assigned to the faculty members who can teach the course well with respective expertise. Before the semester start, the administrative team needs to forecast the demand for each course and determine the required number of students enroll for each course. In addition, Xiaobo et al. (2014) and Shin and Jung (2013) studied preparation for teaching course has been well recognized as a major contributing factor to get the teaching quality. There are a lot of studies that had been done about the problem of assigning courses to the lecturers or to the time slot. A study by MA Nang Laik and Sen Prabir (2017), it proposed an innovative method to solve the faculty assignment for the university using two-steps approach. By using this approach, they able to reduce the number of variables and errors in runtime. Then, Breslaw (1976) studied a linear programming solution to the faculty assignment problem by using optimization methods in the solution. Another study by Nordin (2006) performed the feasibility in assigning lecturers to courses under various policies or conditions using the methods of operations research that has been done using LINGO software. Gunawan et al. (2008) carried out the scheduling problems that exist in the institution in Indonesia. Their research involved the problem of assigning teachers to the courses and the times at the university level. The proposed algorithm had produced a better solution instead of manually distribution by the institutions. Badri et al. (1996) proposed a two-stage multi-objective scheduling model for faculty-course-time assignments by using faculty course preference and time slot as objectives of the research. Bakir et al. (2008) stated that to organize the courses code by assigning the lecturers according to periods and availability of the classrooms is very difficult assignment scheduling problem. In their study, the zero-one integer programming model has been developed in order to minimize the dissatisfaction of lecturers and students. Fairuz et al. (2016) reported that optimization model using linear programming is most suitable to optimize and organize teaching load allocation at mathematics department. Preparations for the workload allocation could lead to irregularities in the total number of lecturers teaching hours in a week, the course code and the number of groups should be teach. These irregularities will cause dissatisfaction among lecturers and also assigning of courses to the unexperienced lecturers will occur. It is due to manually allocation through trial-and-error using Microsoft Excel which is inefficient and time consuming. Moreover, the manual allocation may lead to bias judgement, get unfavourable courses and lack of standardization on the total hours per week for each academic staff (Mat Saleh, 2011). Therefore, this study aims to propose a teaching load allocation model which able to optimize the teaching quality. Data Sources The teaching loads of lecturers must be prepared by the head of department under his or her supervision before the semester begins. Several factors need to be considered before develop the assignment tables, such as the number of existing lecturers, the existing courses and the total number of groups for each course based on number of students enrolled for a course in every semester. In every semester, the head of department has to decide how should the courses offered be the best allocated amongst its staff so as to optimise some measure of output criteria as chosen or set by the head of department or the education authority. Usually, the assignment is done manually based on course preferences responded by each lecturer. However, teaching preferences sometimes are not taken into consideration due to various constraints appeared. Since each lecturers have different expertise, preference and experience toward a particular course, a survey was conducted to obtain the required information using google form and distributes to all the academic staff in the department. A primary data has been collected among 25 lecturers with number of group listed for each 13 courses considered. Contact hours per week for each course has different allocation. The contact hours and the number of groups are shown in Table 1 below. Introduction Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) allows devices such as computers and mobile phones to communicate over a wireless signal. One of the most known types of WLAN is Wi-Fi (short for “wireless fidelity”). It has become a popular technology and even close to become a basic need for humans today. Based on the statistic given by(Cisco, 2017), 94.0 million public hotspots in 2016 will increase to 541.6 million by the year 2021. At this moment, many enterprises are offering wireless Internet-services to customers which can be seen mostly at the airports, cafes, restaurants and shopping areas. This free-to-use service may seem attractive for some people to use without thinking twice, but chances are the security levels on these networks can be arguably weak and lead to cyber-attacks. For business owners, they might believe that they are providing a valuable service to their customers, but it can also lead them to man-in-the-middle attacks, malware distribution, snooping and sniffing attacks. This is where Intrusion-Detection System (IDS) takes place to help people who are connected to the open Wi-Fi stay in the safe zone. Intrusion-detection system or commonly known as IDS is a system that monitors packets entering and leaving in a network. The purpose of intrusion detection is to monitor network devices while detecting malicious activities in the network (Ashoor & Gore, 2011). IDS can give greater understanding of what really happened in a network by monitoring the packets. There are two different types of IDS; host-based IDS(HIDS) and network-based IDS(NIDS). Protection against network-based threats using monitoring and analyzing network traffic is called Network-based Intrusion-Detection System or NIDS. Utilizing the network adapter running in the system, NIDS reads all raw inbound packets as data source and searches for any suspicious patterns in real-time as it travels across the network which typically referred to as “packet sniffers” (Am & Chezian, 2017). Meanwhile, Host-Based Intrusion-Detection System (HIDS) is a very useful tool for understanding previous attacks and determining effective methods to defeat them in any networks or systems. The ability to monitor and respond to specific user actions and file accesses on the host makes the HIDS the best option to combat internal threats and malicious behaviors in networks. HIDS usually monitors the system, event, and security logs on Windows NT and syslog in Unix environments. Nowadays, there are a lot of Intrusion-Detection Systems (IDS) that people as users can choose from in order to stay protected when connecting to Open WLANs. Open WLANs are easily exposed to cyber-criminal attacks than Private or Wired WLANs because they sometimes do not have any security protections. A cybercriminal can be defined as a real-world entity that tries to get unauthorized access and cause harmful activities in the system. Cyber-attacks have become more complicated and unpredictable as attackers are trying any possible way to successfully launch an attack towards the users without being detected(Wang & Zhu, 2017). At the current moment, most of the host-based IDS or network-bases IDS that can be installed and used by users are flawed (Wang & Zhu, 2017). These flaws can be used by cyber-criminals to attack the system and with many IDS to choose from, users may face problems when choosing the right IDS to be installed on their computers or laptops. IDS is a process used for monitoring and analyzing networks(K S, Kumar, & T S, 2014). It helps users to detect any malicious activity and alerts them to take actions that will protect their data from unwanted attacks. IDS can be installed as the both host-based and network-based intrusion-detection systems whereby each has its own strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, a hybrid intrusion-detection system with the strengths of both host-based and network-based can hopefully complement each other’s weaknesses. In this paper, the main sections are organized as follows: section 2 discusses the related work. In section 3, provides the methodology of the proposed work. Then, section 4 analyzes the results, and finally section 5 concludes the paper. Related Work i. Network Traffic Monitoring Monitoring network traffic is a combination of several tasks such as process reviewing, analyzing and managing network traffic. These tasks are required to detect any abnormality or suspicious process that can affect network security, availability and performance. One of the benefits from monitoring network traffic is detecting any malicious activity in the network. For example, network monitoring can be used to track attacker activities in a WLAN (Shum & Ng, 2010). Based on their findings, it is possible to detect hacking activities and location of a mobile user by monitoring the network traffics thus enhancing the information security. Meanwhile, the use of visualization techniques in network monitoring not only can reduce the time to observe network traffics but also gives essential information in a single picture(Safdar, Durad, & Alam, 2018). By using visualization in network monitoring, users can see clearly what actually happens in the network. ii. Intrusion Detection System (IDS) Intrusion-Detection System (IDS) can be a host-based or a network-based ID. For many years, researchers have used either or maybe both types of IDS in their research in many related fields, including network monitoring. From a survey by (Am & Chezian, 2017), they have reviewed and studied different types of IDS and its corresponding tools. They come out with some notable points from their survey. For example, configuring the rules properly can lead to a higher detection rate, and several tools can only support small types of security threats and problems. The packet losses issue has been identified by (Al-Dalky, Salah, Otrok, & Al-Qutayri, 2014) and they have proposed SNORT and NetFPGA combination to increase SNORT performance to analyses and filter packets. As a result, from their experiment combining both tools, SNORT has increased its performance and yields less packet losses even though there is an increase with traffic loads. Meanwhile, (Wang & Zhu, 2017) have proposed a centralized Host-Based IDS (HIDS) framework for private cloud as it is becoming more efficient and convenient for the users. They want to overcome the problem of HIDS for cloud computing whereby it uses a high number of system resources. On the other hand, (Ghorbanian, Shanmugam, Narayansamy, & Idris, 2013) used HIDS to create an intrusion-detection app and active defense mechanism as a substitute for available passive antivirus in Android platform. They were able to develop a HIDS app that can alert users if there is a matched attack pattern trying to sneak in the system. Hybrid IDS can be a way to solve both NIDS and HIDS disadvantages by combining them in a system that can complement each other’s weaknesses. For instance, (Gupta, 2015; Zekrifa, 2014) both have implemented Hybrid IDS in their research. They combined misuse detection system and anomaly detection system to increase detection rate and reduce false positives and negatives. Both studies have shown some positive results where the detection rate has increased and the number of false positives and negatives has reduced slightly. In a research conducted by (Day, Flores, & Lallie, 2012), they combined both detection systems to improve and harden the process of detecting intrusion. From the research, they discovered that the combination of both IDS improved protection against attacks and maximized the chances of intrusion detection. To further support the idea of Hybrid IDS,(K S et al., 2014) have analyzed data mining techniques used in Hybrid IDS. Data mining or knowledge discovery is the process of finding patterns from a large quantity of datasets that can be useful in detecting intrusions. This paper analyzed the random forest classification algorithm and weighted k-means algorithm used in Hybrid IDS. The result showed that their technique achieves a higher detection rate and low false-positive rate, compared to other approaches. Heart disease relates to a health problem of the heart and vascular system. The heart is an essential organ in our body because of its purpose as blood blower. There are numerous factors behind the heart problems, which include behaviours of lifestyle, congenital malformations at birth, as well as unhealthy eating behaviours. According to the American Heart Association (2007), America’s number one killer is heart attack which resulting from shut down of coronary heart disease. Moreover, heart disease not only attacks the elderly. In the present day, lots of younger people might be getting affected by the number of heart diseases. Furthermore, newborn babies might encounter abnormalities of the heart. There are fifty more various types of heart problems eyeing the ones with a pattern of living and following a healthy food plan. There is no such existing system or tool that sufferers of heart disease can diagnose and detect the disease by themselves yet. It mostly depends on the medical institution to diagnose it – diagnosis by a medical doctor. Therefore, there is a need to have a system that can perform an early diagnosis of heart disease. A Fuzzy logic system (FLS) becomes a popular method in modelling with uncertainty and imprecision information. Also, one of its strength is “interpretability” particularly in applications such as knowledge extraction and decision support (Nauck & Kruse, 1999). Interpretability refers to the capability of FLSs to express the behaviour of the system in an understandable way (Casillas, Cordón, Herrera, & Magdalena, 2003). This is due to the fact that the FLS use linguistic variable and rules that are very close to human language. Substantial research has shown that FLS is proven reliable to be utilised in the medical domain (Geman, Turcu, & Graur, 2013; Mostafa, Mustapha, Mohammed, Ahmad, & Mahmoud, 2018; Razak, Wahab, & Ramli, 2013). However, recently, FLS face the issue with the problem of the “curse of dimensionality” that is the number of rules is increasing exponentially with the number of the input variables, particularly in the complex system having many input variables. A Hierarchical Fuzzy System (HFS) was introduced to overcome the problem of the curse of dimensionality that appears in the conventional FLS when dealing with a complex system (Raju, Zhou, & Kisner, 1991). The HFS is a special type of FLS that has a unique property, that is the number of rules is increased linearly with the number of input variables. Consequently, it may reduce the number of rules in the FLS and thus avoid the problem of the curse of dimensionality – rule explosion. However, to design the HFS is not an easy task because of its structure that is having multiple subsystems, layers, intermediate variables and different topology (Torra, 2002). In this paper, the use of HFS is explored to be adopted in the complicated medical application. Specifically, we put forward an approach to guide the design of HFS for early diagnosis of heart disease, consisting of 6 key steps. Note that the heart disease consists of 13 symptoms (input variables) and one primary output, that is to analyse whether the patient has the risk of heart disease at the early stage. The rest of this paper is organised as follows. The second section discusses the background to heart disease, fuzzy logic systems and hierarchical fuzzy systems. This is followed by the third section that introduces an approach to design a hierarchical fuzzy system for early diagnosis of heart disease, consisting of six essential steps. In the fourth section, the discussion of the design steps is carefully explained. Finally, the fifth section presents the conclusions and future works. BACKGROUND In this section, the background in respect to the heart disease, fuzzy logic system, and hierarchical fuzzy system are briefly described. i. Heart Disease Heart disease is a kind of health problem that involve the heart as well as blood vessels. Heart disease is the top cause of mortality in the United States. Over 600,000 people in America die of heart disease annually. That is one in every four deaths in this particular country (Kochanek, Miniño, Murphy, Xu, & Kung, 2011). Heart disease points to any health problem that risks the cardiovascular system. The factors that cause heart disease are numerous, but atherosclerosis and hypertension are the most common. In addition, with ageing come some physiological and morphological effects that affect cardiovascular performance and then result in a consequently increased risk of cardiovascular disease, even in healthy asymptomatic people. There are various kinds of heart diseases. Some of the common heart diseases are coronary heart disease. It contributes to severe chest pain and also discomforts specifically named as angina. Second, myocardial infarction or also known heart attack develops when heart muscle cells die due to blood circulation to the heart is interrupted. Coronary heart disease is a cause of heart disease. On top of that, heart failure is also due to a decrease in heart pumping. The last but not least is cardiac arrhythmia is an uncertain heartbeat (Portal Rasmi Jabatan Kesihatan Pulau Pinang, 2009). Signs or symptoms differ depending on the types of heart disease. For many individuals, chest discomfort or heart attack is the first warning sign. Anyone having a heart attack may suffer from a number of symptoms, such as chest pain or discomfort which does not be gone after several minutes, the pain or discomfort in the jaw, neck, or even backside, fatigue, light-headedness, nausea or vomiting (feeling sick to your stomach), or cold sweat, pain or distress in the arms as well as shoulders and also difficulty of breathing. Therefore, diagnosis may be made by looking at the symptoms experienced by the patient. ii. Fuzzy Logic Systems FLSs are one of the currently used techniques for modelling non-linear, uncertain and complex systems. An essential characteristic of FLSs is the partitioning of the space of system variables into fuzzy regions using fuzzy sets (Zadeh, 1965). In each region, the characteristics of the system can be described merely using a rule. Generally, an FLS consists of a rule base with rules associated with particular regions, where the information available is transparent and easily readable. This characteristic of fuzzy systems has been employed in many fields including medical (Bárdossy et al., 2014; Razak et al., 2013), engineering (Gad & Farooq, 2001), decision support (O. W. Samuel, Omisore, & Ojokoh, 2013), pattern recognition (Pedrycz, 1990) and others. In medical domain, FLS has been successfully applied in many areas such as Breast Cancer (Khan, Choi, Shin, & Kim, 2008; Peña-Reyes & Sipper, 1999; Phillips et al., 2006), Heart Disease (Anooj, 2012; Bhatla & Jyoti, 2012; Stetson, 2003), Lung cancer (Phillips et al., 2007; C. C. Samuel, Saravanan, & Devi, 2007; Schneider et al., 2002), Liver (Badawi, Derbala, & Youssef, 1999; Polat, Şahan, Kodaz, & Güneş, 2007; Shiomi, Kuroki, Kuriyama, Morikawa, & Masaki, 1997) and Diabetes (Ganji & Abadeh, 2010, 2011; Lee & Wang, 2011). From the published literature, it may be concluded that fuzzy logic has proven reliable and useful in many medical domains since it can address the specific problem of disease classification in the presence of uncertain or vague knowledge of a linguistic nature (John & Innocent, 2005). However, because of the rapid development in a complex system problem with a large set of input variables, the conventional FLS cannot cope with the increase of the total number of rules concerning the computational time in fuzzy inference (Raju et al., 1991). At present, the crucial issues in the conventional FLS are how to reduce the number of rules involved and their corresponding computation requirement. One effective way to deal with this problem is through the use of a special type of FLS, namely hierarchical fuzzy systems (HFSs) (Wang, 1998). iii. Hierarchical Fuzzy Systems Hierarchical fuzzy systems (HFSs) were introduced and played an extraordinary approach to overcome the problem of the curse of dimensionality arise in FLSs (Raju et al., 1991). The idea of HFS is to put the input variables into a collection of low-dimensional fuzzy logic systems, instead of creating a single high dimensional rule base for a fuzzy logic system. Each low-dimensional fuzzy logic control system constitutes a level in the HFS. Thus, by implementing this approach, it may prevent the problem of rule explosion. Introduction Urbanization is not only referring to a modern phenomenon but also population growth in an urban area. The matter of economic crisis causes people to change their directions of living (Nations & Introduction, 2010), consequently, they moved from rural to the urban area for job opportunities. A high-density population in the urban area comes with a different perspective (Brenner, 2013), blooming business activities and searing infrastructure. These positive impacts come with drawbacks - such as parking congestion. Parking congestion or the limitation of parking spaces for public populace is a well-known issue in the crisis of urbanization (Liu et al., 2012). In the context of parking spaces, in Perlis, a smaller state in Peninsular Malaysia also confronted with the parking congestion problem. The City Council implemented the use of parking coupon for the parking space management. Although, it is considered to be inefficient since the public can break the parking rules and nonchalantly abusing it (Fisman & Miguel, 2007) - such as using the 30 minutes coupon over its time limit. These have become a norm and if this issue were neglected, it will affect the economy as well as the rights of the public. Furthermore, the process to find an empty parking space is frustrating because the drivers need to take a detour and wait for a parked car to release a parking space (Yan, Yang, Rawat, & Olariu, 2010). Thus, there is a need for research to find a solution to solve or at least mitigate the issue. With the emergence of mobile technologies, which allow a mobile device to communicate with each other (Rico, Sancho, Cendon, & Camus, 2013), the application of this technology can contribute towards exploring the solutions to solve the parking management issue. The objective of this paper is to develop a prototype of Android mobile application which serves as the means for parking reservation management. The prototype would be able to reduce the time consumed in reserving empty parking spaces for people to use, mitigating the issues of the current coupon purchase procedure. This paper is organized as follows; the first section introduces the motivation and objective of the paper. Some related works described in the second section, followed by the discussion about the methodology in the third section. In the fourth section, the result and discussion are presented and the paper is concluded in the final section. Related Works i. Manual Coupon The first approach is the manual method which is used by the City Council in Perlis. The City Council produces a physical coupon which is sold to the public for parking reservation. It needs to be displayed clearly on a parked car for City Council staff observational purposes - usually on the car front dashboard. This manual method had issues with user ethics, parking management, and resources wastes. Buying the coupon designates the right for the buyer to use a parking space in the covered area. Although, there are cases which the buyer uses a used coupon to pay for their parking use, which indicates the problem of user ethics. However, the City Council combated this issue by sending their staff to check for cars that parked illegally by manually checking the detail of the coupon displayed on the car dashboard. Nonetheless, the solution is poor as it is time-consuming and wasting labour resources. Another issue with resources is the coupon itself, which uses paper as its material and needed to be mass-produced. On the side of the parking user, aside for ethical issues, it is time-consuming for them to search for empty parking to use, and they also need to use a physical object to scratch open the coupon every time they needed to apply it. Generally, the Academic Affairs Department at UiTM Pulau Pinang branch is divided into three main units namely general administration, students’ records and examination units. Examination unit is the most crucial unit in which its key functions involve the preparation of question paper, printing and packaging of question paper, handling examination operations and management of the overall students’ marks (Quality, 2010; UiTM, 2016). Handling examination operations involves several sub modules including the preparation of final examination schedules for each course, placement of examination venue process, printing and packaging of the question papers and the process of assigning invigilators at the examination halls (UiTM, 2016). Whenever the Department of Academic Evaluation from UiTM Shah Alam, Malaysia announce the examination schedules for each subject, staff at the examination unit will start preparing final examination operations. The earliest task is to allocate the venue of examination for each course. Once the venue is allocated and verified by the Assistant Registrar (Examination), the subsequent process is to arrange the examination seating number. The arrangement or allocation of the seating numbers is prepared manually for all courses and links to students’ enrollment downloaded from the Student Integrated Management Systems (SIMs). This process is employed by two staff of Examination Unit assisted by the examination committee at UiTM Pulau Pinang Branch for 20 days of examination duration. This preparation continues until the examination ends. The examination seating number for each student is written manually one by one on the class list printed from SIMs by referring the range of seating numbers, which is also manually calculated during the prior task. The process of allocating the seating number is very cumbersome. For the staff who involved in the seating number allocation, it is tiring and exhausting. Quite a number of cases have been reported in the pass examinations whereby two students clashed in the same seat number. The seating numbers written on the class lists were different from the examination hall plan on seating number range sheets. As a result, it became very tough for the invigilators to control the examination halls and ensure proper examination environment under the standard operating procedure (SOP) or ISO 9001:2008. All these lead to examination defects and surely the credibility or integrity in handling of examination operations will be queried by the top management and more importantly, creates negative perceptions among students. On average, the total numbers of students’ enrolment at UiTM Pulau Pinang Branch are approximately 32,000 to 35,000 per semester. Imagine if the allocation of students’ seating numbers with that total of enrolment need to be done manually by only two staffs for three week of examination duration, surely erroneous examination cannot be avoided. More time is required to prepare the examination timetable whenever the total enrollments of students are very large besides the diversified courses offered at the faculty or department levels (Bloomfield and McSharry, 1997). The task of examination seating number allocation in the examination halls cannot be excluded as it helps the students to determine the seat number for each course easily. Hence, this task needs to be done automatically to improve the smoothness and efficiency of the examination operations and create positive satisfaction among examination unit staff and examination committees. Therefore, one technique or approach was introduced to automate the process of examination seating number allocation for each course taken by students. This process can be performed in less than a minute with a powerful coding. This way, the manual allocation of seating numbers for three weeks will be replaced by a powerful application and processed without the overlapping of similar seating numbers. With this enhancement, the staff will be able to avoid defects on examination operations and their credibility or integrity will not questionable. Techniques or algorithms of examination seating number allocation were traced, evaluated and customized according to the situation of Universiti Teknologi MARA at Pulau Pinang Branch. The paper is organized as follows. The next section explores related works on allocation of examination seating numbers at present. The following section discusses on the proposed work that could contribute to the efficiency of the examination seating number allocation. Finally, the paper is concluded with several recommendations for the future work. RELATED WORKS The primary concern of well-prepared examination halls depends on the comprehensive distribution of examination seats. Allocation of the examination seats with unique number will ensure the distance among students can be controlled to avoid cheating by copying answers from their close friends (Chaki & Anirban, 2016). The process of examination seat allocation starts as soon as the examination timetable of the courses is released. The tasks of examination timetabling and the seat allocation process are two different things (Burke, McCollum & McMullan, 2006). There are few solutions or techniques that have been proposed for examination seating number allocation. Kahar and Kendal (2010) provided a solution for the venue allocation or assignment at Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia They considered only one examination will take place in one room at a time. Nevertheless, this solution may create an opportunity to cheat in exam hall like copying from nearby students, which requires many examination venues and more invigilators. Furthermore, it will incur additional costs for such invigilation duty wages and utility such as electricity usage and light beverages for invigilators during the examination periods. Ayob and Malik (2011) done the same thing about the room assignment, but considered only special examination. This type of examination environment is easy to maintain, but cannot be tested with large numbers of enrolment, which requires more examination halls, courses and invigilators. The system should be able to cover and mostly focus on optimum uses of examination seats, having a standard distance of students getting the same set of question paper, avoiding the overlapping of seats and finally comprehensive seating arrangement that is comfortable for the students and invigilators (Chaki & Anirban, 2016). Who is responsible for the arrangement of examination seating number? This issue has been discussed either the seating numbers will be prepared using centralized or decentralized approach. Centralized examination seating number arrangement is prepared by the main department authority and this responsibility refers to Examination Department at the university level, while the decentralized examination seating number arrangement is arranged accordingly by the faculty or college (Wobmann, 2002). Most universities are unwilling to handle the centralized examination seating number arrangement because of increasing number of students, variety nature of the courses and special requirements from departments. It is quite difficult to properly allocate the seats among a large number of students whenever the students are from different courses and faculties. Majority of the education institutions practice the decentralized examination to avoid the hassles of seating number allocation preparation (Poala & Scoppa, 2004). The first pilot system for efficient seat allocation process has been proposed by Muhammad & Elyas (2018). They created a preliminary plan for students from various fields or disciplines. Objectives of the project were to optimize a minimum number of chairs in the examination halls, provide a standard distance of seating plan in the examination halls to avoid cheating or copying answers from the nearby students as well as to avoid two or more students having the same seat numbers or overlapping during the examination. This way, students are able to check their seat numbers and examination venue before the examination day through online system. This really helps the students to plan earlier before they go to the examination halls. Before this, most of the students faced many problems finding examination venues as they knew their seating number 30 minutes before the examination starts. The class lists with complete seating numbers are pasted at the entrance of examination halls. With an innovative system, the class lists do not need to be pasted at the examination hall anymore. The system features allow the students to print the examination slips, which contain comprehensive examination information such as the date and time, venue and seating number for each course enrolled by each student. In addition, the system will navigate the student location of the seating number in the examination halls through their smart phone. The seating numbers are arranged according to students’ name in alphabetical order and grouped by different types of course or subject. The second project has been proposed and developed by group of students at A.V.C College of Engineering, Tamil Nadu, India (Ezhilarasi et. al, 2018). The objective of the system was to automate the process of assigning the examination venue and generate the seating numbers for each student. The system was developed using Visual Basic programming language and the database in Microsoft Access. Basically, the system runs as an offline platform. The system administration needs to distribute the printed examination slips from the system to each student, which contain complete information such as the examination date and time, venues and the seat numbers for each course. The third similar project named Examination Seating Arrangement System (AU, 2014) has also been developed at Eden High School, Hong Kong, to arrange internal examinations automatically. The system was able to automate the seating arrangement and generate comprehensive examination slips similar to the first and second projects above. PROPOSED WORK This section discusses the methodology applied in the development of automated examination seating number allocation and further clarifies the software and hardware requirements for this project. Detailed technique or approach required for this project is further explained at the end of this section. The following Figure 1 below shows the proposed research methodology framework with six phases namely requirement analysis, system design, coding or implementation, integration and testing, system deployment and finally the maintenance. This framework was adapted from the Waterfall Model of System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) (Kenneth and Julie, 2014). Nowadays, many organizations preferred to use hybrid network which is combination of wired and wireless technology as a medium to access Internet and Intranet services. Hybrid network infrastructure offers many advantageous such as cost effective, information and infrastructure sharing, and tasks distributed cooperatively through computing resources contributing. However, over last few decades, due to popularity of Internet and wireless network, an illegal act has numerously enlarged within the networks resulting in the extension of devious and malicious contents particularly flooding based on DoS attacks that is known to be troublesome attacks (Thakur, 2015). With the increasing of sophisticated networking technology such as high-end switch and router, DoS attacks are getting harder to detect specifically at network and application layers. Data recorded by the Malaysian Computer Emergency Response Team (MYCERT) Malaysia 2019, shown a significant increase of flooding-based DoS attack up to 20% since 2007. One of major concern is lack of knowledge in detection mechanism among system administrator that contributed to this statistic. Therefore, a comprehensive study of detection metrics, characteristics attack against wired and wireless network is proposed to study the pattern of attack. Two types of scenario which consists of wired and wireless network are designed and developed using Riverbed Modeler simulator and Wireshark network analyzer. Each of scenario is tested to disrupted networks by injecting rubbish packets namely Ping of Death (PoDs) attack which is part of DoS attack. Three detection metrics are proposed to identify attack; Bit Error Rate (BER), Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) and throughput. Thus, similar experiment to be conducted by physically cutting wiring or preventing power and cooling resources from being accessed. This trend is quite devastating due to implementation of hybrid network. RELATED WORK The DoS attack have a severe impact on computer networks for past few decades. Researchers conduct intensive simulations to analyze the performance of their designed networks in the presence of these attacks and investigate how to mitigate against them. (Kshirsagar et al., 2016) suggested and applied detection mechanism for efficient detection of DoS LAND attack. The suggested detection mechanism architecture consists of network traffic analyser, feature identification and extraction, the IP spoofing based on attack detection and intrusion information module (Kshirsagar et al., 2016). The efficient detection of DoS LAND attack is primarily based on IP spoofing. The results show that memory and CPU utilization is increased during the occurrence of attack and minimized effectively during the detection of DoS LAND attack. In addition, (Guo & Lee, 2010) investigate Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks using Non-Address-Spoofing Flood (NASF) over MANETs. Detection features based on statistical analysis of IDS log files and flow rate information are proposed and study. The detection of NASF attack is evaluated using three metrics, including detection ratio, detection time and false detection rate. Hence, the proposed framework addresses deal with important issues in forensic science to identify what and when the attack arises. The different NASF attack patterns with different network throughput degradations are simulated and examined in his paper. Song et al. indicates that a Denial of Service (DoS) detection method based on the collection of interdependent behaviour data in a sensor network environment (Guo & Lee, 2010). In order to collect the interdependent behaviour data, we tend to use a base station to analyse traffic and behaviours amongst nodes. This is to introduce techniques of detecting changes within the environment with precursor symptoms. The study shows a DoS Detection System based on Global Interdependent Behaviours and the results of using the test-bed to detect sensor for the DoS attacks. Salem et al. showed that we are able to predict the network firewall activities ahead of time using forecasting techniques such as Holt-Winter or Linear Regression(Song et al., 2010) . The anomalies representing the DoS pattern are described within the previous sections. It does display a solid relationship between the patterns obtained from the past and future logs data by investigating the difference. However, the maximum allowed average of rejected packets counts needs to be determined in a percentage format as different networks operate under different levels of inbound data traffic per hour in order to be applied to other network environments. Farooq et al. has discussed that a few Dos attacks in wireless sensor networks and how they affecting the network and defence against them and list up some detection techniques, which would help the user to recognize the techniques which have been proposed in recent year and in what way new techniques may be designed (Salem & Armstrong, 2008). The new detection scheme’s result indicates a guaranteed pattern at the intermediate level. Consequently, the positive result functions to aid the users to recognize the existing techniques over the recent years and design improved future designs. SIMULATION SCENARIO The network topology of the two scenarios: DoS attack in wired network and for DoS attack in wireless network are shown in Figures 2, 3 and 4, respectively. Traditionally, the delivery of instructions in most public universities depends on the classroom, which the lecturer delivers the lecture while the students listen and take notes. The communication between the lecturer and the learners has been identified as an important learning component in delivery platform (Harandi 2015). The challenge of traditional education approaches is that the computer technology propels attractive innovation specifically in the delivery of instructions to learners (Keller and Suzuki 2004). Modernisation of education is extensively affected by the Internet, information and communications technologies (Sangrà, Vlachopoulos, and Cabrera 2012). E-learning is defined as adopting the new technology devices and variety of electronic media as supporting tools in teaching and learning to improve understanding of knowledge through training, communications and active interactions in virtual environment (Krishnan and Hussin 2017). When the learning environments are facilitated with technologies such as the Internet, hardware and Learning Management System (LMS) software, positive impact can be seen in the learning quality and investment of cost benefits analysis (Bates 1997). E-learning has been recognised as an important learning and teaching supporting tool in the higher education all over the world (Mohammadi 2015). E-learning provides a very comprehensive atmospheres among learners for actively participating in the academic activities (Al-Rahmi et al. 2018). E-learning offers extensive benefits for bridging the gaps between the physical and virtual presence of the instructors. It shows the improvement of learning curve and positive impact among weak students to understand the fundamental knowledge of the subject matters. Furthermore, it has been revealed that the undergraduate students with e-learning education exposure and experience are more intrinsically motivated and matured than those with traditional education systems (Rovai et al. 2007). In Malaysia, e-Learning has been acknowledged to widen its usage to full-timers students, which previously benefited by the part-timer students only. One of the e-learning applications is the Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), which is an online course accessible by unlimited users and open access through the web. The flexible learning or the distance learning program offered by the public and private universities should provide very established and reliable e-learning platform in providing educational material for learners. Otherwise, the leaners would feel demotivated and negative rapport imposed to the image of the universities. Hence, this paper concentrates on the students’ acceptance of e-Learning approaches in Universiti Teknologi MARA, Penang branch using Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) framework (Holden and Rada 2011). The top management of Academic Affairs Department and the policy makers are aware on the enhancement of e-learning technologies that should be concentrated and improvised based on the students’ perspectives and expectations so that the improvements are aligned and paralleled with university’s objectives and ministry visions to produce competitive and world class graduates as the ultimate goal. Generally, the organisation of this paper starts with the discussion of related works. Then, the following part presents the discussion of the methodology and continues to findings and further discussion of data analysis. Finally, the conclusion and future works of the research are elaborated at the end of this paper. RELATED WORK This section discusses the internal factors suggested in previous works which are: Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT); Technology Acceptance Model (TAM); and Structural equation model-neural network (SEM-NN) model that influence the students’ acceptance of the e-learning and the summary of the previous works based on the analyses of external factors as shown in Table 1. In predicting a student’s intention to use E-learning, the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) model have been used by Salloum (2019) to obtain the results. The result showed that users can have enormous benefits from E-learning system. The findings revealed that all internal factors of behavioural intention to use E- learning system were reportedly found as the social influence, performance expectancy and facilitating conditions of learning. Hanif et al. (2018) proposed a study to develop and present a model of e-learning system adoption based on the technology-acceptance model (TAM). The study examined several external variables for the present-world students brought up as digital learners and have higher levels of computer literacy and experience. The work explored and developed relationships between the perceived usefulness (PU) and perceived ease of use (PEOU) of the e-learning system. Results indicated that subjective norm, perception of external control, system accessibility, enjoyment and result demonstrability have a significant positive influence on perceived usefulness and on perceived ease of use of the e-learning system. Sharma et al. (2017) attempted to develop a causal and predictive statistical model for predicting instructor e-learning acceptance using The Structural Equation Model (SEM) and Neural Network (NN). The results demonstrated that system quality, personal innovativeness, service quality and technology experience have a statistically significant influence on continuous usage of e-learning by instructors. Indahyanti (2015) used the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to measure factors inluencing students’ acceptance of Learning Management System (LMS) using TAM model. The results showed that the TAM was valid, reliable and substantially acceptable based on the results of data evaluation. In many aspects, there is a rapid development of the courier services industry in Malaysia. In 2018, based on the Communications and Multimedia (C&M) industry (2019), the industry contributed by 8% or RM 135.7 billion for Bursa Malaysia's overall market capitalisation of RM 1,700.37 billion. The postal and courier services like Pos Malaysia supported the C&M industry by contributing turnover of RM 2.41 billion in 2018 but marginally decreasing compared to the 2017 turnover of RM 2.46 billion. Nevertheless, in the past five years, Pos Malaysia had stepped up due to its courier business, mainly in line with the growing e-commerce trend consisting of 119 courier service providers such as Poslaju, City-Link Express, J&T Express, GD Express, SKYNET, and DHL Customer satisfaction was vital as it offers a measure that could be used by marketers and business owners to control and strengthen their businesses. It is an essential element in the service industry as it leads to the loyalty of customers (Sze et al., 2012). Loyalty means that the consumer buys or retains a particular product model over a more extended period and takes a positive approach to business and its deals (Otsetova, 2017). Customers can be satisfied until a competitive service appears, the quality and price of which are more attractive. They can have positive attitudes toward a company but not be satisfied with the services and vice versa. This scenario demonstrates that the companies should take care of their customers properly since they are the source of revenue for themselves. Although the industry was springing up like mushrooms after rain, the courier services in Malaysia have to be competitive in this industry since the customers want the best out of their time, money, and efforts, while guidelines were available for achieving maximum customer satisfaction, the courier services still had trouble fulfilling it. First and foremost, most courier services do not adequately conduct customer services such as being polite, responsive or showing respect. Somehow, human factors also influence the satisfaction of the customers (Chicu et al., 2019). Moreover, choosing a suitable courier service is essential and necessary. Delivery time is one of the most critical factors for choosing the courier for some people, such as online sellers (Nguyen et al., 2019). Nonetheless, some people, especially students, are worried about postage fees. Courier services who are not aware of this will result in being poorly rated if customers do not have expectations that match their payment. In this paper, Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is used to analyse customer satisfaction towards courier services in conjunction with helping the courier service providers and their customers understand each other better and try to meet their demands on the price, effort and time spent. This paper aims to identify the customer's level of satisfaction towards the courier services, compare the efficiency of the courier services, and finally rank the courier service based on the performance. The rest of this paper is organised as follows. The second section explains the methods used in this paper, followed by the third section that discusses the efficiency and performance among courier services. The fourth section presents the conclusions and future works. METHODOLOGY Method of Data Collection In this study, customer satisfaction towards courier services became the focus of this study. Primary data were collected from four courier services located in Hulu Terengganu, which are Poslaju, City-Link Express, J&T Express, and GD Express. Ten customers were chosen randomly from each courier service to answer the questionnaire. These respondents were qualified since they have been using these courier services in the last six months. The data focused on customer satisfaction towards assurance, empathy, reliability, responsiveness, tangibility, and price. The 5-point Likert scale was used to collect the data regarding the customers’ satisfaction toward courier services with scores as such; 1 = Strongly Disagree, 2 = Disagree, 3 = Moderately Extent, 4 = Agree, 5 = Strongly Agree. Method of Data Analysis DEA is a practical yet powerful method developed by Farrell (1957) and redeveloped by Charnes et al. (1978) for evaluating the efficiency of organizations using varied inputs and output. This method used in the suggested performance measurement system for evaluating several group entities known as Decision Making Units (DMUs). In this paper, four courier services which are Poslaju, City-Link Express, J&T Express, and GD Express were referred as DMUs, while a linear programming model used by DEA to design a hypothetical composite unit according to the all units in the reference group. Voice over internet protocol (VoIP) is a software that allows the user to send text and have a voice calls over the internet protocol (IP). Mobile VoIP applications (mVoIP) become popular among the user since this application provides voice and video communication that is free or very low-cost calls (Azfar, Choo, & Liu, 2014). VoIP application could be on any data network that uses IP, like internet, intranet and local area network (LAN). mVoIP applications have gained attention from mobile device users such as Android devices. The example of widely used mVoIP application is WhatsApp, Kakao talk, telegram and Facebook messenger. Besides, there are a few things user need to see on the criteria for a secure mobile application. Such as the authentication level of mobile applications, network performance, and encrypted communication. This will become an issue on the security of mVoIP when there are various ways to intercept VoIP communication (Azfar, Choo, & Liu, 2014). For example, interception. It can take place at the client devices when the conversation is being initiated or during the established communication session. So, it is essential to analyze the intercepted communication to determine whether the communication is encrypted or not. The aims for this research project are to study and investigate VoIP application consist of Kakao Talk, Telegram, Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp for both Android and web application. Next, to evaluate the four VoIP application identified based on authentication requirement, password encryption, voice or audio encryption communication, and text encryption communication: Kakao Talk, WhatsApp, telegram and Facebook messenger. DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT This section discuss on the process involved in designing and developing the testbed architecture. As shown in Figure 1.0, two mobile phones were used which act as client A and client B. One personal computer was used as an attacker. Wireshark and packet capture were run in personal computer and mobile phone to monitoring and scanning the network traffic while both devices connected in the same WLAN. The VoIP applications identified were installed at both clients (Client A and Client B) and Wireshark was installed at the attacker laptop while network analyzer was installed at one of client phone. As a person living in megacity, it can cause a lot of trouble for people. This is because the fast-growing industry and the population of vehicles in the town have had an impact on the environment, such as noise pollution. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), sound pollution is an undesirable sound that can be annoying, disruptive, and physically painful and that is usually caused by people or machines. Noise pollution is one of the environmental pollutions that can have a negative impact on human health and on daily life. Noise pollution has occurred as a human health disorder (De, Swain, Goswami, & Das, 2017). At the construction site, the sound of large machines is the main source of undesired sound. Big machines are the main equipment in the construction sector that can produce high noise levels (Ankita et al., 2016). The motivation behind this study is to study the level of noise pollution that can affect people’s health, particularly those of construction workers. This is because work on the construction site has made them directly exposed to unwanted noise. However, the sources of unpleasant sound come not only from large construction machines, but also from traffic, television, dog barking, large trucks and industrial aircraft equipment (Muhammad Anees, Qasim, & Bashir, 2017). As mentioned above, noise pollution is not only caused by the noise of large construction machines but is also caused by other factors. Road and aircraft, for example. These factors also have an influence on noise pollution. According to Pyko et al. (2017), road traffic is among the other factors that have the most impact on noise pollution. The reason is that the demand for cars is also increasing due to the growing population. In addition, aircraft are also one of the factors that lead to noise pollution. High levels of aircraft noise can have an impact on human health, including the risk of stroke, coronary heart disease, and cardiovascular disease (Anna et al., 2013). In addition, working in a place that directs a loud noise will have an immediate effect on the worker’s hearing. This happens when there is no awareness of noise pollution in the workplace. Noise pollution not only affects workers but has also influenced all people who are exposed to noise in their daily lives. Although studies have been proposed on the effects of noise pollution on human health, there are still no studies on the factors that have a greater impact on the level of noise in Malaysia. The fuzzy logic model has therefore been established to determine the strongest factors affecting noise pollution in Malaysia. The objective of this study is to identify the strongest influence factor of noise pollution in Malaysia using fuzzy logic. This study focuses on factors that influence noise pollution in Malaysia. This study used primary data using an expert from the Department of the Environment Malaysia. There are four factors that have contributed most to noise pollution which are road traffic noise, aircraft noise, commercial construction and industrial and manufacturing noise. Nowadays, power wheelchair is one of the most important vehicles for people with physical disabilities such as paralysis, stroke, handicap and etc. According to DiGiovine (2014), electric wheelchair, also called electric-powered wheelchair or powerchair which has any seating surface with wheels fastened to it that is moved by an electrically based power source, regularly motors and batteries. Thus, it is important to monitor the battery level especially the battery of the power wheelchair. This is because the power wheelchair need the sufficient capacity of the battery for the power wheelchair to operate. The battery need to be monitored because user can make the assumption or expectation based on the latest battery capacity. For example, if the battery has 50% of the capacity what are the distance that the power wheelchair can operates. According to Beheshti, (2018), the battery need to be monitor also because to deliver a profitable result. The main purpose of this project is to develop a prototype of real time battery monitoring using current sensor and notified user via mobile application known as BLife and to evaluate effectiveness and efficiency of the prototype of real time battery monitoring. This project focusing on the power wheelchair users which is to monitor the battery consumption level using the current sensor. The significance of this research is to contribute to the disable people that have limited access to charge battery. Hence power wheelchair users need to be notified about the current state of the battery in the process of monitoring the battery will be fast and make the process of charging the battery also faster. In addition, power wheelchair users can know what the exact capacity of the battery level and can monitor the process of the charging and discharging of the battery. Therefore, to have real time monitoring battery level that integrated with the IoT, GPS module are used as the notification medium within the monitoring battery level system. . In the context of this project, when the capacity of the battery is low the location power wheelchair user can be notified to the caretaker through their mobile phone. 2. Related Work Power wheelchair uses a lithium ion battery as a source of power for moving wheelchairs and can be used by users. The power wheelchair battery need to be monitored because to monitor the power wheelchair user about the process of the charging and discharging the battery. There are many benefits in monitoring the battery consumption level such as to prevent the outages of the battery. According to Kaundart(2018), the capability to avoid numerous power-related outages is the primary benefit of monitoring battery. As stated by Eye(2018), battery monitoring provide confidence that the batteries will be dependable during an outage and maintaining and monitoring stationary battery systems is critical to maximize the performance and life of substation, UPS, and other critical backup power systems. The monitoring of the battery is very important because to avoid some problem that may occur to the battery when not monitor the battery. Some problem that may occur when the battery not be monitor is battery will get failure and outages. In the case of power wheelchair users, power wheelchair user can being stranded at some place because the battery of the wheelchair is low and can limit a user’s independence and access to environments(Furukawa Electric Co. Ltd., 2012). Moreover, the wheelchair user need to make sure that battery in the charge state. This is because most power wheelchairs require two rechargeable 12-volt batteries(Furukawa Electric Co. Ltd., 2012). Real time battery level display is how the current capacity of the battery was displayed to the users. In the context of the project, the prototype which is BLife was displayed the battery capacity through the LCD display and mobile application. This paper focused on AAC’s web application. AAC is a method of communication that can ‘add-on’ to speech and are used to get around problems with ordinary speech. It covers an area of structures from low technology systems such as communication boards to a change of high technology speech output conversation aids. AAC application typically provide language support in the form of words and phrases organized into categories Nowadays, speech and language delay are getting worst among the children in Malaysia (Sundus, 2018). Some children still could not say all of the words perfectly even in age of seven years old. Parents who have kids of disability, they will get their children to a speech therapy center. Normally, this class session will last for one hour but the children will only focus on the first 20 minutes. This may be due to lack of interest in the learning session. As children are known to be interested in playing handheld devices, there is an innovative technology to improve speech development among children. In the study, AAC application is developed by applying multimedia principle for speech and language children. AAC application aims to facilitate the functional communication to preschooler children between four to nine years old that have speech delay problem. The study will involve Heuristic Evaluation and Usability Testing. The Heuristic Evaluation will involve three experts who have experiences in the Human Computer Interaction (HCI) field. The Usability Testing will be conducted to preschoolers and primary students between four to nine years old. RELATED WORKS Baldassarri, Rubio, Azpiroz & Cerezo (2014) introduced research about encourage useful correspondence to individuals with complex correspondence needs. The tool is divided in two applications. The first application is AraBoard Constructor which allows developers to create and edit communication boards adapted to the particular by therapist. AraBoard Constructor is characterized by its ease of use in all aspects, since it has a graphical interface designed to make possible anyone to create and edit boards intuitively in a few minutes. The second application is AraBoard Player, that shows the board in the full screen, and the user interacts with in by pressing the different cells that composed it. Once a cell has been marked, it plays the audio associated with it. In order to be accessible to users with physical disabilities, the audio playback mechanism is designed so that although not stating exactly the desired cell, always run the audio associated with the closest cell to the area that has been pressed. Figure 1: Infrastructure of the E-learning-based speech therapy system. Based on Figure 1 given above, the client has access to their individual speech training programs composed by their therapist. For each client, the training procedure consists of the following steps. First, the kids have to select a training item from the prescribed course. Second, the kids have to listen on a target speech sample that have been downloaded from the central server, using a headset. Third, the kids have to record the imitation attempt via the headset’s microphone connected to the laptop or computer. Fourth, the system will compare the target and the recorded samples by selecting ‘‘compare.’’ This comparison is based on auditory feedback only. Fifth, deciding whether the speech attempt will be uploaded to the central server by selecting the ‘‘save’’ button. Then once the recorded speech has been uploaded, a client’s auditory discrimination is supported by automatic visual feedback for intensity and overall pitch. Lastly, the system will determine whether a new speech attempt is required to approach the target speech. (Rietveld et al., 2010) METHODOLOGY Processing mapping has been applied in this project as guideline to illustrate the flow of the application. Process mapping is an exercise to perceive all the step in diagrammatic (Okrent, M. & Vokurka, R., 2004). The purpose in designing the flow system is to guide the researcher in understanding the process of AAC application. The technique used in this developed application are speech recognition, dragging alphabet, dragging image and hearing alphabet. In speech session, each category of item must be answered by recording their speech whether the phrases or word is right or not. Figure 2 given below shows processing mapping for spell session. The children will be given three levels which are easy, medium and hard. In easy level, the children have to hear each of alphabets from A to Z. In medium level, the user has to hear the sound before drag the alphabet into each of the boxes. In hard level, the user has to drag the image into suitable boxes. Score will be given based on correct drag. In Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Final Year Project (FYP) is a compulsory requirement of graduation in bachelor programmes in the Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Science (FSKM). Normally, every third-year student should register for their project under the course code CSP600 and CSP650. It is a two-semester long activity in which every student has to complete their projects under the supervision of one of the lecturers in FSKM. Each branch of UiTM in Malaysia has its own management system to manage and monitor information regarding the FYP thesis that have been done every semester. Nevertheless, the management of the information process is somehow very rigid when some branches are still using a paper-based system or manual system, especially for managing completed FYP projects which will cause many problems in the future such as missing information, and data manipulation. Generally, the process and procedure involving paper-based system is time consuming as the students need to go to the supervisors' office or thesis room to view and get access to the projects. The students found that it is burdensome for them to acquire the sources that they need, and it causes difficulty for the students to generate ideas or topics that they want to propose for their current FYP projects since they need to manually search the previous research or projects from the supervisors’ or thesis room. Besides, supervisors face the difficulty in storing and managing the FYP thesis because each supervisor have many supervisees to be handled. Supervisors also encountered difficulties in retrieving their supervision history. Most supervisors need the information regarding their supervision such as the students' list that they have supervised and the information of the FYP thesis. This information is vital for supervisors to update their current curriculum vitae (CV) and for promotional purposes. However, technological advancement has offered a better option for the information storage and management. Most associations now are applying a paperless documentation strategy to decrease the need to store the monstrous sum of physical papers and save their overall running expenses (Abidin & Hussin, 2018). As the number of the students increases every year and there are many projects submitted, the coordinators have difficulty monitoring and managing which topics or titles that have already been submitted. There are possibilities that the title of the projects may overlap with other students. This problem will affect students’ marks, should it occur, as overlapping title decreases the novelty of a project. Thus, an archive system needs to be implemented to solve the management of completed FYP projects problem, especially to forecast for the future research area in faculty which is related to the potential of industry linkages, graduate employability and workshop. It is because sometimes the administrator might overlook a particular research area when forecasting for the future area of research in the faculty. Administrators also face difficulty in managing and giving recommendations on which workshop should be conducted in the university, especially for the FYP students, in assisting them to successfully complete the FYP. A research conducted by the Faculty of Information Technology and Computing in Rabigh, King Abdulaziz University on 62 students indicates that 91.9% students read the previous students’ FYP thesis and 95.2% students feel that by creating a website for archiving students’ project in the faculty is a good idea (Malik, et al., 2018). Therefore, a better way to manage FYP thesis in UiTM Perlis is by applying a paperless documentation method implemented using a web-based system on Laravel framework. LITERATURE REVIEW An archive stores published and unpublished documents and these documents are unique, specialised or rare within any format (Edzan, 2015) usually PDF and Docs. It means that archive is a compilation of records produced or collected by one person or institution and chosen for lifelong protection as proof of tasks that individuals and institutions have been done. Archiving is crucial for managing information records where the information collected by an institution or individual might need to be meticulously managed and monitored to be appropriately utilised. The compilation of records that is not archived is rigid to locate, not secure and appropriately disseminated if stored in a local environment such as employees' laptops. According to Securedatamgt (2015), the top three importance of archiving are preventing data loss, legal requirements and increase security. This project's web technology includes markup language and multimedia packages where PHP is used as a programming language that generates dynamic Hypertext Markup Language(HTML), Laravel framework and MVC architecture. Laravel Framework It is an open-source PHP web framework developed by Taylor Otwell in 2011 that pursues the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture pattern. This framework is powerful and straightforward, which is easy to understand for beginners. Laravel gives authentication, routing, caching, great database migration tools that enable developers to build complex applications (Che, Fan & Zhan, 2017). Nowadays, tourism industry in Malaysia is being developed to be better thus, making Malaysia as one of the most attractive countries to visit. According to Anowar Hossain Bhuiyan, Siwar, and Mohamad Ismail (2013), tourism is a potential matter in environmental, social, and economic levels under the government agendas. For the government, tourism is one of the tools of development that gives the right to protect the environment and traditions. From January to December 2015, Malaysia welcomed a total of 25.7 million (25, 721, 251) tourists and RM69.1 billion tourism receipts (Hanafiah & Ramli, 2016). According to the World Travel and Tourism Council’s economic forecast in 2016, tourism and travel directly contributed RM58 billion to the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) equalling to 4.7% of total GDP (Bernhard, Teo, & Hok Yean, 2017). Hence, the growth of tourism industry can achieve the Malaysia Plan which is to make Malaysia a better country to visit. Tourism industry also helps to increase the income of a country. It suits the 11th Malaysia Plan that has the theme of “anchoring growth on people”. Hence, it emphasizes the capital economy and people economy. The definition of capital economy is referring to GDP growth, big businesses, financial markets and investment of projects while the people economy is defined as jobs for people, cost of living, well-being of the family and social inclusion (Leong & Kasmuri, 2015). Hence, tourism operators who run tourism business tend to have difficulties in accessing the site that they want to visit and publish their products. Having a great data storage of customers can increase the performance of the tour operator’s business. Malaysia has many interesting places but the development of the place is not well-known by many people. Similarly, it makes it harder for the managers to improve the management of the place. Hence, this project uses online database for storing the data of the customers. It will systematically arrange the schedule of customers’ booking, the renting of the facilities and additionally, improve the management of the place. It also helps to secure the data that have been placed on this site. Therefore, this project proposes a village stay reservation and management system for tourism industry in Malaysia that can be beneficial to many small medium industries or village industry like village stay. LITERATURE REVIEW Web-based Application Web-based application is widely used by many people as it can ease their work and help them in streamlining many of the tasks in their daily lives. According to Jazayeri (2007), web-based application is defined as an application that is invoked with a browser over the Internet. Web-based application implements business logic and its use changes the state of the business. The basic architecture of web-based application includes browsers (client), a database server and a web application server. The browser will request a web page from the server. Each of the web page is a mixed content and formatted instructions expressed using HTML. Some of it include client side scripts that are interpreted by the browser. The customer or any user can also interact with the system by navigating to different web pages in the system via hyperlinks (Conallen, 1999). Web Server Web server is a computer system that hosts or delivers the web-based application. It will ease the user as the browser will connect to the server and fetch the requested page and respond to the browser. It is essential to have a server that is connected to a fast network as the user does not have to wait for a long time when surfing the Internet. This project uses Apache as the web server. The Apache web server has been widely used and has become popular among web developers (Ljubuncic, 2011). Definition of Tourism According to Geneva (2010), the definition of tourism is an economic activity of immense global significance, while based on Wan (2013), he states that tourism is the temporary of short term movement of people to destinations outside the places where they normally live and work, as well as their activities during their stay at these destinations. Village stay is one of the tourism attractions for tourists to experience living in the village and involve in local activities or enjoy the service provided (Mapjabil, 2015). The increased desire for nature-based and agro-tourism has improved the rural areas (Mohd Salleh, Othman, Nordin, Mohd Idris, & Shukor, 2014). The expansion of tourism in the suburbs and rural areas is a result of the growing interest in eco-and agro-tourism. Participation from community is a designed process to create conditions that can generate social and economic progress for the whole community. A sustainable community can help the residents to enhance and protect the environment so that the tourists feel comfortable staying in Malaysia (Nor & Awang, 2017). Village stay also helps Malaysians to enrich their culture and at the same time can show it to the tourists. Related Work According to Bemile, Achampong, and Danquah (2014), they have developed their web system using PHP scripting language. PHP was used for the server side scripting language which is basically the queries used to link the website to the database. In contrast, Delizo and Esguerra (2013), created web sites, web applications and web services using ASP.NET as their server side scripting language. Hence, the system was deployed via the Internet. They used Microsoft Web Developer 2008 as a platform for programming language. Not only Microsoft Visual Web Developer but Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 can also be used to develop powerful ASP.NET web applications as it has various tools for developing web applications. MySQL Server 2005 was used by the researchers. Furthermore, Ping and Dongxiao (2013) proposed to develop a system by using ASP as a server side scripting language. Moreover, the author used IIS5.0 as web application server and Dreamweaver 2004 MX as the application software development platform. This project developed a web system using PHP scripting language. The web page was built using Notepad++ as it is user friendly and easy to use. In addition, Google Chrome was the browser used for this project in order to view the web application. Hence, the coding was being implemented on the XAMPP. In this modern era, technology is becoming more popular and synonymous to society from day to day. Interior design is the art and science or process of designing the interior decoration of a room or a building. A household is any group of people who lives together under one roof. Most of the studies also shown that the interior design is relates to the human behavior and requires a deep knowledge about it. According to the knowledge of human behavior, the designers will have their own persona intuition, sensitivity, and experience. In this case, the user is able to design their dream home with own preferences in a convenient situation with the help of the multimedia application. Three dimensional (3D) is one of the medium that can be used to create an illusion of model to emerge in real life. It is an image or object that provides the perception or view of length, breadth and depth. 3D model shows the designated structure for a picture or items that are able to make the user feel involved in the scene like a real life and satisfied with their dream home. Developing this 3D model is very helpful to the people who are having difficulties in understanding and satisfying the design of two dimensional (2D) sketching that does not consist of the necessary detailed information. PROBLEM STATEMENT By using a traditional method, it is hard to visualize the actual decoration of interior design to be more functional and appealing without a sample. These may lead people to become inefficient and inconvenient since they need to measure the dimension of existing space by using a measurement tools in order to buy new furniture for their house. User can place the print adhesive tapes from a Length Printer which is an actual length with one-dimensional printer of furniture to help them acknowledge the available space for particular furniture. It will take time to satisfy the user need and demand if they want to find the best spot for the furniture that perfectly fits to the dimensions of available space. It is because they need to tear off and put on the Length Printer repeatedly (Tang, Lau, Chan, & To, 2014). Therefore, an effective way to help the user to visualize an actual dimension with best furniture that can maximize their satisfaction is by developing 3D model for them. Besides that, an interior designer requires a deep knowledge of human behavior. A house is not just a functional shelter but a machine to live in and has everyday knowledge to its resident (Gram-Hanssen & Bech-Danielsen, 2004). Most of the studies show the reason why different people buy different things is much related to the social classes. Higher social classes have a “good taste” in consumption rather than the lower classes and shows that the symbolic power structure of society can be seen from the residential neighborhoods. Individuals have their own identity that will prompt to the utilization of everything from the houses to the central of furniture and clothes. The different sense of taste and choice was determined by the different forms of power and capital with differ in time and space. The residential neighborhoods with various representative esteems will lead to the decisions of a home. Thus, it shows that monetary capital may affect what an individual can afford and where is the social space you fit in (Gram-Hanssen & Bech-Danielsen, 2004). So, this multimedia application is seek to help these groups of people to décor the house according to their preferences and dreams without having to worry about their social classes. Over the years, system integration (SI) has become more complex and more heterogeneous due to rapid innovation in the IT industry. The complexity increases when the number of systems involved increased. Systems need to share information by sharing data and functionality of systems involved but it comes from manufacturer or developer that tended to not interoperate (Roshen, 2009; Buyle, 2017). Impacts from this situation, information are unable to exchange effectively and this leads to the interoperability problem in SI (Hohpe and Woolf, 2011; Masethe et al., 2016). Indeed, the success of interactions among the systems depends on how well the service interfaces are exposed (Henkel and Zdrakovic, 2005; Teo and Kadir, 2006). The stability of the service interfaces in solving the SI problem has been the subject of many researchers such as in (Larsson, 2007; Djavanshir and Khorramshahgol, 2007; Nilsson et al., 1990). To address the interoperability issues (Rezaei et al., 2014), interfacing processes need to be made more easily by defining components, subsystems, processes, and interfaces that affect the SI architecture at the initial design stage. The importance of service interfaces in integration process utilizes this study to focus on the interoperability of the service interfaces involved. Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) with Web Services (WS) concepts has been chosen as a system architectural to guide researcher in this study. A number of the research regarding SOA have decided to address the implementation of WS as a technology used to implement the principle of service orientation (San-Yih et al., 2007; Wei et al., 2011; Shej and Cico, 2011; Zhao et al., 2011; Awang, 2015;). A well-designed service interfaces concept used in WS is said to be an important element in order to make ease of SI (Jie et al., 2010). Based on literature review, three prominent approaches related to Service Interface Design (SID) have been reviewed and discussed in this paper which was method-oriented, message-oriented and resource-oriented. We present the summary of each approach that could be clustered in a single interface model to provide high interoperability in heterogeneous SI. OVERVIEW OF SYSTEM INTEGRATION Generally, SI is understand as connecting up two or more systems physically and logically to satisfy the needs of an organization. Most researchers agreed that the SI is difficult and complicated. They also have their own definitions of SI. It would include a huge number of topics and it means different thing to different people (Zaitun and Wood-Harper, 2000). From an architectural perspective, the concerns of SI is more on the technical solutions used to fulfil requirements on functionality and quality attributes such as performance and reliability (Nilsson et al., 1990). Another study stressed on the importance of determining the architecture and design of components, subsystems, processes, and the effect of the interface to the process of integration (Jain et al., 2008). Druffel, director of the Software Engineering Institute at Carnegie Mellon University defines SI as an effective integration at a system-level architecture that allows the integration of system components and allows later integration of unplanned components. The effective integration involves an integrating mechanism that allows for data and function sharing of the applications. Interoperability Interoperability is defined as "the ability of two or more systems or components to exchange information and to use the information that has been exchanged" (ISO/IEC/IEEE 24765, 2017). Other definition of interoperability is "the ability to share information and services" (Open Group, 2018). In a complex organization, the degree to which the information and services need to be shared is a very useful architectural requirement. In this study, interoperability refers to the ability of two or more systems to work together, to allow for information exchange (Slater, 2012) as well as to enable them to operate effectively together by adhering to common standards. The integration of different systems to use different data models and formats can be accomplished through mutual communication languages and protocols. Heterogeneous Systems According to the Merriam-Webster online dictionary, heterogeneous is defined as consisting of dissimilar or diverse elements or components. Ghazi et al. (2015), define a heterogeneous system as a system comprised of multiple systems (system of systems) where at least one subsystem exhibits heterogeneity with respect to the other systems. The system of systems approach taken in development of heterogeneous systems give rise to various challenges due to continuous change in configurations and multiple interactions between the functionally independent subsystems. The challenges posed to heterogeneous systems are mainly related to interoperability (Xia et al., 2009). SYSTEM INTEGRATION PATTERNS In this section a few patterns of SI are described. The purpose is to look at the methods and the mechanisms used for sharing data or information. File-Based Storing data in a file is universal and being the most common method of data sharing. This is because the files can be stored on most operating systems and hardware systems. This method allows different applications running on the same machine to read and write to the same file. Figure 1 shows how file sharing over a network. INTRODUCTION Air pollution can be defined as any substance that can harm human health and other living species. It will affect the different organs and systems in human such as the respiratory system, cardiovascular system, nervous system, urinary system, digestive system as well as harming pregnancies. Based on Kampa and Castanas (2008), air pollutants can be divided into four categories which are gaseous pollutants, persistent organic pollutants, heavy metal and Particulate Matter. The issues of air pollution have commonly become a big problem in Malaysia. Monitoring air pollution levels is very important to detect pollution peaks, to improve the air pollution control and eventually the air quality. From previous studies, there are several methods used to access air pollution index such as autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA), fuzzy time series (FTS), artificial neural network (ANN), Support Vector Machine etc. The study from Vinagre, Pinto, Ramos, Vale, and Corchado (2016) shows SVM gives good forecasting on energy consumption compared to their previous study by using the same data with the ANN method. Another study was conducted by Vaiz and Ramaswami (2016) for predicting the stock trend by combining two methods of support vector machine (SVM) and artificial neural network (ANN) gives the best accuracy of forecasting rather than just predict using the ANN. Oloruntoba and Akinode (2017) used all possible data mining techniques such as Linear Regression, Support Vector Machine (SVM), Decision Tree, Lasso Regression(LASSO), ElasticNet(EN) and K-Nearest Neighbour(KNN) to predict the student performance and finally by comparing the value of MSE, the results indicated that SVM was the best method compared to others. It was done by tuning the parameters of the SVM algorithm i.e. kernel to improve the accuracy of forecasting and lower the MSE value. Last but not least, the study conducted by Arampongsanuwat and Meesad (2011) using Support Vector Regression model with Gaussian Radial Basis Kernel functions to forecast PM10 in Bangkok also produced best result with lowest MSE. The study reported that the model was satisfactory and the technique of SVR can be used to predict PM10. As a conclusion, SVM model provides the promising alternatives and advantages in time series forecasting as SVM model provides a few of free parameters compared to other conventional neural network models, gives a better prediction than the conventional model due to the adoption of the structure Risk Minimization Principle and also can abolish the typical drawbacks of conventional neural network model such as overfitting training and local minima, and evidence to be more expandable and stronger. Therefore, this study focuses on Support Vector Machine(SVM) with four different algorithm i.e. kernels to access air pollution index(API) and comparing the accuracy performance of these four kernels in predicting the API index based on the lowest value of mean absolute error (MAE) and root mean squared error (RMSE). By predicting accurate future air pollution readings, all parties including government and society can take early precautionary action to preserve the cleaner air before it is too late. METHODOLOGY Method of Data Collection The data of Air Pollution Index (API) PM2.5 used in this study are secondary data obtained from Malaysia’s Open Data Portal (MAMPU, 2019) for Kelantan state from January to December 2018. Some of the data are also provided by the Department of Environment (DOE) and it was recorded from two Continuous Air Quality Monitoring Stations (CAQM) located in both industrial and urban areas at Tanah Merah and Kota Bharu respectively. In big cities where the numbers of cars have increased, finding a parking space has been a very challenging task for most drivers, which have resulted in a number of practical conflicts. As mentioned by Srikanth et al., (2009), parking problems are becoming pervasive and ever growing in at an alarming pace in every city. There have been a lot of research and development being conducted all over the world to implement a better parking management system. One of the methods suggested to overcome this issue is using the Internet of Things (IoT) technology. “IoT plays a vital role in connecting the surrounding environmental things to the network and made easy to access those uninternet things from any remote location” (Rao, 2017). With the existence of this technology, it is possible to turn anything. According to H. et at., (2015), Internet of Things has come up as a new technology that is used to indicate a modern wireless telecommunication network as well as an intelligent node interconnected in a dynamic global infrastructure network. Furthermore, IoT is also being understood as the implementation of a connectivity concept of anything from anywhere at any given time. As stated above, there are many types of the smart parking systems that have been developed using the Internet of Things technology. For example, the Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). According to Larisis et al., (2013) “WSNs technology has a wide spectrum of applications, which are deeply embedded into the everyday world up to vehicle detection." Infrared (IR) sensor is also a part of the WSNs technology and it is commonly used in developing a smart parking system. IR sensor is used to detect obstacles by emitting infrared radiation. It is also known as the general-purpose proximity sensor. According to Choudhri et al., (2015), IR sensor can sense or measure the heat and the motion of an object. Hence, IR sensor is the perfect sensor to detect the movement or the motion of a vehicle when it is occupying the parking space. The selection of this system is to highlight the potential solution which can help to improve the process of finding a vacant parking space. IoT technology is one of the popular elements to use when it comes to the parking management system. As we all know, the difficulty to find a vacant parking space is on the rise and if the IoT technology is adapted to the parking management system, it is expected to ease and help the citizen, especially for whom finding an available parking space is their daily routine in life. With the existence of this technology, it is possible to improve their quality of life. Developing an IoT Smart Car Parking System using an IR sensor will indicate to the drivers the available parking space in the parking slot fast, easy and efficiently. This is because there will be IR sensor to detect whether there is a vehicle or not in the parking slot and LCD Screen in front of the parking zone to display the available parking slot to the driver. Hence, the driver can save their time, vehicle fuel and energy in finding a vacant parking space and also will bring positivity to their daily life because they do not have to face frustration when it comes to finding a vacant parking space. In this paper, we have developed an IoT based for Smart Car Parking system using IR sensor. This system has been developed in order to make the process of finding a vacant parking space becomes easier, faster and cost effective. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In section 2, the previous study is presented with the related works on IR Sensor. Section 3 presents the methodology which covers the architecture of the proposed system and model used to develop the system. Section 4 discusses the result from the experiments conducted. We conclude the paper in section 5. PREVIOUS STUDIES This section is an overview several of related works on implementation of IR sensor technologies in various systems and approaches conducted by the researchers. Using IR Sensor for a Smart Home and Smart Security This system is proposed to develop or introduce smart home system using IR sensor technology, which will detect the presence of persons whenever they enter into a particular zone to control the room’s lights. The IR sensor will send this information to the controller. In this system, the IR sensor and relay are connected with the network. After the controller received the information, it sends out the signal to particular relay, and the appliance will be turned on or off. The system has four IR sensors that being connected to a microcontroller (Chowdary et al., 2015). There is a similar system that focuses on the smart home system which was developed by Mitra, Mishra, Daniel and Balaji. Same as the previous system, this system uses IR sensor in detecting the human movement in a confined space and focuses more light in that direction. There are two IR sensors to detect whether people are entering or leaving a room. This system also uses an LED indicator to show the IR sensor detecting any movement (Mitra et al., 2019). Another system also uses IR sensor technology, but this system is implemented towards the security of a house. The IR sensor will be used in detect a movement of person and being placed at the entrance of a house. The Arduino Uno board is connected to this sensors and camera module. Then the Arduino Uno board are being connected to NodeMCU board. When the sensor detects any movement, the camera module will be turned on and will capture the picture of the person in front of the entrance of a house. These capture images will then be stored in the folder of house owner’s PC and it will send captured images to the user email. The results also can be seen in a smart phone (Kousalya et al., 2018). Using IR Sensor for Traffic Management IR sensor technology also has been used not only for smart home, smart security and car parking system but also has been used on the traffic management system. It utilizes an IR sensor for this project to detect the obstruction when a vehicle passes through. The IR sensor will receive this signal when the car is crowded on the road and when there is a long obstruction. The roads that have more traffic will have more time to get pass the traffic light while the roads that have less traffic experience less time. These IR sensors are used to ensure incoming vehicles meet the signal on the side of the road. The signal will show the Raspberry-Pi processor installed within the signal. The Raspberry-Pi then commands the traffic control to display the relevant signal based on traffic density (Rani et al., 2017). Another part of traffic management, IR sensor is also used in the traffic monitoring system. Nowadays, problems like traffic jam are really becoming a big issue. The system is designed for traffic jam detection, and the idea is to count the direction of the car wisely. A display screen on each main road will warn the car owner about traffic jams. In each signal and main road, the system will use two IR sensors. The counter rises when the vehicle is detected with the first detector. The counter is added to the "vehicle count" and the previous counter decreases when the second sensor senses the vehicles. If the first sensor detects any vehicles and the second sensor senses no vehicle for a certain duration, it takes the conclusion that a traffic jam has been occurred. The IR sensor being connected to the 8051 family microcontroller (Deekshitha et al., 2017). Using IR Sensor for Garbage Monitor This system is to develop or introduce garbage monitoring system using IR sensor technology. This system is trying to implement a system whereby the objective is to avoid the dustbin to overflow, thus causing various diseases. The system architecture is divided into various parts, which is LCD, LED, Buzzer, IR sensors, Arduino Uno, Power Supply and Wi-Fi module. The garbage will be put inside the dustbin, and its level will be detected by the IR sensor. The LED will light up at different levels, indicating the amount of trash bin filled up by garbage. The LCD will display the capacity of the trash bin filled up by garbage. When the trash bin is filled up to 80% of its capacity, the buzzer will start ringing. A message, indicating that the trash bin is almost filled up, will be sent to the desired device using the Wi-Fi module which is NodeMCU (Agarwal et al., 2017). Just like the above system, there is a similar system that focuses on the garbage monitoring system which was developed by Bhor, Morajkar, Gurav and Pandya. Same as the previous system, this system focuses on detecting the level of the garbage. In this system, four IR sensors are used to show the various levels of the waste collected in the bucket. The output will be given to microcontroller to send the message to the control room via GSM module (Morajkar et al., 2015). The construction of the table for assigning teaching load that satisfies all constraints and needs in an academic institution and at the same time fulfills as many of the requirements of the teaching staff is an essential task. At most institutions, the task is doing by administrative staff who hold as the head of the department. Formally, assigning the teaching staff to specific courses based on their expertise, preference and experience of teaching is a process for the teaching load allocation. Many approaches have been explored for many years in the higher education sector for timetabling exams and assigning teaching load purpose and one of them is using optimization. Integer programming is one of the optimization approaches and it arises in practically every area of application of mathematical programming. It has been successfully applied to a wide range of problems, such as room assignment, capital budgeting, warehouse location and scheduling problems. Some optimization models have been proposed to get better in teaching load allocation. An integer programming model is a mathematical optimization in which some or all of the variables are restricted to be integers. A variety of approaches have been undertaken to solve the assignment problem. Breslaw (1976) proposed a linear programming solution to the faculty assignment problem. There are considerable benefits to be gained by using optimization methods in the solution of the university scheduling problem. Waterer (1995) studied a zero-one integer programming model for room assignment at the University of Auckland. The model presented has shown promising results on stimulated data. Daskalaki et al. (2004) developed an integer programming formulation for a case study in university timetabling. They proposed a new integer programming formulation of a timetabling problem in engineering schools of Greek universities. Nordin (2006) described a zero-one integer programming approach to the assignments of lecturers to courses. Qamal and Ayob (2008) proposed a new model for the examination room assignment problem. AL-Abdulhameed (2011) used a linear programming formulation of job-machine assignment problems. The problems solved using transportation algorithms. Xiaobo et al. (2014) developed a teaching load allocation model to optimize the teaching quality taking into account the staff equity. Shohaimay et al. (2016) proposed teaching load allocation using linear programming to find an optimal allocation. Nang and Prabir (2017) studied about the faculty assignment and timetabling using optimization. They proposed an innovative two-steps approach which able to optimize the resource allocation while satisfying the faculty preferences using mathematical models. Fieldsend (2017) studied the university staff teaching allocation with many objective problems confronted by universities worldwide. Mat Saleh et al. (2019) proposed team teaching load using linear programming. The model was able to allocate the teaching load to the right teaching staff, based on their teaching preference. Problem Description Assigning table for teaching load must be prepare before the new semester begins. Some of the factors need to be considered such as the total number of existing lecturers, the number of courses offered and the total number of groups for each course which is based on the number of students enrolled for a course. Besides that, the table also must fulfill the preferences courses of teaching staff and the needs in an academic institution. However, teaching preferences sometimes are not taken into consideration due to various constraints appeared. The table for assigning teaching load must develop by the head of the department before the semester started. In current practice, the teaching load allocates manually through a trial-and-error manner using Microsoft Excel. These may lead to bias judgement, get unfavorable courses and lack of standardization of the contact hours per week for academic staff (Mat Saleh and Ismail, 2011). Therefore, to avoid this kind of problem, a survey was conducted using google form and distributes to all academic staff in the department to obtain the preference course since each lecturer have different expertise and experience in teaching. Primary data has been collected among 12 lecturers with the number of group listed. The contact hours and the number of groups are shown in Table 1 below. Learning Mathematics had been documented as an essential variable in the study of university student’s’ achievement (Naccache and Hleiss, 2016; Gynnild et al, 2005; Li, 2004). At the international level, most programs offered in the university required Mathematics as a compulsory course in order to engage with their major degree programme such as engineering where the students need to use practical applications of mathematical equations and in-depth understanding real-world problem solving (Naccache et al., 2016) Past studies discovered that difficulties faced by the students surround poor understanding of basic concepts, weak computational competence, inability to effectively organize known facts and problem in mastering the mathematical language and symbols (Yusoff and Rahman, 2001). Preliminary course like Pre-Calculus can be adventurous, depending on the level of mastery and competence of the students to transfer their prior mathematical knowledge in secondary school. According to Tang (2009) students who entered the university with poor grade in Mathematics struggled in their Mathematics courses initiated with Pre-Calculus course. The Pre-Calculus course covers the additional algebraic and trigonometric skills needed by the students before they venture into the world of calculus. It consists of four major parts: coordinates, graphs and lines; functions; systems of equations and inequalities; and trigonometry. Besides, the learner will able to solve exponential and logarithmic equations, linear and non-linear equations and trigonometric equations. Numerous studies revealed the student achievement in Mathematics course has affected their main courses. As Naccache et al. (2016) stated for many years, the poor results recorded in Mathematics achievement indirectly affects the students’ overall academic performance in engineering programmes. In addition, (Borba, 2005; Gynnild et al, 2005; Li, 2004) have also reported some underachievement in Mathematic courses. Inspired by this condition, this study is embarked to identify the achievement of students in their Final Examination Pre-Calculus as an indicator to measure the capability in mastering their mastering Pre- Calculus course. Therefore, this research aims to identify the performance of students in each questions in final examination of Pre-Calculus and to investigate between students’ performance in relation to gender. LITERATURE REVIEW In every semester, a faculty face higher rate of failure among the students in Mathematic during their first semester. A research conducted by Ahmad et al. (2017) presented the passing and failure rates in Pre- Calculus course of Diploma in Computer Science (CS110) and Diploma in Mathematical Science (CS143) students from UiTM Segamat, Johor. The data was collected for the most six semesters from year 2012 until 2014. The result demonstrated that the failure rate of 7.69% has tremendously increased to 40.6% in semester 2 of 2013/2014 academic session. In another study carried out by UiTM Sarawak, similar concerns raised by Head of Programs of the Mathematics courses passing rate on their full-time diploma students’ academic performance. The data consisted the result of final examination from semester January-May 2004 to semester January-May 2007. Throughout the seven semesters, Pre-Calculus was recognized as one of the high-failure rates in Mathematic courses with the 31.34% (Tang et al., 2009). The role of gender is one of most interesting variable studied in students’ Mathematics performance. Some researchers revealed that, the higher achievement among male students compared to female students (Gurian, Henley & Trueman, 2001; Li, 2004). Meanwhile in China, Tsui (2007) recorded no gender differences in the overall performance in Mathematics of their 1,078 high-school seniors on the 2002 College Entrance Examination. By contrast, Hamzah et al. (2006) reported female students had outperformed male students in the SPM Mathematics for five consecutive years (2000-2004) in Malaysia. Further, Tang et al. (2009) reported that female students tend to perform better than male students in the ‘high-failure rate’ Mathematics courses in Diploma programme. In light of the different output of researchers, this study investigate the trend of gender differences in Pre-Calculus among the students. This study explores the potential and capability of student in answering final examination of Pre-Calculus course. The findings will identify the topic mostly unscored and needs more attention among the lectures. Besides, this study will encourage resource person to evaluate the effectiveness and significant topics covered. METHODOLOGY This section elaborates the respondents and instruments, data collection and data analysis procedures. 3.1 Respondents and Instruments The respondents comprised of 108 full-time students Part 1 Diploma of Science semester September 2019- January 2020 in UiTM Tapah, Perak. The research instruments consisted the report of final examination analysis for those students who had taken Pre-Calculus in Semester 2019- January 2020 and the students’ particulars as noted in the registration database. 3.2 Data Collection Procedures The reports of the final examination analysis for the Pre-Calculus course in Semester 2019- January 2020 were acquired from the Student Information Management System (SIMS) – Academic. Based on the report, information such as students’ gender and marks were obtained for each question in final examination Pre- Calculus. 3.3 Data Analysis Procedure The data obtained were analyzed by the Principal component analysis (PCA) biplot and it was perfomed using packages factoextra and ggbiplot that available in R statistical software. 3.3.1 Principal component analysis (PCA) Principal component analysis (PCA) is a useful technique for exploratory data analysis. PCA, allows us to better visualize the variation present in a dataset with many variables (Bro and Smilde, 2014; Jolliffe and Cadima, 2016; Aït-Sahalia and Xiu, 2019). When the first two principal components (PCs) explain a significant portion of the variance in the data, you can visualize the data by projecting the observations onto the span of the first two PCs. In a PCA, this plot is known as a biplot. A biplot overlays a score plot and a loading plots in a single graph. If the data are well-approximated by the first two principal components, a biplot enables you to visualize high-dimensional data by using a two-dimensional graph (Gabriel, 1971; Jackson, 1991; Jolliffe and Cadima, 2016). A biplot is constructed by using the singular value decomposition (SVD) to obtain a low-rank approximation to a transformed version of the data matrix Y, whose n rows are the samples (also called the cases, or objects), and whose k columns are the variables. Let Y be an n  k matrix holding the data. Y can be decompose using a singular value decomposition (SVD) Flood is one of the major problems that occur in some countries in the world including Malaysia. Since 1971, Malaysia has been affected by flood disaster in many regions (Khalid & Shafiai, 2015). Flooding is a natural disaster that is caused by climate factors such as rainfall, temperature, wind, and movement of natural conditions on earth. Flood disaster has received 40 to 50 percent of all types of disasters that caused deaths in the world (Diaz, 2004; FitzGerald, Du, Jamal, Clark & Hou, 2010). High rate of property destructions happen and many have passed away when the people especially the residents in the flood-prone area and the authorities are all unprepared to face the flash flood (Jacquier, 2015). Residents in the flood-prone area should aware about the status of the flood water level when heavy rainfall or rising of flood water level occur to avoid high destruction of human property percentage. Besides, they should also be informed earlier about the status of current flood water level in their housing area, so that they can move out from the area immediately. These issues could reduce the rate of death and the percentage of property destruction due to flash flood. Therefore, a personal Flood Warning and Monitoring System using GSM Technology (FWMS) is developed for any residents who live in the flood-prone areas in order to help them stay alert with the flood water level during monsoon season. This system will be able to call the user whenever the flood water level has reached over dangerous level and transmits accurate warning messages to the user via Short Message Service (SMS). The system measures the real-time flood water level at the floodplain areas and the user has the ability to monitor the flood water level for monitoring purpose. In addition, the user will get a real-time warning message when the flood water is rising rapidly. This paper discusses on the development of a personal flood monitoring system that can give an alarm call and a warning message to the user and the evaluation of the developed system using ultrasonic sensor, GSM technology and Arduino based on the functionality test and network performance test. BACKGROUND OF STUDY High rate of property destructions happen and many have passed away when the people especially the residents in the flood-prone area and the authorities are all unprepared to face the flash flood (Jacquier, 2015). Residents in the flood-prone area should aware about the status of the flood water level when heavy rainfall or rising of flood water level occur to avoid high destruction of human property percentage. Besides, they should also be informed earlier about the status of current flood water level in their housing area, so that they can move out from the housing area immediately. These issues could reduce the rate of death and the percentage of property destruction due to flash flood. 3 Currently, several flood detection and monitoring systems have been installed in Malaysia in the purpose of monitoring flood water level. Department of Irrigation and Drainage Malaysia states that there are two types of flood monitoring systems used in Malaysia. The systems are the telemetric rain gauge and the water level stations telemetric. About 335 telemetric rain gauges and 208 water level stations telemetric are mounted around Malaysia (Department of Irrigation and Drainage, 2013). Nonetheless, many flood monitoring systems are not implemented for the residents but to be monitored by the authorities and they will provide the flood status or warning to the residents later. Moreover, the systems are usually mounted near the dams, dikes, river basins and drains (Chan, 2012; Khalid and Shafiai, 2015). The current systems are lack of efficiency in sending information to the authorities and residents in flood-prone area. Some flood monitoring systems may transmit error or false information to them (Cherishma et al., 2017). Consequently, the flood-prone area residents could not get the accurate updates of the flood water level in their housing area and the authorities might be late for rescuing the flood victims. Furthermore, the flood victims should have enough time to move to a safer place, so they need to be notified about the flood water level and be warned much earlier (Priya, Akshaya, Aruna, Julie, & Ranjani, 2017). If these problems are not being considered, the rate of flood victims will increase since they could not leave from the housing area when the flood water level is rising rapidly. In addition, a higher rate of property destruction will occur when the flood victims are given a last-minute flood warning message and they might be trapped (Eetha, Ekhar, Aj, & Ravin, 2017; K, 2012). PROJECT SCOPE This study is focused on residential area in flood-prone areas which are near to paddy field, river watersheds and drains especially in the Northern Region and East Coast of Malaysia which comprises of Perlis, Kedah, Perak, Penang, Kelantan, Terengganu and Pahang. For this project, the system has been implemented at Beseri and Arau, which are located in Perlis because these two areas are among the most affected area in Perlis (Bernama, 2017). The flood water level and the time taken of the warning call and the alert message that will be received by the user will be measured. Another measurement is the time taken that the warning/alert buzzer to be functional well when the water level reaches the highest water level which the measurement will be set at certain level. However, alternatives to prevent the flood from entering the house area will not be measured as the system is an early warning and monitoring system. Furthermore, the data that will be collected are the current water level and the current status of the flood. The flood warning and monitoring system device can be installed at the house area such as the gates, walls or even drains. The best place to mount the system is on a lower earth surface area near the house that the flood water would be entered first. However, it depends on the suitable place that the system device can be installed. Then, the reading result will be sent to the user. Introduction Recording the attendance is an important task for lecturers in the university in order to monitor the absenteeism in the classroom. Attendance monitoring is recognized as an important element in supporting both students’ retention and performance. It is an effective way of identifying any problems at an early stage and can offer students the appropriate support. Students’ attendance has a positive relationship with academic achievement (Yahya & Anwar, 2013). Attendance in class is important for all students to succeed in education and to ensure that they do not fall behind in their education. Absenteeism in the university can cause them to lose their reputation as well as resulting in poor learning on the part of the students (Patel et al., 2012). Generally, an absence is marked as an excuse if it is due to a student's illness, death of a family member or any emergency cases that are supported by necessary evidence. Thus, any unexcused absence is considered truancy. If the student’s attendance is less than a certain percent (for instance, 80%) of the total contact hours in that semester, the student can be barred from taking the final examination. The current practice at Universiti Teknologi MARA, Perlis Branch, when the absenteeism reaches or exceeds the permissible percentage, lecturers should send a paper-based report to the AAD. Then, the students will be called through a letter for an interview session to decide whether they will be barred or not from taking the final examination for that subject. Hence, an efficient attendance monitoring system should be implemented to record and manage students’ absenteeism. Therefore, this project aims to monitor the students who have the possibility to be absent exceeding the permissible percentage using a web-based system and SMS notification. This system helps the AAD to manage the absenteeism report from lecturers and it automatically sends the information through SMS notification to the parents and the students themselves. When parents are notified on the matter, they can take the appropriate action and can solve the problem at an early stage. It is important as the parents can notice and investigate their child’s problems and can help to find the solution to the problem. Related Works There are many researches which have been done on students’ attendance in universities but this section explains three main related works to this study. Table 1 shows a comparison between the previous researches in order to gain more knowledge and information on this matter. Introduction A virtual tour is the reproduction of actual location with the help of consecutive still images. It can help in renewing a realistic presentation of reality (Bakre, Deshmukh, Sapaliga, & Doulatramani, 2017). The use of virtual tour began in 1994 and has ever since spreaded throughout the world in line with the circulation of time and advanced technology. A virtual tour may use multimedia elements such as sound effects, music, narration, and text (Virtual Tour, 2019). Tourist attraction places, universities, and schools are some of the suitable areas for virtual tour. Panorama is a wide-angle image or represents of physical space whether in painting, drawing, photography or three-dimensional model. Panoramic tours exploded onto the college market since 1999. Panoramic tours are a good complement to the traditional walking tour and give visitors the capability to immerse themselves in a college scene. Some panoramic tours offer an accompanying campus map, and others include narration. To ease a walking tour inside the university campus area, a virtual tour is used in colleges and universities. Potential students can just use the virtual tour platform to look around the campus and its environment. It has advantages in term of accessibility that user can access it either in mobile phone or personal computer. For campus users, it can save time from traveling around the campus just to find their intended destinations. Examples of a university that have already implemented virtual tour are INTI College and Taylor's University in Malaysia, Johns Hopkins University in Maryland and many more. Nevertheless, most of the virtual campus tours used panoramic images as a basis to present the panoramic views, rather than panoramic videos. Earlier, Namsong (2009) asserted the idea of campus virtual tour, that include videos consisting of an arrangement of images and audio, could provide numerous benefits for demonstration and instructional functions. This is because the student or user tends to better remember information acquired from videos rather than through reading or listening. Tambah 1 lagi LR tntng VT. Additionally, virtual campus tour could enhance user experience and user appreciation towards the natural surroundings of a university campus (Wook, Zairon, Idris, Zin, Judi, and Jailani, 2018). Besides that, virtual campus tour allow the university students, lecturers and staffs, as well as visitors to discover the facilities provided inside a building. With the advent of technology, having a virtual campus tour that can be accessed via mobile app or website would notably ease students, staff and visitors in finding their way around. Normally, new student’s face difficulty in reaching their destinations around the campus area. They need to ask people nearby or find by themselves. Additionally, visitors also might be lost while finding their way around a university campus area. Unpredictable weather can be one of the problems when they are not familiar with the university campus area. If it starts raining, they won't be able to find the way easily. An outdated signboard around university campus also causes problem for them to search the building they want to go to. Therefore this paper discusses the design and development of a panoramic video for a virtual campus tour that could enhance the experience of exploring the campus area without the need of physical presence in the university. Related Works A virtual campus tour is a digital tour of a specific location that includes 2D panoramic images and a series of video images or hyperlinked imagery. Hotspots are used to attach these panoramas to one another (Koyuncu & Kocabasoglu, 2008). The concept of the virtual tour is located under a virtual space cyberspace and larger cyberspace. Time, distance and commitment are the reason why not everyone can visit each college destinations (Bakre et al., 2017). The virtual campus tour has become a phenomenon today, where user can access it via their mobile phone or personal computer. Many colleges and universities have begun implementing virtual campus tour method, whether for students, staff of university or visitors. Campus Virtual Tour Design To Enhance Visitor Experience and Interaction in a Natural Environment Campus virtual tour is an approach to control construction in the university campus environment and to improve the visibility and presence of user experience and deliver a message to discipline staff, students and visitors (Tengku Wook et al., 2018). To reach a large scope of campus residents, campus virtual tour can be achieved formally, informally and in an informal capacity. The design of campus virtual tours that include a combination of images and videos can give some benefits to student and visitor where they will remember information more in video rather than information in text format. In the research, the first approach for virtual campus tour utilises an online map that shows a specific location to the users. Its second approach provides information-rich content via a webpage. For third approach, it uses the interactive map with video, audio, pictures. Aims of this study are to investigate an effective interaction design to create a campus virtual tour web application to allow users to experience being in the natural environment, where visitors can interactively select tour path and view on what they prefer. Compared to the traditional approaches that only use still images and videos, this way is more interesting. It allows the user to feel as if he or she is actually in the real surrounding, thus boosting the virtual tour’s effectiveness and usability. Campus Virtual Tour Not everyone has an opportunity to visit each and every college campus environment due to some problems such as time, distance, work commitments or financial problems. Lately, many universities and colleges are able to offer a virtual visit via the virtual campus tour. In this article, they focus on the development and implementation of the virtual tour at Vidyalankar Institutes of Technology by using a photo stitching technique. The aim of this project is to make sure the user can view the universities or colleges from any place accessible with a proper internet connection. For a better experience, user can view from several materials such as videos, text and still images in interactive web content (Bakre et al., 2017). Then, to test the usability of the virtual tour, the students and teachers are once again called. From the results, they find the virtual tour easy to be used and the navigation is clear. To test the response time and speed in various platforms, the virtual tour is tested on desktop or laptop and in Android devices. The result shows that the function is smooth and consistent in all devices. Vidyalankar Institutes of Technology recommend displaying real activities that can be done at each hotspot for future developments. Methodology Agile software processes is an iterative and incremental based development, where requirements are varying according to customer demands (Sharma, Sarkar, & Gupta, 2012). It helps in adaptive planning, iterative development and time boxing. It is a theoretical framework that support foreseen interactions throughout the development cycle. The testing establish at the start of the project and there is growing integration between testing and development. Achieve a high product quality is the objective of agile development and testing in creating a software. Agile model uses least documentation, which could help to save time of development and deliver the project in least possible time. Figure 1 shows the Agile Model. Nowadays, teaching and learning mathematics has become more challenging, particularly in getting students’ engagement in the classroom (Rusnani et al., 2018). At the university level, the engagement of students in all mathematics subjects is very essential for them to understand all the topics that have been taught by educators. Traditional teaching, specifically in mathematics, has been known for showing formulas and concepts without explaining the origin form. Most of the students frequently view mathematics as a collection of arbitrary rules, formulas, and algorithms handed down from teacher to student. This happens due to the fact that the educators need to cover all the syllabus in a limited time and do not include the derivation of formulas and their underlying patterns in class. Sue Gordon and Jackie Nicholas (2005) studied three case studies on the role of memorising in learning and teaching mathematics. The analysis revealed three categories of conceptions of the role of memorising in learning science, it is memorising plays a minimal role, memorising serves as a stepping stone to learning and memorising is a key in learning strategy. Shadad Abdulnour et al.(2019) reported the importance of including recognition of patterns activities in learning problem-solving in engineering classrooms. A common practice among engineering students is attempting to memorize formulas and problem solutions without understanding their origin.Students usually unaware of how formulas are derived and they do not find the patterns that connect these kinds of formulas to the ko they are learning in class. The findings show that encouraging critical thinking and reasoning in the classroom is an important part of learning math based courses. Ahuja et al.(1998) reported mathematics teachers’ perspective of their students’ learning in traditional calculus and its teaching strategies. They revealed that teachers should teach how to derive formulae to involve them with thinking activities rather than just dumping the formula on them. They must encourage students to think more, not only memorize the formula. Ozdemir and Uzel (2011) concluded that students should be guided not by formula but reasoning structured under three main headings, that is ability to interpret, avoid memorization and focussing on the subject and its aspects. Moreover, it was further found that when students develop formulas by themselves, try different methods and associate their learnings with daily life, a huge contribution is made to understanding the subject. Fatih Karakus (2014) studied pre-service elementary mathematics teachers’ views about geometric construction. He found that pre-service teachers attempted to learn geometry concepts during their past experiences by memorizing formulas or rules and solving problems. This reveals that memorizing formula, rules and solving the problems represent the most preferred method of learning geometry. Without formula and rules, they will have difficulty in learning mathematics because they associate mathematics, especially geometry, with formula and rules. Joseph W. Pale (2016) carried out teacher and student based instructions on probability achievement outcomes and attitudes of secondary school students. Students viewed learning mathematics as mostly memorizing formulas and rules less than half of them who viewed mathematics as an interesting subject. Teachers must provide students with learning opportunities in which they experience the excitement that comes from making sense of mathematics. Instead of memorizing formula, teachers should help their students to make sense of the mathematics they are learning. PROBLEM DESCRIPTION In UiTM Perak Tapah Campus, diploma in Science (AS120) is a program offered by the Faculty of Applied Sciences . There are three mathematics courses offered to AS120 students in the whole semester. For the past semester, the failure rate of mathematics subjects was in the worrying stages especially for the foundation of applied mathematics (MAT238) subjects. Many reasons are identified as high failure factors such as, lack of exercise, not interested in calculation subjects, lack of understanding in basic knowledge of mathematics, many formulas to remember and so on. In order to tackle the high failure rate, the lecturers have initiated a mathematics workshop named as “Formula Extracted from Appendix” (FEFA) technique. The underlying reason for the high failure rate is the students need to remember more than twenty formulas. The program was made compulsory to all students including repeaters of this subject. Attempting to memorize formulas and problem solutions without understanding their origin is common among Applied Science students. Most of them are unaware or disregard of how the formulas are derived and they do not find the patterns that connect these formulas to the concepts they are learning in class. In FEFA technique, students are taught how to derive formula from the origin. Once mastered and understanding how to derive the formula and mathematical patterns will save students time by giving them tools to quickly solve the difficult problems. FEFA technique workshop was held on 8th November 2019. This workshop is conducted by an experienced lecturer who has been teaching for more than 5 years. This workshop will teach how to use the provided appendix wisely by extracting the other formulas creatively. There were two topics covered in this workshop as listed in Table 1. In order to check the effectiveness of the workshop, the students were required to answer two sets of tests which are known as pre and post-workshop tests. The pre-workshop test will be held at the beginning of the workshop which is before the technique is introduced and the post-workshop test is at the end of the workshop. This technique will increase the students' understanding of how to apply the correct formula rather than just memorizing the formulas. Education is a backbone of a country as its help to build a good society and the nation. Attending the physical schools, colleges and universities and having physical interaction with teacher or instructor is our notion of what education process should be. However, information technology becomes a new normal in our life especially in the education sector. It has changed the way of teaching and learning conducted in the sector. Traditionally, the conventional classrooms are needed for education process. But now, teaching and learning can be done with the help of technology and it is called e-learning. According to Clark and Mayer (2016), e-learning can be defined as the instruction that is intended to support learning and is delivered through digital devices. Generally, e-learning courses are using words in the form of spoken, text or pictures such as animation or video and it is designed for individual self-study. The term e-learning actually has been introduced in education widely since the mid of 1990s (Mamattah, 2016). Since then, many prestigious universities accept and offer this kind of learning such as University of North Texas (start in 1995) and University of Stanford (start in 2005). Recently, the world was hit by Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and it definitely includes Malaysia too. As a precautionary measure to control the spread of the virus, the government of Malaysia has agreed to prohibit any face-to-face teaching processes that involve students to gather around in a large group. Because of this precaution step, all schools, colleges, universities and institutions are temporarily closed. This has caused all teachers and lecturers need to find an alternative ways to complete the syllabus and the planned assessments without required students to gather around physically. Therefore, e-learning become viable solution or the platform in facing this pandemic. As a result, education paradigm has changed which e-learning becomes a center of attention. Thus, this study will delve into the students’ perception about e-learning and their intention to use it. This study will use the theory of Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) that introduced by Fred Davis in year 1986. According to Lai (2017), TAM is the model that specifically designed to predict the users’ acceptance of technologies. In the basic TAM, there are two specific beliefs that have been tested. There are Perceived Usefulness (PU) and Perceived Ease of Use (PEU). PU and PEU have significant effect on attitude towards using technology (Maslim, 21-24 May 2007). Perceived Usefulness can be defined as the level of students’ belief that by using e-learning, it will enhance their learning and Perceived Ease of Use can be defined as the degree of students expects e-learning is easy to use without the much effort (Mamattah, 2016 & Lai, 2017). PU can influences students’ intention to embrace applications of e-learning (Maslim, 212-24 May 2007; Masrom, 2007). A study conducted on 102 undergraduate students of management information system found positive finding between PU with students’ engagement with internet-learning based system (ILS) or e-learning (Saade & Bahli, 2005). A study by Liu, Ling and Peng (2005) also discovered positive finding between PU and student intention to use streaming based e-learning. Accordingly, PU is greater among learner who have higher self-efficacy (Fathema, Shannon, & Ross, 2015). Meanwhile, strong influence of peers to adopt collaborative technology as an alternative in learning is one of the nature of PEU (Cheung & Vogel, 2013). The system quality (SQ) provides significant positive effect on PEU. The quality issues such as functions, contents, navigation speed and interaction capability has resulted significant effect on learner positive attitude. Also, there is positive effect of PEU on PU because student believes the e-learning is useful when it is easy to use (Saade & Bahli, 2005). However there are no significant differences of PU and PEU on gender differences which showed in data collection of three academic periods from a number of university centers (Melendez, Obra, & Moreno, 2013). A program and course are structured to enhance positive interaction between student, teacher and peers; however some problems do occur during online learning (Dabbagh, Fake, & Zhang, 2019). Student satisfaction affected by instructor’s interaction within online or face to face sessions (Conklina, Oyarzun, & Barreto, 2017). According to Lowe & Mestel (2016), online tutorial provide convenience platform to the student yet face to face session is better to practice. Students also need additional arrangement and materials in order to facilitate them to understand thus score subjects (Said & Syarif, 2016). A study conducted by Conklina et al. (2017) observed the environment and interaction between student and instructor were rated low during online learning. Lowe & Mestel (2016) also reported interaction between student and teacher are low for online tutorial learning. The interaction among student also becomes less productive due to technological barriers Conklina et al. (2017). As a result, students would rather choose blended learning environment although they prefer to have flexibility to learn and study that meets their needs. However, Horzum (2015) found positive result regarding interaction and social presence during online learning. This study also stated student is dissatisfied with current course structure as they think it’s too heavy and reduce their interactions and social presence. Hence to increase satisfaction and students’ intention to use e-learning, current course structure need to be reduced. QUESTIONNAIRE AND DATA ANALYSIS This study was conducted among diploma student at Universiti Teknologi MARA, Perak Branch (Tapah Campus). In order to achieve research objective of this study, a set of questionnaire is used to collect data. This questionnaire was distributed to 290 students, of these 212 were returned representing 73% of response rate. The respondents were selected randomly from three (3) faculties available in this campus, which are Faculty of Applied Science, Faculty of Accountancy and Faculty of Science Computer and Mathematic. Out of 212 respondents, 37% are students from Faculty of Science Computer and Mathematic, follow by 33% are accountancy’s students and 30% are Faculty of Applied Science. The questionnaire was divided into five (5) parts. The first part is to collect demographic information which to understand the respondents’ background information, follow by perceived usefulness of e-learning, perceived ease of use of e-learning, attitude towards using e-learning and intention to use e-learning in future. The questions are replicated from study by Mamattah (2016) that developed the questionnaire based on Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). Data collected from this questionnaire were entered in SPSS for purpose of data analysis and interpretation. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION Demographic Results This study comprised of 33.5% male respondents and 66.5% female respondents. Out of 212 respondents, there are 141 female and 71 male students. Respondents are reasonably distributed from different faculties which are from Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Sciences (FSKM), Faculty of Accountancy (FP) and Faculty of Applied Sciences (FSG). Thus, the data presented is representative of all students of the campus. Besides that, 90.1% of the respondents possess a personal computer while only 9.9% of them do not. Furthermore, only 15.6% of the respondents have been using the computers for less than 1 year. The other respondents have been using computer more than 1 year which is 44.3% have been using computer for between 1 to 5 years, 28.3% have using computer for between 6 to 10 years and 11.8% have been using it for more than 10 years. From the statistics, it can be seen that most of the students have more than enough experience using a computer. Perceived Usefulness of E-Learning In order to understand the respondents’ view on e-learning, some common features were used in this study. The respondents were asked to choose from the various definitions, forms and types of e-learning that was selected. As a result, it shows that 52.8 % of the respondents understand e-learning as online learning. Accordingly, this result is in line with Mamattah (2016) as 50% of the respondents understand e-learning as online learning meanwhile 31.6% consider e-learning as learning in all forms such as learning at own pace, online learning, watching pre-recorded videos and live streaming lectures. This group of respondents believes that e-learning is not limited only to one features but also allowed the synchronous and asynchronous learning. It can further be seen in Table 1 that 7.5% of the respondents think that e-learning as learning at own pace. On the other hand, 3.8% of them consider e-learning as watching pre-recorded videos provided by the educators. Besides, only 2.4% of the respondent has no idea about e-learning and 1.9% that think e-learning is a teaching and learning process where people having live lectures via internet. Every new born baby in Malaysia will be provided with the health record booklet which will be utilized by the medical staffs and kept by the parents. This health record booklet is very important because it records information about the children’s health conditions, growth, clinic visits, and appointments with medical staffs, immunization record and guide for parent on how to take care of their children (World Health Organization, 2016). The health record is very important for the parents and medical staffs to access the medical information of a child (Garba, 2016). However, there are some issues with the manual health record booklet. In order to record the information, the medical staffs need to document it manually in two copies; one for parents and the other one for the medical department. This is very time consuming and could lead to data inconsistency (Ariffin, 2017). The second issue is the booklet is not efficient and effective to be use as it could be missing or damage. This could also lead to privacy issue such as stealing of personal data such as medical information, phone number, identity card number and address from the booklet. Besides that, problems like forgetting the appointments might also happen as there is no mechanism to remind the parents other than from referring to the booklet (Thomas, Beh, & Nordin, 2019). Therefore, this project aims to design, develop and evaluate a Web-Based Child Health Record System with Appointment Notification for keeping health record of the children. This system has the ability to record all the medical information about the children such as height, weight, treatments and medical conditions. It also has the ability to record visit details, immunization details, and reminder for next visits and immunization appointments. THE WEB-BASED HEALTH RECORD SYSTEM The Web-Based Child Health Record System involves two main users which are medical staffs and parents. Medical staff can register health record for new born baby, update their profile such as address, phone number and view details of the children that have been registered. They also have ability to record medical information of children such as date of birth, type of birth, weight, and height and immunization record in this system. Medical staff also has ability to set an appointment for immunization and visits on the system. Parents have ability to view their children’s health information, update their basic profile such as address, phone number and e-mail. They are also able to get reminder about the next appointment for immunizations or clinic visits. Figure 1 shows the screenshot of the Parents Module. By using this module, parents may view and update their profile, view information about their children such antenatal, medical records, postnatal, birth record and appointment on visits and immunization. Self – management is the most important thing among the students especially for the tertiary level such as college or university students. Self-management is a key and an effective way to encourage the student with a motivation and concentration on their studies (Darus,2016). Apart from that, a good time management would contribute to an excellent performance in the study when they can balance it well between academic and personal things. Attending class earlier and submit the assignment before the deadline are the best way to conduct a good study lifestyle. Moreover, efficient time management will produce high quality students when they attended the class before the class started and finished the task given in desired time. Many college teachers said that attendance of the class will increase the grades among the students (Crede, 2010). A reminder is the most important tools to be used nowadays. Currently, people tend to have a lot of things and data to be managed all the time. People nowadays especially students often forgot about their submission deadlines (Gregory, 2009). Humans have a limited capability to store and manage or even remember information by themselves. However, memory aids can help people to remember past events and information in their life. (Graus, 2016). Darus et al (2016) stated that reminder is such an assistive tool of current technologies. These tools can help to generate reminders associated with future activities including location, event and time as well (Darus, 2016). Students are inclined to use a reminder in their daily life to be more manageable. Reminders represent the calendar, sticky notes or visual reminder (Darus, 2016). Students can track their incomplete task and avoid last minute work and fully prepared for the upcoming works by using reminder tool. Hence, by using an academic reminder, this would increase the students’ performance as well. The objective of this paper is to develop an Android mobile application which serves as the Academic Reminder System. The application would be able to ease the students managing their daily activity and reminding them in academic purpose through mobile phone. METHODOLOGY The figure 1 below shows the summarization of the applied research methodology. The first phase focuses on gathering information to develop the application. Followed by the second phase that based on the previous requirement, a design is created, and the application is built based on the design in project implementation phase. In testing phase, the developed system is delivered to the targeted users who are the UiTM Tapah students to test the functionality and user Acceptance. The project documentation is the final phase, which is the phase of compilation of the result achieved for the application after the implementation and testing phase. This phase also produces the complete report. In this section, only three of the methodology are discussed which are project requirement, project design and project implementation Mobile robots are robotic systems that exist with features such as mobile, autonomy and perception capabilities. Mobile refers to the functional characteristics of a robot that can move relative to its environment. This occurs when the position of the robot changes based on conditions such as changes in velocity, displacement, and direction. Measurement of robot movement will be done by measuring changes in momentum. The momentum on the robot is directly generated from the physical weight of the robot and the velocity of the movement it produces. This means that the difference in physical weight of a robot can affect the speed of its movement, and will also indirectly affect the momentum generated. To ensure a controlled state of the robot movement, calibration is required to find the best control value for the moving robot. There are two scenarios for a mobile robot. The first is an autonomous mobile robot and the second is a remote-controlled mobile robot. Autonomous robots can be operated using sensor and localization methods to avoid collisions. However, autonomous moving robots have one major drawback. This weakness occurs when a moving robot is unable to control its velocity while moving in a corner area. Therefore, a model calibration is required to give a slight idea of the speed for a moving robot to be operated when approaching a corner. The purpose of this study is to find the appropriate velocity values for a robotic car to slide in various environmental conditions. The results of this study can be used as a guide to the construction of a prototype car without a driver. RELATED WORKS Based on the journal and thesis that has been published and related to this project were referred in this related works. Car Speed Estimation Based on Image Scale Factor Costa, Rauen, and Fronza (2020) conducted a study on accidents involving speeding. Through their study, the speed analysis of a speeding vehicle will be examined through video analysis. Estimates, the speed obtained through video analysis will be assimilated with the information obtained at the location as well as those obtained by photogrammetric techniques. In their study, Costa, Rauen, and Fronza have suggested using the longitudinal trajectory method performed in close proximity and distance. This method will use the "pixel scale image factor" to calculate the distance from the vehicle to the camera in different video frames A Comparative Paper on Real Time Road, Object & Passenger Detection System for DriverLess Car Verma and Tandan (2020) study the use of sensors and radar by collecting information about vehicle condition and car speed while driving. The current information of this vehicle will be used to help the driver make a decision during the driving process. Verma and Tanda suggested in their study for a complete comparison of the previous available approaches related to driverless car systems. Self-Driving Cars: A Survey Badue, Guidolini, Carneiro, Azevedo, Cardoso, Forechi, Jesus, Berriel, Paixao, Mutz, Veronese, Oliveira-Santos, and De Souza (2020) wrote about self-driving cars. In writing, they state that there are two systems for autonomous self-driving car architecture, namely the perception system and the decision-making system. Time-To-Contact Control: Improving Safety and Reliability of Autonomous Vehicles Wang and Horn (2020) have conducted a study on hazard warning systems to prevent accidents. This system will provide time-to-contact (TTC) feedback control. In their study, Wang and Horn used detailed mathematical analysis and algorithm implementation. The machine for the vision-based TTC Algorithm used can be implemented on Android smartphones running in real time. Simultaneous calibration of odometry and sensor parameters for mobile robots A differential-drive mobile is equipped with sensor and odometer. Simultaneous use of odometry and sensor to estimate the robot owns motion. These projects will calibration the odometry and sensor simultaneously. This project use calibration on the robot that involves six parameters estimation (Censi, Franchi, Marchionni, & Oriolo, 2013) Measurement and Correction of Systematic Odometry Errors in Mobile Robots These papers propose a method to measuring and reducing odometry error that occurs on differential-drive mobile robot. The researcher has identified the leading errors that make the odometry errors. To avoid the error the researcher has proposed that performing an occasional calibration. Based on the statement, by performing occasional calibration the errors on the odometry accuracy and it will reduce cost on operation of the mobile robot (Borenstein & Feng, Measurement and Correction of Systematic Odometry Errors in Mobile Robot, 1996). Traffic problem has affected transport users. This is because of the time wasted on the road. Although the number of road and expressway is increasing, traffic problems in Kuala Lumpur area still exist. The shortest path is a problem that involves the route from one point (nodes) to another (Kumari & Geethanjali, 2010). It is to find a path with a minimum travelling time. It is important for every passenger especially workers who need to arrive at their workplace on time. For instance, in order to improve the effectiveness of travelling time, there is a need to provide some rational alternatives that can cut down the time of one’s journey. Furthermore, the shortest path is also used to minimize the cost (Gupta et al., 2016). Dijkstra algorithm has been used in general. It is actually a variant to find the shortest path between two nodes, but is a more common variant which fixes a single node as it is the source of node and finds the shortest path from the sources to all the nodes. Dijkstra algorithm builds the optimal path based on the node that it reaches. However, it cannot handle the negative edges (Rohila et al., 2007). In Malaysia, globalization has turned drivers into a complex system nowadays. Mobility has been an easier transportation whether on land, air or water to get through from one destination to another. Therefore, there are a lot of people who prefer to have their own transport such as cars, motorcycles and vans. This is because, it is much easier compared to taking a public transportation. Unfortunately, if driving their own transport, the drivers need to face traffic jam especially in the Kuala Lumpur area. For example, if one family consists of five members and each of them has his/her own car, then the crowdedness on the road will be obvious. The traffic jam in this area is considered as serious since the drivers have to wait on the road for about an hour at least. Furthermore, the costs between two destinations are rather expensive. Since the cost of living in Malaysia increases in every aspect, then it can be a burden for the drivers and they cannot just neglect it. This is because, if the drivers calculate the cost for only one day it can be considered fine but the problem is for those who work in the area of Kuala Lumpur. This is because they need to face this problem for a long period of time. The total cost for fuel and toll can be half of their salary which is not worthy. The traffic situation and costs sometimes change from time to time. These problems can be rectified through the shortest path by using the Dijkstra algorithm. The main objective of this study is to find the shortest path from Bandar Tun Razak to Berjaya Times Square by using Dijkstra algorithm and to cut down the cost between the two destinations. This research applies Dijkstra algorithm to measure the shortest path in the area of Bandar Tun Razak to Berjaya Times Square. It will concentrate among all roads that start from Bandar Tun Razak to Berjaya Times Square that will give the shortest distance and the lowest cost of journey. It will consider several roads that will be chosen as the best road to meet the objective. Data is collected from Google Map and also by driving a car from Bandar Tun Razak to Berjaya Times Square. In order to determine the shortest path for a road between the two destinations, Dijkstra algorithm will be applied. The shortest path will find the shortest distance between the two destinations and also the lowest cost between Bandar Tun Razak to Berjaya Times Square. It can also improve the efficiency of which road and make people want to use it more often. RELATED WORKS i. Dijkstra Algorithm The purpose of Dijkstra algorithm is it can be applied directly to find a physical direction. Next, it can also be used in networking or for telecommunication applications. Furthermore, it can solve a variety of shortest path problems that arise in plants and also robotics, facility layouts and transportation. Kai et al. (2014) did a research about emergency response system based on Dijkstra algorithmn. The researchers intended to investigate how well the emergency response mechanism decreases hazardous events. It is also used to find a minimum time to arrive at a destination during fatal rescue operations. The integration of Geographic Information System (GIS), Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (Ajax) technologies and web services are used to find the best or optimal route. The reserchers also stated that the shortest path will not solve the problem because there are also some factors that affect travelling time. The reserchers used Dijkstra algorithm in order to search the length of the shortest path from sources to sources. Arjun et al. (2015) stated that the shortest path problem is a problem to find the vertices between the sources on the graph. Engineers usually use Dijkstra algorithm in their calculations. This survey has stated an optimization method which mostly enhanced the nodes selection of the shortest path and data structure and organization. In brief, the optimized Dijkstra algorithm which has advanced space complication, time complication and storage combination, decreases the storage space, data redundancy and hugely increases the running rate. Tirastittam and Waiyawuththanapoom (2014) did a case study an Bangkok metropolitan public transport planning system using Dijkstra algorithm. The research was about public transport planning system, using Dijkstra algorithm, focusing on buses, Bangkok Mass Transit System (BTS) and Metropolitan Rapid Transit (MRT) schedules because the citizens lack of information and they are scared to use the subway system mainly because of the time and safety factors. The researchers’ objective was to design a public transportation planning system by using Dijkstra algorithm in Bangkok area to judge the public transportation users’ satisfaction. Moreover, Jaafar et al. (2014) did a research on intelligent guidance parking system using Dijkstra algorithm. The proposed intelligent parking guidance system is a system that gives the closest vacant bay to drivers with necessary direction stated on a ticket so the driver can find the best lot in a short amount of time. The conclusion that the researchers made is the system has been installed to assist parking users. Moreover, Gupta et al. (2016) did a research about applying Dijkstra algorithm in routing process. The researchers proposed that Dijkstra algorithm is one of the best methods that can be used to calculate the shortest path problem compared to other algorithms. The researchers’ target was to search for the shortest path from sources node to destination node. To search for the shortest path, this algorithm uses connection matrix and weight matrix. The researchers also applied the data in computer networking for routing systems and also in Google map. ii. Techniques for the Shortest Path One of the research by Patel and ChitraBaggar (2014) was a survey of Bellman-Ford algorithm and Dijkstra algorithm to search for the shortest path in Geographic Information System (GIS) application. The researchers wanted to make a comparison between Bellman-Ford method and Dijkstra method and choose the best one. The main problem in transportation management is finding the shortest path and using the act of Geographic Information System (GIS). The conclusion made by the researchers is that Dijkstra algorithm is very quick to use compared to Bellman-Ford algorithm and it also works widely in real time application. Chandak et al. (2016) stated that there are a variety methods available to discover the shortest path. Examples of methods introduced by researchers are A-star algorithm, Hierarchical A-star and Dijkstra algorithm. The Dijkstra algorithm needs a huge memory and a lot of redundant calculations performed which it can or cannot be functional for the current path. In addition, the hierarchy in the map by dividing it into district by decreasing the computation needed and memory needed by the systems. This can be used when the area in the map is considered big enough. It depends on the application to use the hierarchy to search for the shortest path to decrease the load on the system’s memory. Research Methodology The shortest path cannot cross all the vertices. It needs to search for the shortest path from vertex sources to all vertices and then calculate the path between the vertices that are attracted to. Due to its simplicity, it only deals with graphs with non-negative edges. It is often advantageous to route all communication on a sparse spanning sub network, typically a spanning tree. Unvisited vertices are consistently on the list. It selects a vertex and allocates the maximum possible cost for each of other vertex. In each of the following steps of Dijkstra algorithm, it attempts to reduce the cost for every vertex. The cost will be the length of the journey, time taken to achieve that vertex from the source vertex or money. The minimization of cost is a multi-step procedure. Figure 1 shows a network in which the arcs are labelled with the distance between two connected nodes. It will search for the shortest route from the origin o, to the destination, t, by using Dijkstra algorithm. The number between the nodes and the next nodes is representing the distance. Vertex 0 represents Bandar Tun Razak, vertex a represents Lebuhraya SMART, vertex b represents Taman Connaught, vertex c represents Taman Maluri, vertex d represents Chan Sow Lin, vertex e represents Seasons Tower, vertex f represents Kampung Pandan and vertex t represents Berjaya Times Square. Natural rubber is one of the most important crops in Malaysia alongside the palm oil, cocoa, paddy, and pineapple. Being a tropical country, Malaysia is one of the top five exporters and producers of rubber in the world. According to Cornish (2017), tropical countries that were currently natural rubber supplies were vulnerable because global demand is increasing rapidly that led by the industrialization of developing countries, labour shortages and fungal crop diseases. According to MdLudin, Applanaidu, and Abdullah (2016), one of the main contributors in Malaysia is the agricultural sector and it is also considered as one of the main contributors in Malaysia Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 1980 with contribution around 22.9 percent. They also stated that the rubber has contributed around 39.8 percent in the agricultural sector in 1984. This shows that rubber is important to the agricultural sector as it is one of the biggest contributors in that sector. However, according to Department of Statistics Malaysia, the implementation of the Movement Control Order in this year has an impact to the establishment that carries out rubber processing activities. The production of natural rubber for this year is decreases compared to the last year. The techniques used in this study were Fuzzy Time Series and Artificial Neural Network. According to Cai, Zhang, Zheng and Leung (2015), fuzzy time series were first introduced by Song and Chissom in 1993. They also stated that the fuzzy time series have been proven that it can be appropriately applied to datasets of linguistic values to generate forecasting rules with high accuracy. Next, artificial neural networks are one type of network that see the node as artificial neurons and it is a software implementation that resembles the biological term central nervous system that is the human brain (Narvekar & Fargose, 2015). When the exportation of natural rubber increases, the rubber industry export earnings increase, the foreign exchange earnings increase, and income of Malaysia also increase as natural rubber is one of the contributors to income in Malaysia. However, there is a variation in the monthly exportation of natural rubber statistics. This will lead to vagueness in the level of export earnings, foreign exchange earnings and it will affect the income of Malaysia too. Therefore, a precise forecasting model is needed in order to aid the government to predict the future value of the exportation of the natural rubber. The forecasting model also helps the government to make a felicitous plan to avoid losing the income, losing in export earnings and also losing in the foreign exchange earnings. The different environments between school and university will have an impact on the learning style of students. The learning environment has changed in order to become more interconnected and centred on learners. First year can be difficult for some students because they have to adapt with the environment and different learning styles at the university level, which differs greatly from their school years. According to Singh, Govila and Rani (2015), learning styles are mental, emotional and psychological influences that serve as relatively stable markers of how the learner feels and communicates with and reacts to the learning environment. Study by Shuib, Zavareh and Abdullah (2014), VARK learning styles are preferable to other learning styles such as Honey and Mumford learning styles, Gardner Multiple Intelligence, Kolb learning styles and more. VARK is the short for Visual, Auditory, Read/Write and Kinaesthetic. Visual students, also known as a graphic learner, can retain information when confronted with images, charts, graphs, and displays just to name a couple. Auditory learners prefer to hear spoken information. These types of learners learn best from lectures, group discussion and even using mobile phones and emails. Auditory learners generally retain the best way to speak out loud when communicating with others. The read/write style prefers written and word details. Therefore, PowerPoints, written instructions and lists are preferred for these students. Kinaesthetic learning style is a perceptual preference related to the use of experience and practice. This includes demonstrations, stimulation, videos, and movies of 'real' material, as well as case studies, practice and application. According to Geetha and Praveena (2017), their previous study was to determine the relationship between learning style and interest in biological sciences among secondary school students. By using correlation analysis, the mean differences between the male and female are found to be 6.22. This value is tested for its significance using a t-test, which is the t-value 5.595, is found to be significant at 0.001 level of significance. Hence, there is a significance difference in the learning styles of male and female students. Besides that, by using the Fleming VARK learning styles, the findings of these studies showed that the most preferred learning styles among the secondary school are kinaesthetic learning styles which are 41.16% followed by visual 23.49%, auditory 19% and read/write 16.35%. Each student has a preferred learning style, but the four learning styles may be used to some degree, and some learners may use more than one style to an equal extent. There is a degree of uncertainty in determining the learning style (Alian & Shout, 2017). They use Fuzzy System in their previous study to measure the degree to which learners belong in relation to the four learning styles. This has inspired to conduct this research, in which a Fuzzy Logic system is formulated and implemented to measure the degree to which a learner belongs in relation to the four learning styles of male and female first year diploma students. METHODOLOGY The population in this study are first year diploma students in UiTM Perlis Branch for semester September 2019 – January 2020 from six faculties. Online questionnaire was used to collect data from the students by using quota sampling method. Only 100 first year diploma students have answered the questionnaire. The survey has conducted through Google Form. There were nine variables inputs in determining the fuzzy logic learning styles which are Reading likeness, By nature, Thinking time, Speaking rate, Activity level, Activity Enjoyment, Visual Distraction, Auditory distraction and Using instruction. All the variables inputs in this study are based on the previous study by Alian and Shaout (2017). In this study, every variable input determines different learning styles output, however some inputs produced more than one output. For the Visual learning styles output; the reading likeness, visual distraction and auditory thinking time are used. While for the auditory learning styles output, the methods used are the auditory distraction, by nature, thinking time, speaking rate and activity level. For Read/Write output; thinking time, using instruction and read likeness are used. While thinking time, by nature, speaking rate, activity level and activity enjoyment are used for Kinesthetic output. Examination management is the most important operation besides records and administration at Academic Affairs Department of any education institutions. Examination operation can be detailed up into several sub operations such as preparation of examination questions, printing and packaging of question papers, preparation of examination schedules and venues, preparation of invigilation duties among invigilators or proctors, whereas the final sub operation is the marks processing management (Quality, 2010; UiTM, 2016). As stated in The Values and Ethics of UiTM Lecturers book (UiTM, 2001), examination operation needs the role and support of the lecturers to invigilate the examination. The invigilation duties among lecturers are prepared through a system called the Examination Management System (EMS) and improvised wisely and professionally by the examination committee before the schedules are released to the invigilators (Othman et al., 2018). Nevertheless, based on the past reports of examination post-mortems meeting and verbal feedbacks from the invigilators, approximately 8% of appointed invigilators were unhappy with the examination duties or schedules assigned to them (HEA, 2019). Among the feedbacks or noticeable reasons were that the schedules did not consider the time when they were busy with marking the final examination papers and reading the students’ reports. Other reasons include invigilating during weekend slots, invigilating the 3-hour examination instead of 2-hour examination, appointed as chief invigilator that requires a lot of tasks and responsibilities to be managed by the lecturers or invigilators, as well as invigilating at bigger venues such as the big examination halls which requires a lot of checking, reporting and walking, consequently making them very tired after the invigilation. The study on invigilation duties at Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) demonstrated that the invigilators were also facing a problem whereby the invigilation duties assigned to them never consider the gaps between one invigilation duty to the next duty (Mat Yusof, 2018). The invigilation duties assigned to them were back-to-back. Other conditions that require the invigilators to find someone else for invigilation replacement in urgent situations such as the invigilators had a sudden meeting that was more important than the invigilation duties, emergency cases such as being unhealthy or not fit to perform the invigilation duty, unplanned situation like family death news, car breakdown and other unexpected incidents. Therefore, it is highly recommended that a comprehensive platform is provided to centralise and consolidate all requests of invigilation duties exchange among invigilators. From there, the exchange of invigilation duties can be made easily anywhere and anytime with hustle free. The objective of this paper is to develop a web-based application and provide one stop centre or a platform for all invigilators to check their respective examination schedules and allow them to easily make the invigilation duty exchange if required. Currently, the invigilators need to fill-in a form and submit it to the Examination Officer at Examination Unit of Academic Affairs Department for approval. The exchange of invigilation need to be done manually by the invigilators whereby they must find and make sure the substitute invigilator agreed to exchange the task. If none of the invigilators agreed to exchange the invigilation, the original invigilation will be retained until there is a volunteer willing to replace. The main feature of the new system is that the invigilation of the invigilators who requested for exchange will be partially released on the web until the substitute invigilator has confirmed or willing to replace the invigilation. Once the invigilation is selected, the invigilator needs to select any available invigilation tasks released by other invigilators for replacement of the original invigilation. The scope of this project is narrowed to prime examination only. The supplementary or intersession examinations are excluded. Additionally, the requests for invigilation exchange is not limited to the academic staff only, but also expands to administration staff appointed as invigilators. The university timetabling system involves the class scheduling and final examination timetable scheduling that requires the data of subjects, rooms, lecturers and tutors, students and administrative staff allocated to the specific date and time (Gaspero et al., 2003). Preparation of examination schedules especially at tertiary education involves a lot of unstructured or complex constraints that need to be specified either soft or hard constraints (Carter & Laporte, 1997). Generally, the examination scheduling system initiated and innovated by some experts have introduced a few techniques such as mathematical modelling (Sagir & Ozturk, 2010), constructive heuristic approach (Kahar & Kendall, 2010), particle swarm based hyper-heuristic approach (Ahmed et al., 2011), bender‘s partitioning (Sarin, Wang & Varadarajan, 2010) and graph colouring framework (Mohamed, Mushi & Mujuni, 2013). Lexis Examination Invigilation System has been developed at Imperial College in London (Wyer & Eisenbach, 2001). The invigilation of the examination does not use the human energy, but is controlled by the system installed on the computer. This kind of system is normally applicable if the students are required to conduct online assessment like the programming course. The students must use the computer in the laboratory. Simple questions that require the students to write the codes within the allotted time will be sent via email to students. The students have no access to the Internet and the resources for their references during the online test are very limited or only permitted to authorised folder. This situation of examination does not require many invigilators and practically only one invigilator to observe technical operation of the system. Exam Cell Automation Systems has been initiated and implemented at the Department of Computer Science Engineering in India (Dharshini & Sudha, 2018). The main objective of this system is to simplify the process of assigning the examination venues and invigilation duties among proctors. The technique used for invigilation duties assignment is by using the excel spreadsheet. Once the assigning process is done, the data are uploaded to the database of the system. However, the request for invigilation duty exchange among proctors need to be done manually because the system does not provide a special platform for duty exchange. Simple sequential assignment algorithm for invigilation examination duties has been developed and implemented at UiTM Pulau Pinang branch (Othman et al., 2017). This algorithm is constructed using Java programming language to generate the invigilation duties for almost 400 invigilators or proctors within less than five seconds. This powerful algorithm is applied during the first cycle of processing of invigilation duties. The invigilation duties processed in the first cycle will be scrutinised and improvised manually by the examination committee before being released to all invigilators. Similar to the Exam Cell Automation System, the application for invigilation duty exchange must get approval from the examination officer. An Automated Examination Support Systems at University of Mumbai, India, is a comprehensive examination system that consolidates all major examination functions such as the examination schedule, examination placement, invigilation module and examination marks processing management (Avinash et. al, 2015). The newly examination system allows the invigilators to view respective invigilation duties and make the duty exchange. The system examines the conditions for duty exchange such as not invigilating the subject taught, not clashing with other invigilation duties, each invigilation duty should have at least 2 days gap and the invigilator is appointed with appropriate role that has been decided and set in the system either as the chief or assistant invigilator. This feature allows the invigilators to perform duty exchange easily, thus prmoting the cultivation of positive values among invigilators by following certain standard of examination operating procedure (SOP) with full trustworthiness. The organisation of this paper is first done by introducing the main purpose, objectives and scopes of this project. The related research or project using varieties of techniques and features applied in the systems are also briefly discussed. The following section further explains the algorithm applied in the Examination Invigilation Management Systems (ExIMS) called Multi Selection Control. The methodology applied for this project is the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC), which compliments with web-based application development. To measure the invigilators’ satisfaction level, the online survey using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) as an instrument for evaluation purposes was conducted to measure the system effectiveness. Finally, overall research findings and future improvement are presented in the final section. METHODOLOGY System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) methodology was applied for the overall process of project development. SDLC is the common methodology practiced by most of ICT experts or practitioners in the system development. The SDLC methodology consists of various models such as the Waterfall, Spiral, Iterative, V-shaped and Agile (Existek, 2020). This project embedded the waterfall model, which compliments or suits for web-based application development. The following Figure 1 shows the stages of SDLC waterfall model as introduced by Dr Winston in 1970 (Winston, 1970). Requirement Analysis is the first stage of SDLC waterfall model. During this stage, the system developer will have a series of meeting or interviews with the stakeholders or users leading to discussion on system requirements. The users and developers must clearly define the problem statements, objectives and scopes of the project before scrutinising the functional and nonfunctional requirements of the system. During this stage, the developers must review and observe all information that have been gathered from the stakeholders to ensure validity, precision, legality and the most important element is the ability to avoid any ambiguity and anomalies. Once the information gathered during the first stage are well documented, validated and verified, the next stage is the System Design. The stage requires the developer to translate the abstract of the information gathered during the requirement analysis into architectural design. During this stage, the discussion is much more on the technical aspects in which the developer will design the physical scheme of database, the screen design for system menus, input screen and the standards of system reporting. In addition, the developer team will consider the system security and network architectural design besides the discussion of managerial aspects such the budget, project duration, manpower and technological constraints during the project development. The system design documentations must align with the user requirements and mutually agreed by the stakeholders before proceeding to coding stage. The coding or implementation stage is the actual development. Programmers will start to translate the system design documentation into writing the source code. The programmers must consider that the written source code should be aligned with the requirements defined during the first stage. The source code will be compiled to avoid errors or bugs in the system. Programmers must identify all possible errors that could happen. In the coding and testing stage, both can be performed simultaneously. In practice, the users will be asked to test the system functionality as soon as the development of system submodules are completed in all stages. Once the testing has been done thoroughly by the users and developers, the system will be deployed at the users’ site with continuous testing until it runs well and smoothly. After the deployment of the system, the system will be observed for 6 months and if any system becomes malfunction, further action will be taken immediately without delay. The final stage of SDLC water model is the maintenance. The systems maintenance is parallel while the system is running. The main purpose of system maintenance is to handle or be prepared with unexpected system malfunctions, enhance and improvise the system based on the current technology demands and strengthen the system security. All the five stages of SDLC waterfall models are vital to ensure that the system is developed within the estimated time and allocated budget, while the ultimate mission is for the system to be successfully implemented without failures. During the coding stage, a special algorithm called multi selection control technique will be applied for invigilators who requested for invigilation duty exchange. The developers had series of meeting and interviews with the users during the first stage of SDLC to confirm the constraint or condition lists for the system to verify and accept the invigilation duty exchange. The following Table 1 shows the list of constraints or conditions that need to be considered and fulfilled by the system whenever the invigilators request for invigilation duty exchange.